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      Roman PotteryRoman EpigraphyRoman EmpireRoman Sculpture
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      Art HistoryBaroque Art and LiteratureArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtSculpture
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      IconographyRoman Sculpture
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      Roman North Africa (Archaeology)Roman SculptureRoman Emperors
Research undertaken in Durham University, Faculty of Social Sciences and Health: Department of Archaeology; supervised by Dr Anna Leone. Viva voce examination held on April 15th, 2016. Examiners: Prof. Roland R. R. Smith (University of... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
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      ArchaeologyBone and AntlerRoman SculptureRoman Small Finds
A unique group of sculpture from Early Christian Cyprus comes from the so-called Villa of Theseus, at Nea Paphos. The group comprises (at least) twenty sculptures of divinities and mythological figures, which range in date from the... more
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      ArchitectureCyprus StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly Christianity
This book presents a new study of Greek large-scale bronze statuary of the late Archaic and Classical periods. It examines the discovery, origin, style, date, artistic attribution, identification, and interpretation of the surviving... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyClassics
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryClassical Archaeology
The excavations of the University of Warsaw in the so-called Villa of Theseus in Kato Paphos uncovered a unique group of at least twenty sculptures, predominantly depicting mythological figures and divinities. The building took its... more
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      Ancient HistoryCultural StudiesArchitectureCyprus Studies
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      IconographyCyprus StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly Christianity
Tios (Zonguldak-Filyos) kentteki arkeolojik kazılar 2007 senesinden beri Karadeniz Ereğli Müzesi adına, sırasıyla Prof. Dr. Sümer Atasoy ve Doç. Dr. Şahin Yıldırım’ın bilimsel danışmanlıklarıyla akropolis, antik liman, tiyatro ve... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryGreek EpigraphyRoman provincial administration
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      ArchaeologyHellenistic HistoriographyPergamonHistory of the Hellenistic World (Focus: Seleucid Empire)
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman Sculpture
Inzwischen überholt!
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      Roman SculptureRoman Archaeology
Imaging technologies are transforming the study and presentation of artefacts. The contributors to this volume are at the vanguard of applying developing technologies to cultural heritage, and their chapters... more
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryPhotogrammetryFluorescence Spectroscopy
Nottingham Castle Museum & Galleries is home to a significant collection of sculptures, votive terracottas, and small finds from the Sanctuary of Diana Nemorensis at Lake Nemi in the Alban Hills. In the Autumn Semester 2016/17 the... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman SculptureLake NemiSanctuaries in Ancient Rome and Italy
This volume is intended as a Gedenkschrift to celebrate the work and legacy of Dr Brian Dobson. The papers are provided by members of the Hadrianic Society, which Brian was instrumental in setting up over 40 years ago, and represent a... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman BritainRoman ArmyRoman Epigraphy
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman IconographyAncient Greek and Roman ArtRoman Sculpture
The material evidence for the wax finish on ancient marble statues, known as ganosis, is scarce and controversial, although Greek and Latin sources describe the recipes and cultural value of this treatment. The surface treatment of a... more
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      ArchaeologyArtCultural HeritagePolychromy in Ancient Art
Complete technical report by Rachel Sabino with contributions from Lorenzo Lazzarini follows the comprehensive curatorial essay by Katharine A. Raff.
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArt HistoryMuseum Studies
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      Roman BaeticaRoman Sculpture
Il libro studia l'edificio del culto imperiale recentemente individuato a Fano sulla base di vecchi scavi del 1899. Il monumento è costituito da una vasta sala con portico antistante, riccamente decorata di marmi policromi, con un ciclo... more
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      AugusteumRoman SculptureRoman ArchitectureScultura greca e romana
Oggetto della nota sono due frammenti di rilievo mitologico, rinvenuti nel XVIII secolo sulle pendici sud-occidentali del Palatino. Il primo è nel ‘magazzino delle Sculture’ del Museo Nazionale Romano; il secondo, inedito, nel magazzino... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman SculptureReliefs
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      Ancient Greek and Roman ArtRoman SculptureRoman Imperial PortraitsRoman Archaeology
Ky botim, i shtypur në 2000 kopje, nuk është në shitje. Iu shpërndahet falas të gjithë të interesuarve që vizitojnë Muzeun Arkeologjik Apolloni deri në përfundim të rezervave. Fotografitë e publikuara në këtë botim janë origjinale dhe të... more
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Bei der erneuten Untersuchung der Marmorstatuen von Lucus Feroniae, die vor einigen Jahren begann, spielen die Kaiserporträts aus der prächtigen Villa der gens Volusia eine wichtige Rolle. Diese suburbane Familienvilla liegt ca. 20 km... more
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      Roman SculptureRoman Imperial PortraitsPainting and sculptureRoman Archaeology
Dans un premier temps, je ne mettrai pas de pdf de l'article qui se rapporte aux découvertes de la nécropole fouillée près de la place E. Wernert (Lyon 5). Voici seulement en pièce jointe une photographie d'un sarcophage qui remploie une... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyRoman GaulPaleochristian and Late Antique ArchaeologyRoman Sculpture
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyHistory of SculptureClassical Art
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      ReproductionAncient Greek and Roman ArtRoman Marble trade and distributionToreutics
RESUMEN El artículo describe y realiza un primer estudio de las estructuras y los materiales de una villa romana recientemente excavada en Antequera. Entre ellos destacan el repertorio musivo y escultórico, de los que emerge la... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman VillaeAncient MosaicsGraeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall Paintings
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      Classical ArchaeologyArt HistoryReception StudiesArt Theory
La grande colonnade double qui a été fouillée et restaurée au Sud de Tyr par les équipes de Maurice Chéhab, entre 1946 et 1975, était considérée comme une rue à portiques. Les nouveaux travaux conduits depuis 2008 montrent qu'il s'agit... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesPhoeniciansUrbanism (Archaeology)Late Antique Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyHistory of SculptureClassical Art
Art historians and archaeologists have long been publishing visual recreations of the context of Roman sculpture that in turn allow modern viewers to imagine the spaces in which these objects were displayed. A very brief summary... more
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      Digital Humanities3D Modelling (Architecture)Roman SculptureGamification in Education
Clearly related in appearance and associated together ever since their discovery, the near-life size bronze statues of Apollo and Diana from Pompeii have long been understood as a pair. The opportunity to examine both figures in close and... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyPompeii (Archaeology)Ancient Greek and Roman ArtGreek Sculpture
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      Museum StudiesMuseums and Exhibition DesignCollecting and CollectionsGraeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall Paintings
Reviews: Hermathena 191 (2011 [2014]) 130–33 [U. Roth]; European Review of History 21.1 (2014) 114–16 [T. Sandon]; Sehepunkte 14.2 (2014) [A. Lepke]; Greece & Rome 60.1 (2013) 175 [B. Levick]; Journal of Roman Archaeology 26 (2013)... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesSlavery
Bu eserler Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü'nün 27/04/2006 tarih ve B.16.0.KVM. 014/G).65675 sayılı izni ile çalışılmıştır. Bahse konu malzeme üzerine başka izinler de... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAnatolian ArchaeologyFunerary Archaeology
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      ArchaeometryRoman SculptureAncient Roman Marbles
A little-known series of three immense spalliere on the Abduction of Helen (Walters Art Museum) can now be identified as Venetian, ca. 1468 for the wedding of Caterina Corner with the King of Cyprus, by Dario di Giovanni (Vasari's Dario... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismItalian LiteratureVenetian History
For the travellers of the Grand Tour Turin is usually only a stop on the way to Rome. But the Journals of the few who decided to stay longer in the city, such as Edward Gibbon, Luigi Lanzi, Aubin-Louis Millin and the sculptor Antonio... more
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      History of CollectingRoman SculptureGrand TourAntonio Canova
This paper attempts to reconstruct the main point(s) of view of the Vatican Laocoon Group by analysing the spatial design of the group. The focus lies on the composition lines and surfaces and also on the placing and movement of the... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyVisual StudiesVisual perceptionGreek Sculpture
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      Roman ReligionLate AntiquityRoman SculptureRoman Art
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryAnatolian Studies
What is the relationship between art history and its objects? Responding to Jaś Elsner’s claim that art-historical writing is inevitably ekphrastic, this essay revisits a site of intense disciplinary anxiety—Johann Joachim Winckelmann’s... more
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      Jacques DerridaThe Classical TraditionClassical ArtSculpture
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyRoman ReligionMetallurgyRoman Army
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      History of SculptureSculptureXVII centuryRoman Sculpture
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      Art HistoryLate Antique ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
Of the many interpretive puzzles presented by the so-called Anaglypha Traiani, a pair of Roman imperial reliefs today located in the Curia Julia, one special curiosity is their depiction of a tree, commonly identified as the Ficus... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsImperial RomeRoman Sculpture