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      Latin LiteratureCiceroVitruviusHorace
Kattu, a highly effective internal form of Siddha Materia Medica is in wider use among the Siddha professionals and Traditional healers. The word Kattu means solid, binding and with rock consistency. The origin of Kattu dates back to... more
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      CinnabarSiddhaSiddhapapersHerbo Mineral Drugs
The archaeological data is showing the relatively common use of red pigments in Prehistory in southern Iberian Peninsula. The application of archaeometric techniques (XRF) has allowed the identification of cinnabar (HgS) in Chalcolithic... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyChalcolithic Archaeology
The presence of cinnabar in collective graves in the interior of the Iberia reveals a symbolic role identifying ritual practices well known in megaliths in the south of the peninsula. The data from the necropolis of Valle de las Higueras... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyPaintingSymbolic InteractionNeolithic Archaeology
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      History of PigmentsQuattrocentoCinnabarAndrea Del Castagno
"The megalithic tomb at Montelirio is off the scale in more ways than one. As well as being the largest example of its type known in Spain, the burial goods secreted in its subterranean chambers are unsurpassed in both quantity and... more
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      ReligionArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArt History
This article summarises the history of cinnabar, from its first uses in burials to modern oils on canvas. After a brief introduction on mercury and contamination issues, the article gets to the heart of the topic. First, mercury-based... more
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      Archaeological ScienceArchaeometryArchaeological ChemistryArchaeological Methodology
Студията „Цинобърът – цвят на царе и богове“ на Росица Манова е ценно помагало за изследоваели и преподаватели в област на културното наследство. Тя е първият опит за поставяне на въпроси и формулиране на отговори, оставали дълго време... more
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Emeğin bakış açısından bir madencilik arkeolojisi yapmaya ihtiyacımız var. Bu şekilde yaşama ve eyleme hizmet eden bir arkeoloji pratiğini inşa edebiliriz. Madenciliğin derin tarihine dair bilgilerimiz bugüne ışık tutacak nitelikte.... more
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      Aegean Prehistory (Archaeology)History of MiningAnatolian Archaeology (Archaeology)Cinnabar
The study "Cinnabar - the Colour of Kings and Gods" by Rositsa Manova, Ph.D., is a valuable resource for researchers and teachers in the field of cultural heritage. It is the first attempt at asking questions and formulating answers... more
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      Ancient HistoryBook HistoryCultureKingship (Medieval History)
The use of red pigments linked to burial practices is widely documented in the Iberian prehistoric record and very often it has been traditionally interpreted as a ritual practice entailing the utilisation of local raw materials (iron... more
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      ReligionPrehistoric ArchaeologyGeologyArt History
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      FTIR spectroscopyRaman SpectroscopyCinnabar
Resumen: Este artículo examina la evidencia sobre el intercambio de obsidiana y cinabrio, recursos altamente codiciados que viajaron en la prehistoria del Perú, desde la sierra centro-sur a la zona de la sociedad Paracas. La evidencia del... more
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyArchaeometryObsidian
The funerary rites of particular members of the pre-Hispanic Mayan society included the pigmentation of the corpse with a red color. In order to understand this ritual, it is first necessary to identify the constituents of the pigment... more
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      Classic Maya (Archaeology)Pigments (Chemistry)Mortuary PracticesArchaeothanatology
Paper published in the proceedings of the International Joint Workshop "Crossing Gazes on the Landscape from East and West"「風景への眼差しの交叉─東アジアと西ヨーロッパ」of the Institute of Art History, Free University of Berlin, and the International... more
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      KukaiJapanese Art HistoryJapanese LacquerCinnabar
This work has as main object the study of heavy stone tools from "Poggio di Spaccasasso" mine (Alberese-GR). Precisely, through the development of an analytical form created ad hoc, the stone tools have been carefully cataloged, taking... more
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      MiningStone toolsLate NeolithicCinnabar
Cinnabar and vermilion have respectively natural and synthetic origins. Vermilion can be manufactured either by the dry process or the wet process, but the latter is a very recent procedure. In art technological research, a frequent... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyMercuryCinnabar
Monografía sobre las propiedades físico-químicas del mercurio y sus reacciones básicas más características, con un especial énfasis en la parte experimental y en las fotografías de los diferentes procesos en los que participa este metal.... more
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      Inorganic ChemistryMercuryCinnabarMercurio
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      Megalithic MonumentsIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Cinnabar
The paper describes the investigations undertaken at Spaccasasso, a hill placed in the Regional Park of Maremma (Alberese, GR). Excavations at the site uncovered a Copper Age cemetery on the plan facing the Spaccasasso shelter, and a... more
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      Funerary PracticesEneolithicCinnabarPhotomodelling
Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1-7 September, Burgos, Spain): Volume 6/Session B 36 edited by Elisa Guerra Doce and Corina Liesau von Lettow-Vorbeck, Archaeopress 2016, avaible to buy in print and download in PDF format for... more
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      Bone and AntlerBell Beakers (Archaeology)Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Funerary Practices
Cinnabar (HgS) identification by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM-EDX) in several ceramic sam-ples of different productions originating from various deposits in the Community of Madrid (Spain), is proposed a possible use of the mineral... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Archaeometry
Blackening of cinnabar or vermilion has always been a dilemma. The hexagonal mercury sulfide pigment, often of mineral origin, has an intense red color. For long, cinnabar has generated large interest among mural painters, artists, and... more
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      CinnabarBlackeningSchola del Traianohexagonal mercury sulfide
EnglishThe Trets plain is located in the south-east of France, on the eastern border of Bouches-du-Rhone department. The entire plain contains a large number of Neolithic sites. La Bastidonne was discovered in the 1870s by Joseph... more
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      Art HistoryArtMediterranean StudiesNeolithic Archaeology
This paper focuses on the characterization of materials from fragmented pieces of an imperial lacquer plate in the Luozhuang Han tomb, which dates to the early Western Han Dynasty. Various non-invasive and minimally invasive techniques... more
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      MicroscopyFTIR spectroscopyRaman SpectroscopyMaterials Characterisation
Gracias al reconocimiento otorgado a Almadén y sus minas por parte de EuChemS, Europa va a señalar en su mapa una región que ha vivido por y para el Mercurio. Este metal tiene mucha historia e interés, tanto en el sector químico como en... more
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      Archeology of Roman miningpigments Egyptian-blue Roman CinnabarRoman MiningCinnabar
The potential of laser cleaning for paintings as an alternative to traditional cleaning methods has been recognized, and studies using industrial laser equipment have shown some potential. Irradiation at a wavelength of 248 nm has shown... more
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      Cultural StudiesAnalytical ChemistryLaser SpectroscopyCultural Heritage
La plaine de Trets, en limite orientale des Bouches-du-Rhône, recèle un grand nombre de sites néolithiques. Dans les années 1870, après un labour, celui de la Bastidonne livra un très abondant mobilier archéologique ainsi que quinze... more
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      Art HistoryMediterranean StudiesNeolithic ArchaeologyObsidian
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      Megalithic MonumentsArchaeology of CaucasusEarly Bronze Age (Archaeology)Dolmens
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      Geosciencesfluid InclusionsMercuryCinnabar
L’effet du rayonnement solaire, des gaz atmosphériques, des sels solubles, de l’humidité, sont les facteurs qui, associés ou non, peuvent accélérer le noircissement du cinabre. Récemment, il était communément admis que la transformation... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritagepigments Egyptian-blue Roman Cinnabar
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      ArtRaman SpectroscopyCinnabar
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyRoman NecropolisRoman DomusCinnabar
Detailed infrared (FTIR) and Raman (FT-Raman) spectroscopic investigations were performed on raw pigment materials and painted ceramic fragments from the excavation of Szombathely-Oladi plató. In the raw yellow and red pigments we can... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)FTIR spectroscopyRaman SpectroscopyNeolithic Archaeology
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      VitruviusDomestic SpaceRoman housesCiceronian Invective
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      Andean ArchaeologyPrecolumbian AndesPrecolumbian archaelogyCinnabar
The cultural use of pigments in human societies is associated with ritual activities and the creation of social memory. Neolithic Çatalhöyük (Turkey, 7100–5950 cal BC) provides a unique case study for the exploration of links between... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeomalacologyBioarchaeology
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyAnthropomorphic StelaeNeolithic statue-menhirs and anthropomorphic stelaeCinnabar
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      South Asian StudiesNeolithic ArchaeologyChinaDeath and Burial (Archaeology)
A "Szombathelyi-Oladi plató" ásatása során napvilágra kerülő festékrögöket és festett kerámiatöredékeket vizsgálatuk infravörös (FTIR) és Raman-spektroszkópiai (FT-Raman) módszerekkel. A sárga és a piros festékrögökben limonitot, illetve... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Raman SpectroscopyNeolithic ArchaeologyCinnabar
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      Asian Lacquer, Urushi, Furniture EngineeringJapanese LacquerCinnabarHistory of Japanese lacquer art
The archaeological data is showing the relatively common use of red pigments in Prehistory in southern Iberian Peninsula. The application of archaeometric techniques (XRF) has allowed the identification of cinnabar (HgS) in Chalcolithic... more
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      Neolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyArchaeometryIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)
Th e Carre r Paris site is located in Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona, Spain). It is a Chalcolithic hypogeum dated between 3800-4100 BP with more than 60 individuals distributed in four burial levels. We study the remains of Individual 5... more
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      Xray DiffractionScanning Electron MicroscopyChalcolithicCinnabar
Textile production is among the most fundamental and more complex technologies in human prehistory, but is under-investigated due to the perishable nature of fibrous materials. Here we report a discovery of five textile fragments from a... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Neolithic Europe
We analyzed a red paint sample from the surface of a gold mask excavated from a Middle Sicań elite tomb in Peru. The mask covered the face of the principal male and dates from ca. 1000 AD, a period when many painted precious metal objects... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyProteomics And Mass SpectrometryCinnabarSicán; Archaeometry
We investigated mercury (Hg) in human bone from archaeological sites in the Iberian Peninsula where the cultural use of cinnabar (HgS) as a pigment, offering or preservative in burial practices has been documented from the 4th to 2nd... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEnvironmental ScienceGeology