Conventional Arms Transfers
Recent papers in Conventional Arms Transfers
O presente artigo analisa os impactos das relacoes Brasil-Israel no processo de aquisicao de capacidades para a producao nacional de Aeronaves Remotamente Tripuladas (ARPs) no contexto da Base Industrial de Defesa (BID)... more
UNIDIR defines WAM in a comprehensive manner covering the oversight, accountability and governance of arms and ammunition throughout their management cycle, including establishment of relevant national frameworks, processes and practices... more
Outreach constitutes the normative dimension of efforts to enhance export control policies in third countries, while assistance is the practical dimension of such engagements. European Union (EU) Joint Action 2008/230/CFSP and Council... more
Questo elaborato propone uno studio relativo al commercio internazionale di armi, al fine di coglierne le peculiarità che hanno preceduto e seguito l'adozione del primo Trattatato internazionale sul commecio delle armi (Arms Trade Treaty,... more
How do states decide where to source arms? Drawing on theories of international relations, we consider the recent fighter aircraft competitions in Brazil and India, and analyze why the U.S.-made aircraft lost to their European rivals.... more
Trade in 'strategic goods' is subject to controls in order to combat illegal trade and to avoid undesirable use . Historically, national control regimes focused on controlling exports by their own arms producers, so as to prevent the... more
In the early 1980s, when Amnesty International began addressing new human rights violations in El Salvador, the organization naturally turned to the issue of US arms to the Salvadoran junta. Like other human rights NGOs, AI maintained... more
Burke, Fowler, and McCaskey, eds., Military Strategy, Joint Operations, and Airpower (DC: Georgetown University Press, 2018).
With Kim Richard Nossal. International Journal 68: 1 (2012-3), pp. 3-12.
"The present article pertains to the infamous Affair "Iran/Contra" (a.k.a Iranogate). Via the conclusion extracted from thorough investigation of the documents in dispose a mere thin line of facts and findings is to be seen rising though... more
A relação entre Brasil e Argentina foi historicamente marcada por sua rivalidade, que ocasionalmente se manifestava em crises diplomático-militares. Uma destas ocorreu em agosto de 1937, quando o Brasil e os Estados Unidos negociaram a... more
This article offers a novel understanding and theorization of humanitarian disarmament regimes and their related prohibition politics. In doing so, it utilizes a power-analytical framework and puts in use four conceptions of power:... more
O presente artigo analisa os impactos das relações Brasil-Israel no processo de aquisição de capacidades para a produção nacional de Aeronaves Remotamente Tripuladas (ARPs) no contexto da Base Industrial de Defesa (BID)... more
The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) includes provisions for ‘legal or legislative assistance, institutional capacity-building, and technical, material or financial assistance’ to help states fulfil treaty commitments after entry into force.... more
Lors de la dernière décennie (2003-2012), les transferts d'armes vers l'Afrique du Nord ont considérablement augmenté. Afin de mieux comprendre cette dynamique, cette Note d'Analyse présente un panorama des transferts d'armes vers cette... more