Applied Linguistics and TESOL
Recent papers in Applied Linguistics and TESOL
The need to address culture in the language learning process has been emphasized as a means to promote both intercultural awareness and communicative language curricula. In countries such as Turkey, this has been an ongoing concern in the... more
The study examines roles teachers of English as a second language in Kazakhstan- a country where the main language of instruction is Kazakh. The need to investigate roles teachers play in the teaching and learning of English in Kazakhstan... more
While a wealth of resources is available for teaching research writing of traditional IMRD research papers, instructors have little to draw on when working with graduate students in mathematics. The present study offers insight into... more
This article reflects my ongoing development of a principled and flexible methodological framework beyond pre-packaged, one-size-fits-all methods; a framework free from traditional or dogmatic constraints, flexible enough to take into... more
In the modern era, many methods for the instruction of language principles and skills have been proposed, developed, and implemented to assist language learners with their advancement. In this paper, the unique concept of formulaic... more
The purpose of this investigation is to design and evaluate new assessment tools for a communicatively oriented, digitally integrated elementary EFL course. How can learners’ own needs be included, i.e. media use? What standards might... more
This volume was conceived as a "best practices" resource for assessment in the way that Vocabulary Myths by Keith S. Folse is one for reading and vocabulary teachers. Like others in the Myths series, this book combines research with good... more
This paper introduces a novel online vocabulary profiling application called the New Word Level Checker ( and word list resources used by the application. First, the rationale for developing another web... more
American English has many word pairs and trios that are alike enough to be confusing. Word Choice Errors provides a novel way to empower writers of all levels to cut through the confusion to understand which word to use and why that's the... more
This is a review of Karen Ehman's (2015) book, Keep It Shut: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Say Nothing At All (Zondervan).
Despite not being a textbook designed specifically for English language learners, Scott Foresman Science is wonderful and amazing for young learners and thanks to thoughtful design, definably very usable for an English language teaching... more
Translanguaging has been largely implemented in bilingual classrooms, but there is a paucity of research investigating this approach in classrooms where more than two languages co-exist. Moreover, it is still unclear what particular... more
Studying the sentence structure in any language is a very significant step since it offers learners the ability to speak and write accurately. Some linguists state that grammar in language learning is like the skeleton to the human body,... more
Fate is regarded as a central component in tragedy. The significant role of fate is recognized when, despite a character's heroic acts and good intentions, they face death simply because they are doomed to die. But studies confirm... more
This paper reviews and discusses research on notetaking during academic listening conducted in both first (L1) and second language (L2) contexts and is organized into two main categories: research that is beginning to impact English for... more
This book is a collection of real-life, personal narratives, or stories, on the theme of language and globalization. These stories are written by scholars from a range of different sub-disciplines of linguistics, time periods, and... more
Whereas there has been some research on the role of bottom-up and top-down processing in the learning of a second or foreign language, very little attention has been given to bottom-up and top-down instructional approaches to language... more
Refers to any English teaching that relates to a study purposes. Students who’s their first language is not English may need help with both; language of academic disciplines and the specific “study skills” required of them during course.... more
Although a great paucity exists in scholarly studies on education in Somalia, the scarcity is more evident in the English studies area, particularly English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL) (used... more
This is the Conference Program for the SOE Annual Convention on April 16, 2016
Second Language Acquisition Applied to English Language Teaching offers teachers of English language learners an overview of second language acquisition (SLA) theory while allowing readers to reflect on their own classroom practices. It... more
Sharing information with novice translators and interpreters is of great importance. This report aims to share the experience and knowledge of the writer with those who are major in translation and interpretation.
This book introduces and explains a series of tools for curriculum renewal and revitalization in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) programs, based on the experiences of the authors in successfully implementing a new curriculum in a... more
This is a book review of Geoffrey Pullum's (2018) Linguistics: Why It Matters (Polity Press).
The tenth volume of Crossings is special for us. Ten in numerology signifies the completion of a circle, and the determination to move forward with renewed vigor. Over the last decade, we have established ourselves as a serious publishing... more
Second language acquisition (SLA) is known as both the process of learning an additional language and the field where issues pertaining to the teaching and learning of a second language (L2) are discussed (Ellis, 2010; Nunan, 2001). The... more
This paper concentrates on VOICE form of our speech in English language. And the first reason for writing on this topic is to EXPLAIN why some of the ideas about certain Voice conversions are incorrect. And why it was necessary to do it?... more
This chapter discusses the implications of the NNEST lens in the context of teacher education programs in TESOL. In particular, it focuses on a discussion of two key issues: avoiding the monolingual bias in describing languages and... more
The 3/2/1 Fluency Activity is a simple, fun, and effective way to improve speaking fluency. During this meaning-focused activity, time pressure and repetition challenge learners to improve performance.
A corpus stylistics analysis of Hemingway's short story 'Big Two-Hearted River' delivered at IVACS Corpus Linguistics symposium, Maynooth University 24/2/2018
Note taking in EFL classrooms has been gaining attention in recent years, likely due to growing numbers of EFL students who attend lectures given in English and the importance of note taking during language proficiency tests. While... more
Due to the idiosyncrasy of human psychology, the way of learning varies from person to person. Therefore, irrespective of what method it is, one single method cannot randomly teach all persons. So, to produce the most effective result,... more
Welcome to the International Journal of TESOL Studies (IJTS) special issue for the 2021 Global English Education China Assembly (henceforth "the Assembly"). This is the first of the three special issues of the 2021 Assembly (see also the... more
This is a report on action research that develops story cards for ELT based on Jungian archetypes, and empirical research demonstrating improvement in narrative writing versus textbook and PowerPoint taught groups. Improvement may be due... more
The present research work aims to unfold the communicativeness that Communicative Language Teaching and cognition, and the pros and cons of Collaborative Writing ( literature. We overview the writing skill, collaboration, CW in terms of... more
This searchable pdf document lists 991 periodicals of interest to graduate students and researchers in applied linguistics and TESOL. (Version 23, January 2020).
In this article, I discuss five ways that SLA is relevant to English language teachers, and I introduce 10 SLA-related journals and encourage teachers to check out relevant articles.
Idioms are said to mirror the culture of the language. As it happens with most culturally-determined language aspects, idioms pose great difficulties for learners (Prodromou 2003; Tran, 2012; Vasiljevic, 2011), to the point where some... more
The scope of this article is Prescriptive Grammar. Any English user may need a quick reference concerning conditionals in general. However, many users have an incorrect idea that, when we use past perfect in the if clause, it is ALWAYS... more