Ancient Mathematics
Recent papers in Ancient Mathematics
This paper proposes an updated analysis of the four mathematical problems on the two main fragments of P. Berlin 6619. Photographs, transcription, translation and commentary of the problem texts are included. The analysis focuses in... more
For nearly a century there is an ongoing debate about, have the ancient Egyptians known any case of the Pythagorean Theorem and that the triangle 3-4-5 is right-angled? According to the opinions of most scholars, there is no written... more
Problem 18 of the Moscow mathematical papyrus constitutes an exception within the extant corpus of Middle Egyptian mathematical problems, for no plausible interpretation of it has been proposed, despite the relative good condition of the... more
| tp n jr.t nb.t 2 | mj Dd n=k nb.t m tp-r 3 | r 4 2 1 m aD(pl.) HA 4 | dj=k rx=j AH.t(pl.)=s jr.xr=k 5 | jr=k 9 1 n 9 Hr-ntt jr nb.t
Problem 53 of the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus deals with the calculation of the area of a triangle and two trapezia. Even though the dimensions of the trapezia and the procedure to calculate their area are unclear, this paper suggests that... more
An examination of the word order in which Greek literary texts, up to circa 325 bce, record compound numbers (e.g., “twenty-four”) illuminates two problems: the transmission of numbers in those texts, and the expansion of “commercial”... more
Depuis quelques décennies, la question d'une compréhension historiquement correcte de la méthode de Diophante a attiré l'attention des chercheurs. « L'algèbre moderne (c'est-à-dire, post-viètienne) », « la géométrie algébrique », «... more
The Rhind mathematical papyrus incorporates a small group of problems focusing on pyramids and demonstrating how to calculate their seked side slopes and heights. Two other problems, pRhind 60 and pMoscow 14, have been discussed... more
Philosophia Scientiae est une revue scientifique à comité de lecture qui publie des travaux originaux en épistémologie, en histoire et en philosophie des sciences, en philosophie analytique. Ouverte aux travaux portant sur l'ensemble des... more
The written mathematics of late neolithic Mesopotamians emerged from a cultural impetus to control the flow of surplus economic goods in their settled societies: grains and grain products, sheep and other herded animals, jugs of dairy... more
The pseudo-Aristotelian Mechanical Problems is the earliest known ancient Greek text on mechanics, principally concerned with the explanation of a variety of mechanical phenomena using a particular construal of the principle of the lever.... more
Herodot bezeichnet in seinen Historien (1, 170, 2 u. ö.) Sardinien als "die größte Insel der Welt". Dieser Irrtum -in Wirklichkeit ist Sizilien größer -erklärt sich daraus, dass in der Antike oft nicht die Fläche, sondern die Umfänge von... more
Yehuda Liebes wrote a book on the Book of Creation and his book causes wonder both for what it relates and for what it excludes. 1. Liebes is not fully aware of the textual problems of the book he discusses and though he promises to quote... more
Like the Great Pyramid of Khufu, "THE PLATEAU", where the three great pyramids of Giza are located, was conceived according to a mathematical plan. The dimensions of this plateau and the distances between the three great pyramids... more
As a theme of historical research Diophantus’ work raises two main issues that have been intensely debated among researchers of the period: (i) The proper understanding of Diophantus’ practice; (ii) the recognition of the mathematical... more
This paper focuses on How there are different and dissonant values in measuring dimensions in ancient Egypt? The ancient Egyptians relied on a natural method to measure dimensions like the arm that was used as a measure of length,... more
Written and deciphered by Bethsheba Ashe (2022). The decipherment of any system-whether cryptographic, numerical or literary, starts with a key. For Jean-François Champollion's decipherment of hieroglyphics that key was the Rosetta Stone.... more
Contrary to Michael Dummett's claim that Frege invented the context principle (that a word only has meaning in the context of a sentence), it is shown to be at work in Book V of Euclid's Elements, especially in Eudoxus's definition of... more
This paper presents a new interpretation of the ritual of finger-numbering, described in three spells of the Coffin Texts. Explicative images of the count are proposed on the basis of two different descriptions of this test of competence,... more
"The broad reception of Vitruvius in architectural history has especially accounted for the fact that fields of knowledge essential for the understanding of ancient processes of design and planning remain hitherto unconsidered. Although... more
This paper analyzes the algorithmic structure of geometrical problems in Egyptian papyri of the first half of the second millennium B.C. Processes of transformation of quantities from ‘‘false’’ values into actual values, and conversions... more
International Graduate Student Conference. 26th–28th Nov, 2020. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Online. Co-organized with Paul Hasselkuß (Düsseldorf), Tiago Hirth (Lisbon), Deborah Kant (Konstanz), Deniz Sarikaya (Hamburg), Tobias Schütz... more
Il Timeo: negazione del principio di necessità condizionale, matematica e teodicea* di Marwan Rashed
In Odes 1.28, Horace deals with one of his favorite topics: death and the appropriate human disposition towards it, by focusing on the Pythagorean mathematician Archytas and his tomb near the sea. The paper tackles the old interpretive... more
The analysis of Problem 60 of the Rhind mathematical papyrus, the final exercise in a section devoted to the calculation of linear measures of monuments, is problematic, in particular with reference to the interpretation of the words jwn... more
Whether the artisan who made the Omphalos at Delphi over 2500 years ago recognized the optical transform properties of its shape or not, its geometrical features are nevertheless those of a space-inverting anamorphoscopic mirror.... more
Overview of existing accounts of Aristotle's ontology of mathematical objects as well as a proposal for a new account, according to which specific mathematical objects almost all only exist insofar as they are constructed in thought,... more
In ancient Egyptian mathematics, the algorithmic structure of the problem texts is characterized by the presence of two levels of calculation: the main algorithmic level, constituted by a series of operations executed step by step, and a... more
In the first argument of Metaphysics Μ.2 against the Platonist introduction of separate mathematical objects, Aristotle purports to show that positing separate geometrical objects to explain geometrical facts generates an ‘absurd... more
A Roman centuriated cadastre may include other Roman linear features - such as roads - which are oblique to the square grid, and appear to ignore it. But initial impressions are deceptive; there are several cases which reveal clear... more
Very pleased to announce the recent publication of this volume - the first to explore how numbers were generated and deployed in the polis to quantify, communicate and persuade. Many thanks to all the contributors and my tireless... more
The OUP series Women in Antiquity, which Watts' book is a part of, aims to provide " compact and accessible introductions " to the life and times its various individul subjects. Watts has accomplished this aim well with his new book. In... more
Relying upon a very close reading of all of the definitions given in Euclid’s Elements, I argue that this mathematical treatise contains a philosophical treatment of mathematical objects. Specifically, I show that Euclid draws elaborate... more
Based on the analysis of various letters of dedication by Archimedes of Syracuse and Apollonios of Perge, as well as the prefaces of letters by Seneca and Diogenes of Oenoanda, the essay illustrates the strategies used by authors of... more
Models are one of the main instruments in scienti c research. Disciplines have developed a di erent model understanding of the notion, function and purpose. We thus need a systematic approach in order to understand, to build and to use a... more
Translated by Gianluca Longa 1 Résumé : Cet article vise à montrer dans quelle mesure l'examen de certains passages de l'oeuvre d'Aristote peut contribuer à la résolution d'importants problèmes liés à l'interprétation de l'analyse... more
A vase found in Clunia (Hispania Citerior) about 1930, was decorated with a geometric drawing with numbers and asks for a calculation This kind of calculus is common in papyri and ostraka from the East, but this cup seems to be one of... more