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      Fire EcologyPlant BiologyNatural HistoryEcology
Fires have been important in the Klamath-Siskiyou for millennia. Where burn severities are mixed, as they are in much of the Klamath-Siskiyou, fires may be instrumental in creating landscape heterogeneity. Landscape heterogeneity is... more
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      Fire EcologyForest Ecology And ManagementDisturbance EcologyForest Ecology
Těžba, či ponechání jedinců smrku ztepilého zasažených gradací lýkožrouta smrkového v národním parku Šumava je předmětem neutuchajících diskusí. Téma Šumavy vytváří kulisu pro podstatnou část disputací na poli ochrany přírody. Převážná... more
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      Disturbance EcologyBark BeetleDisturbanceŠumava
The spider fauna of Barangay Sinaloc, in El Salvador City was sampled from three cites (A, B and C) to assess the relative abundance, species diversity, evenness and their habitat preferences. A total of 187 individuals were collected... more
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      Conservation BiologyDiversityEcologyDisturbance Ecology
In recent years, there has been a rethinking of the role of disturbance regimes in nature conservation: from exceptional and destructive events to be controlled and/or avoided, to key ecological processes to be nurtured and choreographed.... more
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      Human GeographyPlant-Herbivore InteractionsRural GeographyDisturbance Ecology
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      Disturbance EcologyPuerto RicoBenthic EcologyFish Ecology
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      EcotourismWetlandsCommunity EcologyGrazing and Range Management
Human activity during the Anthropocene has transformed landscapes worldwide on a scale that rivals or exceeds even the largest of natural forces. Landscape ecology has emerged as a science to investigate the interactions between natural... more
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      Landscape EcologySpatial AnalysisSpatial ModelingEcology
A B S T R A C T Changes in land-use and climate increase the flammability of forests across southeast Amazonia, potentially driving abrupt fire-mediated transitions to derived savannas – grass-dominated degraded forests with scattered... more
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      Community EcologyFire EcologyAmazoniaDisturbance Ecology
This review considers factors affecting the flight capacity of carabid beetles and the implications of flight for carabids. Studies from the Dutch polders in particular show that young populations of carabids consist predominantly of... more
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      MigrationBiologyDisturbance EcologyBiogeography
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      History of ScienceAfricaFire EcologyTheory
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      Community EcologyDisturbance EcologyBolivia
Understanding how anthropogenic disturbance influences patterns of community composition and the reinforcing interactive processes that structure communities is important to mitigate threats to biodiversity. Competition is considered a... more
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      Community EcologyDisturbance EcologyCompetitionAnts
In this piece I consider emptiness as a consequence of war. War creates and leaves behind a particular form of emptiness—deadly environments contaminated with military waste. BiH is the country most heavily contaminated with military... more
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      AnthropologyEnvironmental AnthropologyHistory of ViolenceDisturbance Ecology
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      EcologyDisturbance Ecology
The survey and continuing inventory in the Bavarian Forest National Park of deadwood areas resulting from a spruce bark beetle calamity are being performed by means of visual evaluation of colour infrared aerial photographs. With the aid... more
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      ForestryRemote SensingConservation BiologyDisturbance Ecology
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      Fire EcologyForest Ecology And ManagementDisturbance EcologyForestry and Wildlife Management
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      BotanyForestryConservation BiologyEnvironmental Studies
Per l’a.a. 2021/2022 la Summer School Narrazioni dai futuri in rivolta. Nuovi materialismi in tempi postumani sperimenta un nuovo formato, proponendo un percorso intensivo in cui si renderanno accessibili alcuni strumenti teorico-pratici... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesContemporary ArtLiterary Theory
Tundra fires are projected to increase with anthropogenic climate change, yet our ability to assess key wildfire metrics such as fire severity remains limited. The Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) is the most commonly applied index for fire... more
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      Fire EcologyDisturbance EcologyPermafrostArctic
Hemeroby is an indicator widely used in plant ecology that indicates the level of disturbance of the optimal habitat for a species. Hemeroby is scaled on a range of ten or five point scores, higher scores of hemeroby meaning higher level... more
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      EcologyDisturbance EcologyGeneralistBirds Ecology
This paper is a literature review of multiple and intersecting drivers and hypotheses regarding the failure of oak regeneration in eastern deciduous forests of the eastern United States Below, is the introduction to the review. It is an... more
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      Disturbance EcologyTerrestrial EcologyAquatic-Terrestrial LinkagesLandscape Historical Ecology
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      Disturbance EcologyModellingMultidisciplinaryEcological Modelling
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      Feminist TheoryPolitical EcologyAgroecologyLegal History
Courir, marcher, ramper, galoper, ou simplement contempler sont des activités de plein air indispensables au bien-être de chaque humain. Sur une terre où la nature laisse la place à l'urbanisation, à des structures de transport, à... more
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      Outdoor RecreationSports ManagementDisturbance EcologyNature Conservation
The fish species diversity changes over the four-decade period the man-made Lake Kariba on the Zambezi River has existed are described, and the observed changes are related to biotic and abiotic factors to possibly understand the... more
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      DiversityDisturbance EcologyLimnology of tropical lakes
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      Fire EcologyDisturbance Ecology
Physical disturbances of the seafloor play a key role in ecosystem function and are postulated to exert control over spatial patterns of biodiversity. This review investigates the role of natural physical sedimentological processes that... more
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      SedimentologyDisturbance EcologyPhysical OceanographyBenthic Ecology
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      Stochastic ProcessCommunity EcologyDisturbance EcologyPredator-Prey Interactions
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    • Disturbance Ecology
FULL TEXT FREELY AVAILABLE FROM www.escholarship.org/uc/item/4d9394fz . . . Invasion by exotic species is a major threat to global diversity. The invasion of native perennial grasslands in California by annual species from the southern... more
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      Community EcologyExotic SpeciesRestoration EcologyFire Ecology
The sea star Parvulastra parvivipara is a small range endemic known from only seven granitic headlands in South Australia. Evidence from previous studies suggests that its unstable boulder habitat will experience increased disturbance as... more
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      Conservation BiologyMarine EcologyDisturbance EcologyEchinoderms
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      Environmental ScienceBiodiversity and Ecosystem FunctionEcologyDisturbance Ecology
Deadwood dynamics play a key role in many forest ecosystems. Understanding the mechanisms involved in the accumulation and depletion of deadwood can enhance our understanding of fundamental processes such as carbon sequestration and... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementDisturbance EcologyForest EcologyCoarse Woody Debris
In this thesis I use carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) and vascular plants to investigate the ecological effects of urbanization on forested and dry meadow habitats in the city of Helsinki, Finland. I also investigate factors that... more
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      Urban ForestryBiodiversity and Ecosystem FunctionForest Ecology And ManagementDisturbance Ecology
Al menos el 85% de los incendios forestales son originados por la mano humana.
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      Disturbance EcologyENSOGestión De RiesgosManejo de bosques naturales y especies nativas
ABSTRACT This study identifies anthropogenically disturbed areas and barren playa surfaces as the two primary dust source types that repeatedly contribute to dust storm events in the eastern Great Basin of western Utah, U.S.A. This... more
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      Fire EcologyArid Land EcologyArid environmentsDisturbance Ecology
Natural disturbances play a key role in ecosystem dynamics and are important factors for sustainable forest ecosystem management. Quantitative models are frequently employed to tackle the complexities associated with disturbance... more
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      Disturbance EcologyModellingMultidisciplinaryEcological Modelling
Human disturbance can affect animal life history and even population dynamics. However, the consequences of these disturbances are difficult to measure. This is especially true for hibernating animals, which are highly vulnerable to... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationApplied StatisticsEcology
Ecological thresholds represent a critical tipping point along an environmental gradient that, once breached, can have irreversible consequences for species persistence and assemblage structure. Thresholds can also be used to identify... more
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      Disturbance EcologyBats (Mammalogy)Cave and Karst StudiesEcological Thresholds
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      Earth SciencesRestoration EcologyMangrovesDisturbance Ecology
Remote mountainous regions are among the Earth’s last remaining wild spots, hosting rare ecosystems and rich biodiversity. Because of access difficulties and low population density, baseline information about natural and human-induced... more
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      Remote SensingFire EcologyDisturbance EcologyClimate Change and impacts on Mountain streams
As attention to resilience grows, debates in geography have focused on the relationship between resilience and vulnerability. This discussion raises further questions that geographers may be well positioned to address: what can be done in... more
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      ManagementPsychologyGeographyPolitical Economy
Red pandas (Ailurus fulgens) live in the dense forests of mid-hills of the Himalaya and feed almost exclusively on bamboo. They are vulnerable to extinction due to human induced disturbances. Habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation... more
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      Landscape EcologyConservation BiologyDisturbance EcologyWildlife Conservation
The ultimate determinants of cathemerality, i.e., activity spread over the 24-h cycle, in primates have been linked to various ecological factors. Owing to the fast rate of habitat modification, it is imperative to know whether and how... more
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      Disturbance EcologyPrimatesLemursActivity patterns
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      Disturbance EcologyForest Ecology
Despite forests are a biodiversity reservoir and a wellbeing source for the humankind, they have been largely disturbed in the past decades. Disturbed and naturally-regenerated forests and forest plantations represent 75% of the world... more
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      EcologyDisturbance EcologyForest EcologyBirds (Ecology)
Pest and pathogen disturbances are ubiquitous across forest ecosystems, im-pacting their species composition, structure, and function. Whereas severe abiotic disturbances (e.g., clear-cutting and fire) largely reset successional... more
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      Disturbance EcologyForest Disturbances
Cyclones, which change tree communities and alter forest structure, are thought to have had a significant selective pressure on the flora and fauna of Madagascar. Very little information, however, is available on the actual impact of... more
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      EcologyDisturbance EcologyMadagascarTropical Forest Ecology
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      AnthropologyIndigenous StudiesConservation BiologyEnvironmental Studies