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    • Biosafety
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In March 2008, the six world leading agro-biotechnology companies, presented a private, international instrument for liability and redress to cover the environmental damage caused by genetically modified organisms. The proposal was... more
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      BusinessInternational RelationsInternational StudiesEnvironmental Studies
Context: The Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology (INOR) is the leading institution for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of cancer in Cuba. The main methods used in cancer treatment are surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The... more
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      Occupational HealthOccupational Health & SafetyBiosafetyOccupational health and safety
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyHospital InfectionRisk assessment
É o primeiro capítulo de um livro sobre biossegurança, voltado para qualquer profissional que se interesse pelo assunto. O livro foi escrito em linguagem coloquial, sem o formalismo tradicional do meio acadêmico e mesclando um texto... more
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    • Biosafety
A brief workshop paper on risks presented by synthetic biology and our ethical responsibility to control such risks.
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      EthicsBioethicsSynthetic BiologyRisk Management
کابینت های ایمنی زیستی ( )BSCsفضاهای کاری محصور با هود تهویه هستند که به منظور نگهداری میکروارگانیسم های بیماریزا در طی فرآیندهای میکروبیولوژیکی طراحی شده است. هدف اصلی کابینت های ایمنی زیستی محافظت از پرسنل آزمایشگاه و محیط زیست در برابر... more
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      MicrobiologyHematologyBacteriologyMedical Education
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      BiosafetyFamily FarmingDairy Cattle
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      Intellectual PropertyNatural ResourcesProject ManagementPest Management
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      BiosafetyLaboratory Biosafety
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      BiosafetyEnvironmental and Public health (Microbiology)
Por sus propias características, el trabajo en el laboratorio presenta una serie de riesgos de origen y consecuencias muy variadas, relacionados básicamente con las instalaciones, los productos que se manipulan (y también con las energías... more
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      BiologyBiosafetyLaboratory management
Mainstream literature in international relations understands negotiations in terms of power politics and/or bargaining processes between rival national interests to account for states’ negotiating stands. Using definitions and questions... more
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      International RelationsInternational NegotiationInternational NegotiationsBiodiversity
In accordance with global trend, Nigeria and the rest of Africa are gradually embracing the genetically modified organisms. As well, Nigeria is coming to terms with the reality and ubiquity of applications of agro-biotechnology, including... more
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      BiosafetyOrganic FarmingFarmersAgriculture biotechnology
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      PharmacologyPhytochemistryEnglish languageData Analysis
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    • Biosafety
Independent of the language, sociocultural movements point out intentions on process as well as on product of the thought. In heterogeneous form and content, we have paid attention to the intentions of the Latin American Hip Hop movement... more
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      BiosafetyHip hopCirculation of KnowledgeTechnoscientific Imaginary
In September 2006, a WTO dispute settlement panel issued its long-awaited decision in favor of the United States in the dispute between the U.S. and the European Union over genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The ruling was based on... more
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      Environmental LawHuman Rights LawInternational LawEnvironmental Justice
Despite the (serious) global concerns about the safety and genetic stability of genetically modified organisms, the Malaysian National Biosafety Board (NBB) has recently approved the field testing for genetically modified (GM) male... more
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      BioethicsBiosafetyGMO BiosafetyGMOs
This Project aims to realize an Environmental and Social Development Plan through an Environmental Assessment Study. This study is for the building of a Biosafety Lab in Kamboinse. Throughout the implementation of the project, there will... more
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      EngineeringIntellectual PropertyNatural ResourcesProject Management
El surgimiento de infecciones originadas por el SARS-CoV-2 en el humano ha desencadenado una serie de conflictos de salud, económicos y sociales en el entorno mundial. El área odontológica debe poseer todo el conocimiento necesario acerca... more
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      Dental HealthPublic HealthBiosafetyManagment
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      EcologyAgricultureRisk ManagementAquaculture
Opinion in Africa over the use of genetically modified crops for food has been divided, honed by more than a decade of arguments in Europe and elsewhere. Fortunately, the perceived image of a passive Africa in this game is changing... more
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      Computer NetworksBiotechnologyPlant biotechnologyResearch
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    • Biosafety
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No Brasil, entre 2008 e 2009, 16 tipos de sementes transgênicas foram liberados, o consumo de agrotóxicos passou a ser o mais elevado do mundo e a concentração fundiária aumentou. Esses dados revelam alguns dos impactos decorrentes do... more
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      BiosafetyCoexistencerecursos GenéticosSementes
One of the most contentious issues in global biodiversity law pertains to liability and redress for potential harm caused to biodiversity by transboundary transfers of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This chapter analyses the... more
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      BiosafetyGMOsCartagena Protocol on Biosafety
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      Gene FlowBiodiversityBiosafetyGenetic Engineering
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      LawInternational LawInternational TradeSustainable Development
Biological safety cabinets (BSC) are devices that are widely used by microbiologists and pharmacists when handling biohazardous materials. A safe working environment shall be achieved while using such devices. However, the safety of the... more
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      BiosafetyBiological SafetyLaboratory safety
Here in Colombia have been reported efforts on the development of genetically modified (GM) crops, like: rice, cassava, cotton, potato, sugar cane, coffee, corn, soy, stevia and chrysanthemum, by five research center (CIAT, CENICAÑA,... more
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      Intellectual PropertyBiosafetyGM crops
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      BioengineeringMolecular BiologyBiotechnologyBiosafety
This report is the outcome of an EFSA procurement (OC/EFSA/GMO/2015/02) which aims at reviewing relevant scientific information on RNA interference (RNAi) that could serve as baseline information for the environmental risk assessment of... more
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      BiosafetyRNA interferenceGMOs
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      AgronomyFood ScienceNutritionFood and Nutrition
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Biosafety is a set of actions focused on preventing, minimizing and eliminating risks associated with research, production, teaching, use, technology development and services related to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) with the aims... more
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    • Biosafety
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      Gene FlowPopulation GeneticsAgricultureRisk assessment
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      TechnologyMolecular BiologyAgricultural PolicyPolitics
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    • Biosafety
The newly discovered coronavirus (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2, SARS-CoV-2) is the causative agent of the ongoing pandemic. Broad arrangement has been done to minimize virus spreading among population and to control the... more
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ABSTRACT Background: The toxicity; biochemical, hematological and histopathological study of Anchomanes difformis aqueous extract was carried out. Methods: Six groups; 0, 100, 1000, 5000, 7500, and 10,000 mg/kg p.o of mice consisting of... more
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      ToxicologyDrug DiscoveryHistologyBiosafety
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      Synthetic BiologyBiolawIntellectual Property RightsBiosafety
Este trabalho procura contar a forma como se deu a entrada das sementes transgênicas no Brasil e sua posterior institucionalização. E, a partir do caso brasileiro, avalia se essa tecnologia tem condições de contribuir, como anunciado por... more
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      BiosafetyGenetic EngineeringTransgênicosGMOs
This paper argues that although many transgenic crops are still in their early states of adoption and even more are being tested and developed, emerging trends show significant societal benefits through positive economic impact... more
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      BiotechnologyAgricultureBiosafetyInnovation Studies
Safe-by-Design is an engineering concept for risk management. Recent rapid developments in biotechnology are possible with techniques that allow doing genetic engineering faster and with more precision. These developments cause new... more
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      BiosafetyGMO BiosafetySafety by DesignSafe-by-Design
The General Safety Test is an animal test for the detection of extraneous toxic contaminants and one which is sometimes undertaken for biological products intended for administration to humans. In the European Pharmacopoeia, the test is... more
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      PharmacyAnimal ScienceAnimal BehaviorAnimal Studies
This paper examines one important aspect of the current organization of scientific and technological research – namely, the system of patenting and licensing and its role in structuring the production and dissemination of knowledge. The... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceIntellectual PropertyInnovation statisticsHistory of Science