Bağdat Caddesi
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Recent papers in Bağdat Caddesi
Bağdat Avenue, which was a summer place on the Anatolian side of Istanbul until the mid-1950s started to transform into a permanent residential district after this date while construction activities accelerated and apartments were built... more
Bağdat Avenue, which was a summer place on the Anatolian side of Istanbul until the mid-1950s started to transform into a permanent residential district after this date while construction activities accelerated and apartments were built in the region after the Condominium Law was enacted in 1965. The "1/5000 Bostancı Erenköy Zoning Construction Plan" was introduced at the end of 1972, which allows denser and higher construction in parcels except for the ones on the coast and Bağdat Avenue, so apartment designs started to change in the region. For this reason, the apartments built between 1965 and 1973 are regarded as important documents. They bear common characteristic features with their rational forms, large balcony and window openings, flowerpots, railings, sunshades, decorative wall panels, dynamic geometric façade compositions, and similar façade materials. These features emerge as important elements defining the urban character of the region. In this regard, questioning the authentic features, distinguishing them from the contemporaneous apartments in Turkey, and evaluating them in the context of the architectural tendencies of the era become important.
The aim of the article emerges as documenting the façade characteristics of the apartments built between 1965 and 1973 at Bağdat Avenue, evaluating their authentic characteristics within the context of world architecture as well as the architecture of Turkey. This evaluation enables to question whether they designate a defined urban identity to their region. Within the scope of the study, 15 buildings were selected and documented with photographs while building data were gathered from the Archives of Kadıköy Municipality. Façade characteristics of the selected apartments were analyzed and compared with the contemporaneous apartments in Turkey to determine the similarities and differences, and they were assessed in the context of the architectural tendencies of the era. The façade characteristics were studied under the titles: building mass features, characteristic architectural elements, and material features. The shaping of the mass and window openings; flowerpots, railings, sunshades, wall panels, and sculptural elements; usage of travertine, marble, wood, and metal; were examined under these headings. The analyses were assisted with figures and similarities as well as differences with other apartments were explained. In addition, the architectural elements were interpreted in relation to the contemporaneous architectural attitudes. The analyses led to the following inferences:
-Contrary to the central districts of Istanbul, these residences have lesser floors as well as wider windows and balconies displaying the summer resort characteristics of the area.
-Although they have common features with other apartments such as rational building mass, wide façade openings, stylized railings, and sculptural elements, they bear distinguishing characteristics such as dynamic compositions, flowerpots, sunshades, artworks, and different materials.
-These authentic features define an architectural language and constitute an urban character.
-Despite their rational planning, as a result of the dynamism and complexity of the façade, excess usage of flowerpots and sunshades, and geometric compositions, it can be assessed that Late Modern principles were adopted while Brutalism is also monitored in a limited sense.
-As the façades bear local elements like travertine cladding, sunshades, and wall panels, a regionalist attitude, which is employed together with universal architectural values, can be observed.
The apartments built between 1965 and1973 in Bağdat Avenue have dynamic façade compositions despite their rational masses while they bear local components. In this regard, these residences dwell upon assembling local circumstances with universal values and endeavor to make a connection with their place. They distinguish from other apartments with their dynamic façade compositions, employment of travertine and wood, excess usage of flowerpots or sunshades, usage of sculptural elements and artworks, and constitute an architectural pattern indigenous to the region, which makes them an important part of the urban characteristic of Bağdat Avenue. Within this study, it has been aimed to contribute to the literature by documenting the façade characteristics of the apartments constructed between 1965 and 1973 at Bağdat Avenue, which are architectural heritage in danger due to the urban transformation of the region. In addition, the apartments in question have been evaluated together with other examples from Turkey to exhibit their authentic features and have been discussed in the context of global architecture so that an evaluation can be made in terms of the contemporaneous architectural tendencies. These evaluations have been meant to exhibit the importance of these buildings within the architectural context.
The aim of the article emerges as documenting the façade characteristics of the apartments built between 1965 and 1973 at Bağdat Avenue, evaluating their authentic characteristics within the context of world architecture as well as the architecture of Turkey. This evaluation enables to question whether they designate a defined urban identity to their region. Within the scope of the study, 15 buildings were selected and documented with photographs while building data were gathered from the Archives of Kadıköy Municipality. Façade characteristics of the selected apartments were analyzed and compared with the contemporaneous apartments in Turkey to determine the similarities and differences, and they were assessed in the context of the architectural tendencies of the era. The façade characteristics were studied under the titles: building mass features, characteristic architectural elements, and material features. The shaping of the mass and window openings; flowerpots, railings, sunshades, wall panels, and sculptural elements; usage of travertine, marble, wood, and metal; were examined under these headings. The analyses were assisted with figures and similarities as well as differences with other apartments were explained. In addition, the architectural elements were interpreted in relation to the contemporaneous architectural attitudes. The analyses led to the following inferences:
-Contrary to the central districts of Istanbul, these residences have lesser floors as well as wider windows and balconies displaying the summer resort characteristics of the area.
-Although they have common features with other apartments such as rational building mass, wide façade openings, stylized railings, and sculptural elements, they bear distinguishing characteristics such as dynamic compositions, flowerpots, sunshades, artworks, and different materials.
-These authentic features define an architectural language and constitute an urban character.
-Despite their rational planning, as a result of the dynamism and complexity of the façade, excess usage of flowerpots and sunshades, and geometric compositions, it can be assessed that Late Modern principles were adopted while Brutalism is also monitored in a limited sense.
-As the façades bear local elements like travertine cladding, sunshades, and wall panels, a regionalist attitude, which is employed together with universal architectural values, can be observed.
The apartments built between 1965 and1973 in Bağdat Avenue have dynamic façade compositions despite their rational masses while they bear local components. In this regard, these residences dwell upon assembling local circumstances with universal values and endeavor to make a connection with their place. They distinguish from other apartments with their dynamic façade compositions, employment of travertine and wood, excess usage of flowerpots or sunshades, usage of sculptural elements and artworks, and constitute an architectural pattern indigenous to the region, which makes them an important part of the urban characteristic of Bağdat Avenue. Within this study, it has been aimed to contribute to the literature by documenting the façade characteristics of the apartments constructed between 1965 and 1973 at Bağdat Avenue, which are architectural heritage in danger due to the urban transformation of the region. In addition, the apartments in question have been evaluated together with other examples from Turkey to exhibit their authentic features and have been discussed in the context of global architecture so that an evaluation can be made in terms of the contemporaneous architectural tendencies. These evaluations have been meant to exhibit the importance of these buildings within the architectural context.
Kent çok zengindir: Sürekli yineler kendisini, yineler ki bir şeyler akıllarda çakılıp kalsın… Bellek denen şey çok zengin: Sürekli yineler göstergeleri, yineler ki kent var olmaya başlasın. Italo Calvino Anlatmak ve tartışmak istediğim... more
Kent çok zengindir: Sürekli yineler kendisini, yineler ki bir şeyler akıllarda çakılıp kalsın… Bellek denen şey çok zengin: Sürekli yineler göstergeleri, yineler ki kent var olmaya başlasın. Italo Calvino Anlatmak ve tartışmak istediğim şey referansını kişisel deneyimimden ve dolayısıyla belleğimden aldığı için meseleye yabancılaşıp neredeyse tanrısal bir bakışla ve "-dir " li, "-dır " lı cümlelerle nasıl dile getirebileceğimi bilemedim. Bunun nedeni meselenin benimle ilgili olması ancak genel çerçeveden baktığımda sizi de meselenin içine davet etmek isteğim. Diğer yandan dilden bahsetmişken, akademik dil ile sağlanabilmesi muhtemel mesafenin bu bağlamda oldukça göstermelik olduğunu düşünüyorum ve en başından itiraf ediyorum ki ben tam olarak tarafım. Tüm bu zihinsel karmaşanın içinden geçerek neticede Batı Edebiyatı'nın ilk dönemlerinde kullandığı ve gayet samimi bulduğum bir yöntemle, mektubumsu ifade biçimiyle bu metindeki dil sorunumu çözmeye çalışacağım. Metin aslında sürece tanıklığım ve sürecin kanıtı olarak çektiğim fotoğraflar üzerinden şekillenmekte. Süreci fotoğrafla belgelemiş olmam, metnin diline ilişkin kaygımın yanında ve düşünülenin aksine, metnin akışını daha da zorlaştırmakta çünkü iç içe girmiş birçok kavram ve olgu arasındaki gerilimden oluşan metnin tüm sorumluluğu bana ait. Kuşkusuz bu süreci fark etmem ve bir problem haline getirmemde, bilgisine sahip olduğum kavramlar ekseni oluşturdu ancak kuram ve uygulamanın giderek birbirlerinden uzaklaştığı günümüz düşünsel ikliminde ikisini eşzamanlı düşünmek ve ilerletmek çok da kolay görünmemekte. Ayrıca uygulamayı yapan da ben değilim. Hatta bu benim etki bakımından oldukça dışında kaldığım bir süreç. Bu metni yazarak etki yaratmayı umut ediyorum. Metnin ve ekseni oluşturan kavramların iç içeliğine uygun biçimde metni alt bölümlere ayırmadan, fotoğrafların dikte ettiği düz çizgisel zaman yerine düşünümsel bir tavırla metni kurgulamanın daha işlevsel ve anlamlı olduğuna inanıyorum. Deneyimlerimle sabittir ki bilmek her zaman bölmek değildir. Mesele mekânla ilgili. Haftada en az üç kez içinden geçtiğim, Bağdat Caddesi'ne (Suadiye) açılan bir sokağın hemen köşesindeki bir apartman ve onun bahçe duvarındaki dönüşüm beni bu metni yazmaya zorladı. Bağdat Caddesi İstanbul'un " prestij " caddelerinden birisidir. Onu herhangi bir prestij caddesinden daha fazla prestijli kılan şey, devlet ya da onun bir kurumu tarafından seçilip resmi törenler ve kutlamalarla teşvik edilen bir cadde olmayıp tersine, modern yaşamın ve tüketimden referans alan toplumsal yapının bir sembolü olarak sivil duruşuyla popüler ve prestijli kimliğini kendisinin yaratmasıdır (Akarsu 2010; 11). Hatta tersine bir duruşla sivil duruştan kaynaklanan prestijle bu tür kutlama ve törenleri kendisine çekmektedir. Bağdat Caddesi'ne yakın tarih üzerinden bakıldığında, İstanbul'daki diğer birçok caddeden daha yeni oluşu dikkati çeker. Varsıl olanın hem hane hem de ticarethane olarak bu caddede bulunmasıyla yani sermayeye duyulan imanla şekillenmiş olmasıyla diğerlerinden farklıdır. Bu caddeye varsıl yerleşim Saray'a yakın bulunmak isteyen tacirlerin Sultan Hamid Dönemi'nde konaklar yaptırmasıyla başlamış. Osmanlı mimarisine ilişkin önemli ve değerli eserler olarak ele alınabilecek bu konaklar yirminci yüzyılın ikinci yarısında, özellikle de altmışların sonu, yetmişlerin başında yerlerini teker teker betonarme binalara terk etmişler. " Bugün o güzelim ahşap Türk konaklarından geriye sadece birkaç örnek kalmıştır. Onlar da Özlem Oğuzhan 1
Bagdat Avenue is a major pedestrian-shopping axis of Istanbul Asian Side, and also a residential area with a unique culture shaped by the long-term residents thereof. Law on Transformation of Areas under Disaster Risk (no:6306) enacted in... more
Bagdat Avenue is a major pedestrian-shopping axis of Istanbul Asian Side, and also a residential area with a unique culture shaped by the long-term residents thereof. Law on Transformation of Areas under Disaster Risk (no:6306) enacted in 2012, triggered intense plot-based transformation activities in Bagdat Avenue, where transformation decisions are taken by the majority of votes of property owners on a plot basis. The purpose of this study is to determine, in the context of themes and codes, the motivation underlying the strong-willed attitude of residents who refuse renewal of their building despite appealing economic advantages. First, literature was reviewed to determine user's expectations of plot-based urban transformation, followed by an in-depth interview made with 19 property owners living in Kuzu Street of Saskinbakkal, Bagdat Avenue, who refused transformation. In conclusion, "sense of belonging, housing satisfaction and issue of trust" codes were defined regarding motivations of stakeholders who refused urban transformation.