Biological systems
Recent papers in Biological systems
Motivation: To promote a systems biology approach to understanding the biological effects of environmental stressors, the Chemical Effects in Biological Systems (CEBS) knowledge base is being developed to house data from multiple complex... more
Copper, as a heavy metal, is toxic for many biological systems. Thus, the determination of trace amounts of copper in environmental samples is of great importance. In the present work, a new method was developed for the determination of... more
Recent progress in genomics and experimental biology has brought exponential growth of the biological information available for computational analysis in public genomics databases. However, applying the potentially enormous scientific... more
Five principles of skill acquisition are presented based on a review of research on human learning and expertise. Essentially these principles state that practice leads to faster and more efficient uses of knowledge. This enables faster... more
We compared the abilities of Biolog’s GN and ECO plates to distinguish among aerobic and heterotrophic bacterial communities in samples from six aquatic environments. The Biolog system is based on interpreting patterns of sole-carbon... more
Long-term preservation of complex engineered tissues and organs at cryogenic temperatures in the absence of ice has been prevented to date by the difficulty of discovering combinations of cryoprotectants that are both sufficiently... more
If we are to make advances in the design of information systems for the processing of functional genomic data, we must carefully examine the concepts of gene and function. Therefore, we must consider the biological models that are used to... more
Synthetic biology is an emerging field that strives to build increasingly complex biological networks through the integration of molecular biology and engineering. The growth of the field has been supported by progress in the design and... more
Molecular and tissue damage induced by reactive oxygen species is a serious consequence of the production of free radicals in biological systems. Biological markers produced by reactions with hydroxyl radicals are useful indices of free... more
insight review articles "For it is simply a fact of observation that the guiding principle in every cell is embodied in a single atomic association existing only in one copy (or sometimes two)-and a fact of observation that it results in... more
Aromatic amines represent one of the most important classes of industrial and environmental chemicals: many of them have been reported to be powerful carcinogens and mutagens, and/or hemotoxicants. Their toxicity has been studied also... more
Pyocyanin (1-hydroxy-N-methylphenazine) is a cytotoxic pigment secreted by the bacterial species Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which frequently infects the lungs of immunosuppressed patients as well as those with cystic fibrosis. Pyocyanin... more
HO 2 •, usually termed either hydroperoxyl radical or perhydroxyl radical, is the protonated form of superoxide; the protonation/deprotonation equilibrium exhibits a pKa of around 4.8. Consequently, about 0.3% of any superoxide present in... more
Synchrony between mechanically separated biological systems is well known. We posed the question: can cells induce synchronous behavior in neighboring cells which are mechanically separated and which cannot communicate via chemical or... more
effects of alien species and climate change in the assessment framework, and by the nonlinear doseresponse relationships dominating in biological systems. Attempts to diminish uncertainties in quality assessment have become a new... more
With rapid technological advances in network infrastructure, programming languages, compatible component interfaces and so many more areas, today the computational Grid has evolved with the potential of seamless aggregation, integration... more
a significant relationship was found between soluble P loss in runoff and soil test P. Eghball and Gilley (2001) Soils with high levels of P can contribute to excess P in runoff and found that erosion was the most important factor in... more
Many of the simple mathematical models currently in use often fail to capture important biological factors. Here we extend current models of insect-pathogen interactions to include seasonality in the birth rate. In particular, we consider... more
G-quadruplex secondary structures, which play a structural role in repetitive DNA such as telomeres, may also play a functional role at other genomic locations as targetable regulatory elements which control gene expression. The recent... more
Physical-chemical processes for the capture and sequestration of CO 2 from fossil fuelfired power plant flue-gases are very expensive. Biological processes for CO 2 utilization involve plant photosynthesis and conversion of the biomass to... more
Neuroet is an easy-to-use artificial neural network (NN) package designed to assist with determining relationships among variables in complex ecological and biological systems. The package, which is available for download from the web... more
This article introduces the finite state projection ͑FSP͒ method for use in the stochastic analysis of chemically reacting systems. One can describe the chemical populations of such systems with probability density vectors that evolve... more
Biological systems are exceedingly complex. The unraveling of the genome in plants and humans revealed fewer than the anticipated number of genes. Therefore, other processes such as the regulation of gene expression, the action of gene... more
Mathematical modeling has proven to be valuable in understanding of the complex biological systems dynamics. In the present report we have developed an initial model of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system self-regulatory activity. A... more
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) can effect on biological systems and alters some cell functions like proliferation rate. Therefore, we aimed to attempt the evaluation effect of ELF-EMF on the growth of human... more
h i g h l i g h t s EEG complexity was compared between adults with autistic spectrum conditions (ASC) and control participants, whilst performing a social and a non-social task.
Skin wound healing is a complex and multiphase process. Despite present therapeutical options such as wound debridement, pressure regulation, application of growth factors, the use of skin equivalents and specific wound dressings, healing... more
Cellular Systems are defined by cells that have an internal state and local interactions between cells that govern the dynamics of the system. We propose to use a special kind of Cellular Neural Networks (CNNs) which operates in finite... more
The reverse engineering of metabolic networks from experimental data is traditionally a labor-intensive task requiring a priori systems knowledge. Using a proven model as a test system, we demonstrate an automated method to simplify this... more
In 2006, the journal Biosensors and Bioelectronics published a special issue devoted exclusively to biofuel cells, including several research papers and an extensive review of the field [
Ion channels play a crucial role in the physiology of complex biological systems because of their influence on the electrical equilibrium between the cells and their environment. From an engineering viewpoint, ion chan- nels will be the... more
Several bacteriological surveys were performed from 1994 to 1996 at different Litopenaeus vannamei hatcheries (in Ecuador) and shrimp farms (in Mexico). Samples were taken from routine productions of healthy and diseased L. vannamei... more
I claim that explanations of human behaviour by Edward O. Wilsonand Charles Lumsden are constituted by a religiously functioningmetaphysics: emergent materialism. The constitutive effects areidentified using six criteria, beginning with a... more
NAO is a natural water soluble antioxidant that was isolated and purified from spinach leaves. Using HPLC, NMR, and CMR spectroscopy, the main components were identified as flavonoids and p-coumaric acid derivatives. The NAO was found to... more
Motion vision (visual odometry, the estimation of camera egomotion) is a well researched field, yet has seen relatively limited use despite strong evidence from biological systems that vision can be extremely valuable for navigation. The... more
Biological processes and methods have been influencing science and technology for many decades. The ideas of feedback and control processes Norbert Wiener used in his cybernetics were based on observation of these phenomena in biological... more
Time-resolved flash photography was used to investigate the dynamics of shock waves and cavitation bubbles generated by picosecond optical breakdown in bovine corneal tissue and water. A picosecond NdYLF laser was employed. A rapid decay... more
The recognition that nutrients have the ability to interact and modulate molecular mechanisms underlying an organism's physiological functions has prompted a revolution in the field of nutrition. Performing population-scaled... more
Fatty acids play important roles in biological systems and the newborns fatty acids requirements are covered only by the milk. It is of particular interest to qualify the content of the fatty acids in the milk. This study was performed to... more
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play important roles in the defense mechanism against infection and in the pathogenesis of various diseases. Although chemical properties of ROS generated by leukocytes have been studied extensively, methods... more
Abstract. Invariance is a necessary feature of a visual system able to recognize real objects in all their possible appearance. It is also the processing step most problematic to understand in biological systems, and most difficult to... more
Metabolomics is a post genomic research field concerned with developing methods for analysis of low molecular weight compounds in biological systems, such as cells, organs or organisms. Analyzing metabolic differences between unperturbed... more
Functionality of biological and inorganic systems ranging from nonvolatile computer memories and microelectromechanical systems to electromotor proteins and cellular membranes is ultimately based on the intricate coupling between... more
Contaminated sites represent new ecological niches where historical pollution has originated an unusual microbial biodiversity. The knowledge of these microorganisms contributes to the discovery of new pathways and metabolic networks and... more
Microbial functional diversity in four soils sampled in the vicinity of Wanda Glacier, Antarctic Peninsula, was determined using Biolog EcoPlates at 5°C and 25°C. Comparisons of the patterns of substrate utilization and the diversity... more
The polarity of biological mediums controls a host of physiological processes such as digestion, signaling, transportation, metabolism, and excretion. With the recent widespread use of near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent dyes for biological... more