Biological risk
Recent papers in Biological risk
RESUMEN Introducción. Los accidentes de trabajo por exposición al riesgo biológico (ATBIO) son causas potenciales de enfermedades infecciosas relacionadas con alta morbilidad y mortalidad. La identificación de las causas que generan dicha... more
RESUMEN Introducción. Los accidentes de trabajo por exposición al riesgo biológico (ATBIO) son causas potenciales de enfermedades infecciosas relacionadas con alta morbilidad y mortalidad. La identificación de las causas que generan dicha... more
Nursing students are at high risk of injury while on clinical placement. The incidence of injury is three times higher in comparison to other healthcare workers, with a prevalence ranging from 25% up to 33,2%. Lack of knowledge and of... more
Nursing students are at high risk of injury while on clinical placement. The incidence of injury is three times higher in comparison to other healthcare workers, with a prevalence ranging from 25% up to 33,2%. Lack of knowledge and of... more
RESUMO O problema dos resíduos sólidos de saúde é tema de interesse mundial e tem sido tratado juntamente com os problemas relativos à saúde e ao saneamento básico. Durante no atendimento aos usuários, diferentes materiais são utilizados,... more
Çalışma hayatı insan yaşamının vazgeçilmez bir parçasıdır ve insan hayatının önemli bir bölümünü çalışma ortamında geçirir. Bu ortamlar çalışanın bedensel, ruhsal ve sosyal sağlığını bozacak tehlike ve riskler taşıması sebebiyle... more
SINTESI CONTESTO - Diversi funghi (muffe, lieviti) possono essere presenti in vari ambienti di lavoro ed essere causa di un'ampia gamma di disturbi respiratori tra cui allergie ed irritazioni. In effetti, numerose proteine di origine... more
Les rumeurs autour de la pandémie Covid-19, partie de la Chine centrale en mi-novembre 2019, alimentent plusieurs fantasmes conspirationnistes. Il s’agit, notamment, d’hypothèse d’attaque biologique sur fond... more
The recent case of outbreak of the animal foot and mouth disease in august 2007 in the UK, linked with the potential breaches of biosecurity at the neighbour Pirbright site, shows the necessity for authorities to manage data that will be... more
Background and aim of the study: Nursing students are at high risk of injury while on clinical placement. The incidence of injury is three times higher in comparison to other healthcare workers, with a prevalence ranging from 25% up to... more
Background and aim of the study: Nursing students are at high risk of injury while on clinical placement. The incidence of injury is three times higher in comparison to other healthcare workers, with a prevalence ranging from 25% up to... more