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      Predator-Prey InteractionsApplied EcologyInsect EcologyConservation Biological Control
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      Applied MathematicsEconomic GrowthPredator-Prey InteractionsBiodiversity
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      Predator-Prey InteractionsSeagrass ecologyHabitat SelectionPredation Risk
The topic of evolution in interacting species was interpreted to focus upon predator-prey coevolution. This would enable a sound theoretical basis to be constructed for the analysis of evolution in larger systems, such as food webs. As a... more
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      CoevolutionPredator-Prey InteractionsEvolutionary EcologyAdaptive Dynamics
The response of prey to predation risk varies through time and space. These responses relate to trade-offs between foraging and predator avoidance. Following the ex-tirpation of predators from many landscapes, the responses related to... more
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      Predator-Prey InteractionsReintroduction
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      Conservation BiologyConservationAustraliaWildlife Ecology And Management
Damselflies as predators of arachnids (Odonata: Coenagrionidae; Arachnida) — In 2007 and 2008 three observations were documented photographically, during which zygopterans actively preyed on arachnids: Pyrrhosoma nymphula on an orb weaver... more
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      Predator-Prey InteractionsOdonatologyOdonatology and behaviour of Insect
In a context of stark opposition between supporters and opponents to the wolf, the extent to which this particular predator is dangerous for humans is still an open question. What lies beneath the negative perception of the wolf? What... more
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      Modern HistoryEconomic HistoryRural SociologyFrench History
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      Rangeland EcologyBiologyPredator-Prey InteractionsBiological Sciences
The recolonization of human-dominated landscapes by large carnivores has been followed with considerable scientific interest; however, little is known about their interactive effect on ungulate foraging behavior. This study compared the... more
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      Conservation BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementForest Ecology And ManagementEcology
Predator-Prey dynamics, and their trophic impacts, have functioned as a focal point in both community and population biology for five decades. The work-group focusing on these dynamics has however largely changed the focus of their work... more
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      Animal BehaviorPredator-Prey InteractionsLandscape ecology (Biology)Stress (Psychology)
1. Being totally blind with no tail or pinnae, blind mole rats are the most special-ised rodents for the subterranean lifestyle. However, they come to the surface occasionally due to unusual climatic events, for foraging, to collect hay... more
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      Predator-Prey InteractionsNature ConservationSPALAXNannospalax
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      Fish BiologyPredator-Prey InteractionsAnimal BehaviourCrustacean Biology
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      Predator-Prey InteractionsAnimal BehaviourCrustacean BiologyFeeding Ecology
"Networks are mathematically directed (in practical applications also undirected) graphs and a graph is a one-dimensional abstract complex, i.e., a topological space. Network theory focuses on various topological structures and... more
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      BioinformaticsEvolutionary BiologyMathematicsOptimization (Mathematical Programming)
Knowledge about the current distribution of threatened and/or understudied species is a fundamental component of conservation biology. Mapping species distributions based on recent known occurrences is particularly important for those... more
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      Species Distribution ModelsPredator-Prey InteractionsCarnivoraEcological Niche Modeling
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      Predator-Prey InteractionsBirdsKingfishers
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      MigrationPredator-Prey InteractionsAnimal BehaviourForaging ecology
An Explanation For Why God Created Carnivorous and Predacious Fauna. This was written to address the popular interpretation that Genesis 1:30 absolutely demands that all antediluvian fauna were exclusively herbivorous. This... more
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      TheodicyPredator-Prey InteractionsBook of GenesisGenesis 1-11
The food habits and predatory interactions of Alligator mississippiensis (Ameri-can Alligator) have been thoroughly studied within populations inhabiting inland freshwater ecosystems; however, it is increasingly evident that coastal... more
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      CrocodyliansPredator-Prey InteractionsElasmobranchs
Neanderthals and their predecessors co-existed with a number of large carnivores. Hence, the Neanderthal predatory niche was shaped by their co-existence with carnivores exploiting the same categories of prey. Here, I analyze cave hyena... more
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      ZooarchaeologyPredator-Prey InteractionsTaphonomyPalaeoecology
Social scientists and ecologists have too often portrayed wolves as part of human-wildlife conflicts and have thereby construed them primarily as a problem. To counter this view it is necessary to rethink human-wolf relationships by... more
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologyHuman-Animal RelationsAnimal Studies
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      HerpetologyPredator-Prey InteractionsSnakesScience Divulgation
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      Predator-Prey InteractionsThreatened Species ConservationPredators
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      SemioticsOntologyHuman-Animal RelationsAmazonia
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementPredator-Prey InteractionsBiodiversityMarsupials
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      EcologyPredator-Prey InteractionsCarnivoresPredation
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      EvolutionPredator-Prey InteractionsCambrianCambrian Ecosystem
Dari simulasi model dapat disimpulkan bahwa spesies mangsa dan pemangsa tidak akan punah seiring berjalannya waktu dengan mengaplikasikan nilai usaha pemanenan. Dengan demikian, pemangsa yang dieksploitasi dengan usaha pemanenan tetap... more
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      Predator-Prey InteractionsPendidikan MatematikaPemodelan Matematika#mangsapemangsa
Renata Leite Pitman1,2*, Tor Bertin3, Valeria Moreno Gimenes2, Armando Mendoza2, Emeterio Nunonca Sencia2, Lucas Huaman2 and Arjan Jongeneel4 1 Nicholas School of Environment, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina... more
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      Predator-Prey InteractionsCarnivore EcologyJaguarJaguar Ecology and Conservation
Livestock – large carnivore coexistence practitioners can be more effective by expanding from a direct focus on carnivores and predation-prevention tools to the broader social-ecological context of ranches and rural communities,... more
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      Grazing and Range ManagementPredator-Prey InteractionsCarnivore EcologyLarge Carnivores
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      PainPredator-Prey InteractionsBehavioral EcologyBiological Sciences
In old Wolf Sheep Predator and Prey model a relationship among two different types of models is shown in a relatively natural ecosystem using NetLogo. One of these is a simple mobile agent-based model for simulation while other is an... more
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      System DynamicsPredator-Prey InteractionsNetlogoAggregated Predator-Prey Model
What is a disruptive innovation? This study confronts this question here by presenting different approaches, which endeavor to explain the dynamic behavior of disruptive technologies in competitive markets. Firstly, this study introduces... more
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      Economics of InnovationPredator-Prey InteractionsRadical InnovationDisruptive Innovation
Birds have been associated with forests as long as there have been birds. Since their origin, birds have diversified to occupy a remarkable array of habitats and foraging strategies, unparalleled by any other terrestrial vertebrate. Over... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental EconomicsForestry
1. Several conservation initiatives are aiming to improve the status of the rapidly dwindling populations of tiger Panthera tigris. However, possible cascading effects of intra-guild competition on other sympatric carnivores are rarely... more
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      Predator-Prey InteractionsTiger ecologyTigerTigers big cats conservation
In spatial agent-based models (SABMs) each entity of the system being modeled is uniquely represented as an independent agent. Large scale emergent behavior in SABMs is population sensitive. Thus, the number of agents should reflect the... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisAgent Based SimulationPredator-Prey InteractionsAgent-based modeling
The systematics of the Galaxias olidus hyper-species complex from south-eastern, mainland Australia is revised. Galaxias olidus Günther 1866 is redescribed, Galaxias fuscus Mack 1936 and Galaxias ornatus Castelnau 1873, previously... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)ConservationPredator-Prey InteractionsSalmonids
The complex problems of wildlife conservation during the current stage of the Anthropocene – the ‘Great Acceleration’ – are forcing us to develop an alternative to the traditional (utilitarian und deontological) approaches within animal... more
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      Animal StudiesAnimal EthicsEnvironmental EthicsCapability Approach
Predator/prey relationships in Mediterranean Europe during the Early Pleistocene are analysed at the local and regional scales and compared to patterns observed in recent fauna from four regions worldwide (East Africa, South Africa,... more
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      Predator-Prey InteractionsPleistoceneMammals
Body size changes of Bison and mortality age structure data document the effects of climate-driven environmental change and human hunting pressure on large mammals in North America. Morphometric and mortality data are drawn from 58... more
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      Functional MorphologyPredator-Prey InteractionsVertebrate EvolutionBison
Bobcats (Lynx rufus) have broad diets; they hunt and scavenge a variety of birds, small and mid-sized mammals, and reptiles (Jones & Smith, 1979; Maehr & Brady, 1986; Tewes et al., 2002). In Florida, birds make up approximately 16% of... more
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      Conservation BiologyWildlife BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementEcology
The giving-up density (GUD) framework provides a powerful experimental approach with a strong theoretical underpinning to quantify foraging outcomes in heterogeneous landscapes. Since its inception, the GUD approach has been applied... more
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      Predator-Prey InteractionsForaging ecologyGiving-up Density
Allosauroid theropods were a diverse and widespread radiation of Jurassic–Cretaceous megapredators. Achieving some of the largest body sizes among theropod dinosaurs, these colossal hunters dominated terrestrial ecosystems until a faunal... more
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      Evolutionary BiologySystematics (Taxonomy)PaleontologyPredator-Prey Interactions
"The Barking Owl Ninox connivens population in the Pilliga forests of northern New South Wales is the largest known in southern Australia. Breeding pairs in this population occupy large home-ranges across less than half of the forest. In... more
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      Landscape EcologyEnvironmental EducationScience CommunicationConservation Biology
Mendonca VM, Al Jabri MM, Al Ajmi I, Al Muharrami M, Al Areimi M, Al Aghbari H. 2010. Persistent and expanding population outbreaks of the corallivorous starfish Acanthaster planci in the NW Indian Ocean: Are they really a consequence of... more
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      Water qualityPredator-Prey InteractionsReef Fish BiologyAlgae
Background: Coat colour variation has been recorded in several mammalian taxa, including large felid species. White lions are a rare colour variant of the African lion, Panthera leo, that only occurred in the wild in the Timbavati Private... more
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      Predator-Prey InteractionsProtected Area ManagementWildlife Management and ConservationCultural history of animals
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      Stochastic ProcessCommunity EcologyDisturbance EcologyPredator-Prey Interactions