Crisis Studies
Recent papers in Crisis Studies
"Hot peace, cold war, hybrid war, crisis, and conflict." Recent geopolitical developments in the wider Black Sea region have brought to the forefront these terms in the media terms such as hot peace, cold war, hybrid war, crisis, and... more
During the first decades of the twentieth century different attempts were made to unify the diversifying and specializing sciences. One of these attempts manifested as the History of Science. Established in 1913 with the academic journal... more
This article examines how grassroots actors initiate and engage in sustained forms of collective action so as to transcend dramatic situations of large-scale societal crisis. Merging strands of sociolinguistic scholarship with social... more
Here's a resource I've put together on the global production crisis (a.k.a. global financial crisis). It dissects ‘Secular stagnation or financial cycle drag?’, a recent speech by Claudio Borio, a senior economist at the Bank for... more
Living with a broken and infected planet We are living with the new pandemic regime. It is a crisis regime. Listening closely and carefully to the vocabulary that regimes use is illuminating. This vocabulary is useful to study in order to... more
Taking the recent omnipresence of crisis rhetoric around the Mediterranean as a starting point, the introduction lays out the main terms of this collection—crisis and critique—in their interrelation, as it emerges through the matrix of... more
Taking the recent omnipresence of crisis rhetoric around the Mediterranean as a starting point, the introduction lays out the main terms of this collection—crisis and critique—in their interrelation, as it emerges through the matrix of... more
Carta a las/os lectoras/es Antípoda. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología, "Crisis y desastres: im-posibilidades de reparación y cuidado en las sociedades contemporáneas", N.o 45 (octubre-diciembre 2021).... more
Migration in general has been essential to the history of mankind and is largely responsible for part of our human legacy and, throughout history, is seen as beneficial e.g. where gene flows and economic impact are concerned. Migration... more
Recensione al libro di M. Revault d'Allones, La crisi senza fine. Saggio sull'esperienza moderna del tempo, ObarraO edizioni, Milano 2014, pubblicata su <<Doppiozero>> il 29 Ottobre 2014
Podemos aprender cuestiones importantes sobre este evento particular denominado "crisis 2001". Quizá esta meta de conocimiento sea algo frustrante para quienes esperan conocer las causas de las crisis y cómo superarlas, pero de acuerdo a... more