Recent papers in Baalbek
Informationen zu den Ausgrabungen mit Beteiligung der Berliner Museen. Grabungsgeschichte von den Anfängen bis 1999, Publikationen und beteiligte Personen zusammengestellt aus den Grabungspublikationen sowie Archivalien der... more
In Kleinasien und Syrien gibt es zahlreiche Tempel, deren Architektur Hinweise auf eine Kultausübung auf dem Dach gibt. Dabei handelt es sich zum einen um Treppenhäuser, die zum Tempeldach emporführen, zum anderen um Türöffnungen in den... more
An assessment of the state of archaeology in Lebanon
Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families have existed for over 5000 years before the Birth of Christ. Using emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control, they worship all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan,... more
Contents Friederike Fless Vorwort Frank Daubner Militärsiedlungen und Territorialherrschaft in der Antike. Anstöße und Perspektiven Alexander Nuss Dionysios I. und die Gründung von Tyndaris – ein Beleg für die Etablierung der... more
This paper proposes a new interpretation of the famous fourth century A.D. mosaic of the “Seven Sages” and the “Anger of Achilles”. Discovered in Merida in 1982, this mosaic was previously analyzed and interpreted by J.M. Aharez Martinez... more
This paper summerizes the hellenistic coin finds on sites BEY 002, BEY 006, BEY 004, BEY 026, BEY 145, BEY 125, BEY 133, BEY 142 and BEY 144 from Beirut. The full data presented the VXth INC Glasgow, 2009, are consultable in the "Talks"... more
"This paper proposes a new identification of a mosaic workshop of Late Antiquity in the Near East. Two mosaic pavements, that is, the mosaic of the Bath of Achilles discovered forty years ago in room 40 of the Villa of Theseus in Nea... more
Hace algunos años, Warwick Ball propuso que el Templo de Elagabal de Emesa, jamás encontrado, debe identificarse con el complejo de templos de Baalbek. Más recientemente, Gary Young ha pretendido mostrar la endeblez de las evidencias con... more
In the fall of 2010, the Baalbek research team conducted a survey of the cemeteries and funerary remains in and around Baalbek, mostly dating between the 1st and the 5th c CE. This article provides an overview of the results of this... more
Les fouilles archéologiques conduites dans le secteur urbain du Bustan Nassif à Baalbek, situé au sud de la citadelle à l’intérieure de l’enceinte de la ville, ont livré un assemblage céramique homogène et représentatif de la nature de... more
Les chapiteaux corinthiens de l’époque romaine au Liban forment un large corpus d’environ 850 blocs. Ces chapiteaux se retrouvent sur quarantaine de sites étalés sur l’ensemble du territoire libanais et présentent une large variété dans... more
Study of 2189 coins found on three archaeological sites in Jemmayzeh, the eastern entry of Beirut. The finds stretch from the Persian to the modern period. The Medieval and contemporary coins are studied by Hassan el-Akra. Find attached... more
List of books and papers under press, waiting for publication and in progress (711/2016)
Die Publikation des Jupitertempels ist für das übergreifende Forschungsprojekt zur Entwicklung von Heliopolis / Baalbek von besonderer Bedeutung und konzentriert sich auf Planungsabschnitte und tatsächlich ausgeführte Bauabschnitte. Dazu... more
Baalbekin temppelialue Libanonissa Libanonissa, 85 kilometriä koilliseen pääkaupunki Beirutista, 1150 metrin korkeudessa olevalla tasangolla sijaitsee yksi muinaisen maailman upeimmista muinaisjäänteistä, eli Baalbekin temppelialue, joka... more
Guest editor of a volume dedicated to the archaeology of classical and post-classical Lebanon.
During Easter 1900, the German orientalist Paul Schröder (1844–1915) and the explorer and photographer Hermann Burchardt (1857–1909) undertook a trip from the Lebanese coast across the region of Akkar into the Beqaa Valley, where they... more
This paper presents a study of 95 bronze coins found recently by the french mission from Lyon at Tyre. These finds stretch from the Hellenistic to the byzantine period. The comparison of this assemblage with the finds from the necropolis... more
The Levant was part of the Roman Empire since the 1st century BC. In the 4th century, the whole region is placed in the sphere of the Eastern Roman Empire that will progressively shift to become a Christian state. By the end of the first... more
This sheet has been added to the draft atlas for Syria to show the southern region of the Anti-Lebanon in the context of the Lebanon Range to the west
Wilhelm II is a pivotal character in the historiography of German archaeology. Although he rose from a tradition of dilettantism, he supported more scientific archaeologists who characterized the field after him. No other monarch has... more
in L'Antiquité Classique 86 (2018), p. 664-665.