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The growing pace of international commerce has created an increased risk of invasion by alien species, which often take root and thrive in their new environment, often at great costs for the local biota and economy. The risk of... more
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      GeographyInvasive SpeciesBiosecurityTrade Policy
The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) Annual Report 2019 provides an overview of IAP activities in 2019, with specific sections on activities by affiliated regional networks AASSA, EASAC, IANAS, and NASAC. It also gives evidence of IAP’s... more
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      Science PolicyScience EducationGlobal HealthBiosecurity
I worry about caves. I’ve been worrying about them ever since reading about the role played by Kitum Cave in the known history of Marburg virus disease. In the 1980s, two separate visitors to this “elephant cave” in Mount Elgon National... more
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      AnthropologyTourism StudiesCultural HeritageCultural Heritage Conservation
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      Invasive species ecologyApplied EcologyBiosecurityAlien invasive species
In this working paper for the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, I outline ways we that might augment our biosecurity governance system with a focus on the often overlooked point that all research is dual use, and... more
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      Emerging TechnologiesBiosecurityDual Use Techmology Defense IndustryDual-use Research
Using the example of bovine tuberculosis, this paper explores the emergence, understanding, and rejection of new forms of biosecurity. The paper argues that debates over biosecurity can be conceptualised as arguments over the ability to... more
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      GeographyComputer NetworksSociology of RiskHuman-wildlife conflicts
The European Community regulations on genetically modified organisms and novel foods come from a very wide range of origins, however it is possible to identify four primary sources of law: the European Community Treaty, international law,... more
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      BiosecurityBiopiracyBioeconomyEthical and Legal Issues in Biotechnology
A brief workshop paper on risks presented by synthetic biology and our ethical responsibility to control such risks.
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      EthicsBioethicsSynthetic BiologyRisk Management
Managing the pathways by which non-native species are introduced and spread is considered the most effective way of preventing species invasions. Tourism and outdoor recreation involve the frequent congregation of people, vehicles and... more
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      Conservation BiologyMeta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewInvasive species ecologyInvasive Species
Abstract: Pandemics have been suggested as global risks many times, but it has been shown that the probability of human extinction due to one pandemic is small, as it will not be able to affect and kill all people, but likely only half,... more
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      BiotechnologyBiosecurityBioriskGlobal Catastrophic Risk
Within rural studies there have been few attempts to critically analyse crimes against nature. This paper addresses this gap by providing an analysis of farmers' reasons for illegally culling badgers in the United Kingdom. Drawing on... more
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      Rural SociologyHuman-wildlife conflictsBiosecurityBadgers
Two methods of assessing the risk of species introduction by ballast water are discussed, species-specific and environmental similarity assessments, each for alignment with four proposed principles of risk-based resource management: (i)... more
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      Risk Assessment & Risk ManagementBiosecurityIntroduced speciesBallast Water
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      International LawBiosecurityIntroduced species
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    • Biosecurity
Biosecurity is a major issue for agricultural based economies such as Australia and New Zealand. The paper provides a framework for biosecurity management strategies at the pre-border, border, and post-border stages of biosecurity threat.... more
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      Wine TourismBiosecurity
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      GeographyFilm AnalysisEnvironmental JusticeBiosecurity
La información reunida en el manual tiene por finalidad principal de orientar y facilitar el trabajo en operación y seguridad, para esto es importante comprender la importancia de integrar los conocimientos previos, y de reforzar... more
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    • Biosecurity
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Depending on who you believe medical tourism is either the new wave of cheap international health care or a gross exaggeration of the extent of international travel flows. Potentially both are true! The presentation will focus on what we... more
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      Tourism StudiesMedical TourismSustainable TourismBiosecurity
The neologism 'necrosecurity' describes the cultural idea that mass death among less grievable subjects plays an essential role in maintaining social welfare and public order. In the early months of the novel coronavirus pandemic in the... more
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      Medical AnthropologyBiopoliticsAnthropology of DeathBiosecurity
The potential phytosanitary importance of all named plant-parasitic nematode species was determined by evaluating available information on species characteristics, association with economically-important crop hosts, and ability to act as... more
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      NematologyBiosecurityPlant NematologyPlant Pathology
This essay summarizes what we know about the spread of Yersinia pestis today, assesses the potential risks of tomorrow, and suggests avenues for future collaboration among scientists and humanists. Plague is both a re-emerging infectious... more
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      EpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiologyGlobal HealthHistory of Plague
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      MicrobiologyHistory of MedicinePaleopathologyHistory of Plague
Marine biological invasions have increased throughout the world’s oceans to the extent that no region is considered ‘pristine’. At least 1781 species have been identified as introduced in marine or estuarine systems somewhere in the... more
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      Environmental ManagementRisk assessmentBiosecurityBiofouling
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    • Biosecurity
Risk assessment is a tool that has many applications in marine biosecurity. Its application to aquaculture has only recently moved from the protective standpoint of animal health (i.e. the World Organisation for Animal Health, OIE) to... more
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      Environmental ManagementRisk assessmentAquacultureBiosecurity
continuo descenso de estudios autópsicos a nivel mundial es una realidad y varias son las causas que lo explican, entre las que destacamos como prioritarias: la creciente carga de trabajo de biopsias y citologías de los patólogos que... more
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      BiosecuritySurgical PathologyAutopsy
The World Bank stated that Indigenous peoples are the most vulnerable to food insecurity in the world. A mixed methods design was applied to explore food security status among households of Ammatoa Kajang people in South Sulawesi. A... more
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      Food and NutritionFood SecurityBiosecurity
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    • Biosecurity
To implement a Biosecurity approach, governments should first identify and analyse the existing constellation of legal provisions covering the subject areas of Biosecurity. At times this may not be easy as Biosecurity is often regulated... more
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Número temático 57, ano 26, mai./ago.. 2020. Organizado por Jean Segata e Andrea Mastrangelo.
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      Social PolicyBiopoliticsAntrhopologyBiosecurity
The study is an interdisciplinary analysis, on the borderline between medical sciences, ecology, anthropology, and Orthodox theology, of some of the most critical pandemics of the last century, their causes and effects on civilization. We... more
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      ChristianityEnvironmental StudiesConspiracy TheoriesWildlife Ecology And Management
Żywność genetycznie zmodyfi kowana oraz technologia stosowana przy jej produkcji niewątpliwie stanowią przedmiot kontrowersji oraz wywołanej nimi debaty społecznej. Proces społecznej akceptacji nowych rozwiązań technologicznych... more
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      BiosecurityBiopiracyBioeconomyEthical and Legal Issues in Biotechnology
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      Computer NetworksDatabasesGenetic EngineeringSoftware
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      MicrobiologyVeterinary MedicineBiosecurityIndustry
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      Marine AquacultureEnvironmental ManagementRisk assessmentAquaculture
We advocate an increased utilisation of script theory in rural social research and suggest this will enhance understandings of the social life of farmers and other rural residents. We define a script as a culturally shared expression,... more
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      Rural SociologySexualityGender and SexualityGender
Whether intentional or not, humans have been responsible for the translocation of invasive marine species. The indicative representations of association suggest that biofouling has been the most prevalent mechanism contributing to such... more
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      BiosecurityBiofoulingIntroduced species
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      EpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiologyHistory of MedicineGlobal Health
This document was written by Arlène Alpha and Muriel Figuié (Cirad) under the coordination of the FAO Sub-Regional Resilience Team for West Africa/Sahel (REOWA). It has been reviewed by Vincent Martin, Patrick David and Oriane Turot from... more
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      AgricultureMarket ResearchHealthInfectious Diseases
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      HorticultureMicropropagationVirus-Host InteractionsBiosecurity
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      Synthetic BiologyBiosecurityBioterrorism
El objetivo de este estudio de alcance descriptivo fue revisar las investigaciones publicadas entre 2010 y 2018 sobre accidentes de trabajo con riesgo biológico en personal de salud en los países de la Región Andina, con el propósito de... more
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      BiosecuritySeguridad y Salud Ocupacional
Invasive species are driving declines in global biodiversity. Brachyurans are particularly successful marine invaders. The Asian paddle crab, Charybdis japonica, is a large invasive portunid native to Asia, first detected in the Waitematā... more
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      Marine EcologyInvasive SpeciesBiological invasionsBiosecurity
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      Environmental LawInvasive SpeciesBiodiversityInternational Environmental Law
Medical tourism: Emerging biosecurity and nosocomial issues Abstract Purpose – The major purpose of this research note is to explore some of the potential biosecurity and nosocomial risks associated with international medical tourism.... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesGlobal HealthSustainable TourismBiosecurity
Since the collapse of negotiations around a protocol to the 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC) in 2001, states parties have begun to discuss several novel issues linked to the broader implementation of the BWC as part of a... more
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In a world where invasive alien species (IAS) are recognised as one of the major threats to biodiversity, leading scientists from five continents have come together to propose the concept of developing an international association for... more
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      Exotic SpeciesInvasive species ecologyInvasive SpeciesBiological invasions
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      BiosecurityLaboratory Biosafety