Column Capitals
Recent papers in Column Capitals
Our study on architectural sculptures found in the Main Campus of Istanbul University commenced with taking inventory of the pieces in 2005 and 2006. Column capitals and column shafts from the Byzantine and Ottoman periods constitute... more
Iraqi Kurdistan contains only two rock-cut tombs; Ashkawt-i Qizqapan and Ashkawt-i Kur w Kich (Kurdish: ئه شكوتي كوڕ و كچ). The latter means the Cave of the Boy and Girl and lies some distance from Ashkawt-i Qizqapan. It is more... more
Pagination differs from publication
Shrine models and proto aeolic (volute) capitals: their chronology, contexts, and local meaning - having no relation with Assyria/Assyrians.
This work presents a contribution to the knowledge of the Byzantine style in Romanesque architecture in Puglia. For this purpose we have analyzed the Byzantine capitals and the capitals in the Byzantine tradition reused in the crypt of... more
The paper presents a homogeneous group of marble figured capitals, found among the material of the scaenae frons of the Theatre in Hierapolis; a monument investigated since 2004 by the author, in the frame of the Italian Archaeological... more
ÖZET Yunan dünyasında ele geçen palmiye sütun başlıkları kendine has formuyla dikkat çekmektedir. Bu başlık, genel olarak Kalathos, ters çan ya da çanak şeklinde bir formun etrafına palmiye yaprakları sarılmış şekilde görünmektedir.... more
""Zusammenfassung Diese erste umfassende Untersuchung zu 69 korinthischen Marmorkapitellen des Thermen-Gymnasiums von Constantia und des Forumbereichs von Kourion bestätigt und präzisiert die bereits epigraphisch belegte Restaurierung... more
In January 2009 the police delivered a large pilaster capital and two monumental leaf tips to the Istanbul Archaeological Museum. The pieces had been confiscated together and show the same patina as well as the same style. They probably... more
The aim of this article is to examine the construction techniques of the irregular column capitals which are located at the junction of portico and courtyard arcades (revak) of six Ottoman mosques. The porticos height of the... more
This paper focuses on some architectural elements from the polyadic Sanctuary of Apollo at Hierapolis in Phrygia, as a part of the research activities carried out by MAIER – the Italian Archaeological Mission at Hierapolis. A group of six... more
Ayasuluk Hill, located in an area dominating Selcuk plains, is an important residential area of Ephesus Most of the Ayasuluk Hill Korinthian Capitals, the subject of the research, were brought from Hellenistic and Roman Period Ephesus for... more
In the Augustan Age, a new aesthetic preference was propagated in the Roman Empire – the surface of white marble was valued as it symbolised the strength and superiority of the ‘new age’. Soon, an immense trade in high quality marble over... more
This paper examines several marble capitals recovered in the excavations carried out by the University of Pennsylvania in the early 1900s in the round church in Beth-Shean with a twofold aim. First, it will be shown that the capitals... more
Bu calisma ile Kibyra Kenti’nde su ana kadar yurutulen kazi ve yuzey arastirmalari sonucunda belgelenen dort adet sutun basligi tipolojik olarak degerlendirilerek ele alinmistir. Calismanin konusunu olusturan sutun basliklari Ionik yivli... more
During Late Antiquity, a singular ascetic practice grew out of the easternmost parts of the Empire, particularly Syria, causing considerable stir. Starting with Saint Simeon the Elder (†459 CE), a number of ascetic monks ascended and... more
Rezension zu K. Krumeich, Spätantike Bauskulptur aus Oxyrhynchos. Lokale Produktion - äußere Einflüsse, Spätantike - frühes Christentum - Byzanz. Kunst im ersten Jahrtausend. Reihe A. Grundlagen und Monumente 12 (Wiesbaden 2003)
Rezension zu J. Kramer, Justinianische Kämpferkapitelle mit einem Dekor aus Paaren von Zweigen und die Nachfolgekapitelle im Veneto (2006)
The Corinthian column capitals that initially appeared in the Iktinos’ Temple of Apollo Epikouros at Bassai, Greece in the 5th century BC, became fashionable during the Roman period, and maintained the Roman traditions in general during... more
Article in Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzungsband 20,2, Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung,, Münster 1995.
Figures 2 and 3 published with permission of Wasmuth Verlag, Berlin.
Figures 2 and 3 published with permission of Wasmuth Verlag, Berlin.
Two dozen Roman and Byzantine leaf capitals in the Archaeological Museum and in the Alaeddin Mosque at Konya originate from Sidamaria, Iconium and Pappa/Tiberiupolis. One capital may be connected with the Sidamaria Sarcophagus, others... more
Normally seem as just a flat column, this paper analyzes the unique history of the pilaster's development in Renaissance architecture.
Feuilles lisses médiévales. Notes de vocabulaire. La dénomination ‘à feuilles d’eau’, employée dans les études italiennes pour indiquer la décoration des chapiteaux médiévaux à feuilles lisses, surtout de ceux postérieurs au XIIe s.,... more
Adscripción cronológica: Taifa abbadí, siglo XI, 1023-1044 - 1091. Procedencia: Córdoba o Sevilla, con mayor probabilidad la primera. Informe Pericial y Tasación.
Zusammenfassung: Der gesicherte archäologische Befund, der gegen Ende des 4. Jahrhunderts einsetzt, bleibt deutlich hinter der schriftlichen Überlieferung zur im 1. Jahrhundert beginnenden Christianisierung Zyperns zurück. Liturgische... more