Recent papers in Diatom
From field-collected samples, two Icelandic diatom species were studied under light and electron microscopy, resulting in a newly described species and an emended description with a nomenclatural status change. A discussion on the... more
The Upper Paraná River floodplain is one of the few remaining non-dammed stretches in Brazil. It has a typical fluvial dynamics represented by the flood pulse and a highly complex habitat, which allows the existence and maintenance of a... more
A comparison of freshwater and marine Gomphonema species has shown that the ecological separation is accompanied by a morphological one. They have only been assigned to the same genus because they all have heteropolar, cuneate cells,... more
Background and aims – A commonly occurring Achnanthidium species has been observed in Brazilian reservoirs. The morphological features were described based on light and scanning electron microscope observations and it is described here as... more
Correct identification of diatom taxa is indispensable for diatom-based water quality studies, as well as for biotechnological applications. Biological applications of taxonomy include the identification of taxa from particular specimens.... more
El presente trabajo supone una contribución al conocimiento de las diatomeas dulceacuícolas españolas. Se describe la diatomea Eunotia emmae sp. nov. a partir de muestras de algas epífitas recogidas en una laguna somera oligo-mesotrófica... more
NOTE: If you need a larger pdf including plates with higher resolution, please send me an e-mail request at marco.cantonati@muse.it Diatom assemblages were investigated in 9 springs of the Berchtesgaden National Park (carbonate... more
A cross-check of botanical names databases revealed the presence of 19 cases of homonymy which are hereby resolved by proposing replacement names. Most cases concern diatom genera (Bacillariophyta) names which are preoccupied by... more
In the Adamello-Brenta Regional Park (Trentino, Italy), the diatom communities of 30 mountain springs, 15 on crystalline and 15 on carbonate substratum, were studied between 1993 and 1996. Two of them, one from each substratum type, were... more
The species Chamaepinnularia schauppiana was described in 1996 on the basis of LM observations. An investigation of specimens using the SEM was, however, considered necessary to be completely sure about the allocation of the new species... more
Epiphytic diatom communities on macroalgae from Iceland coastal waters were investigated during July 2005. Ten species of seaweeds have been collected belonging to brown, red and green algae. The analysis of epiphytic diatom community was... more
The authors present a taxonomic study of benthic diatoms collected from coastal rocks in seven northern Mediterranean sites (Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey) in spring of 2010. An iconographic catalogue of high-quality SEM and light... more
The present study refers to the effect of metal pollution on diatoms by describing a new form of teratology. The samples were collected in the Abrud River, located in a mining area from Romania, where an unreported type of deformity is... more
The centric diatom order Thalassiosirales includes all diatoms with a fultoportula (strutted process), a feature now recognized as a synapomorphy for the lineage. Within Thalassiosirales, Thalassiosira is perhaps the most taxonomically... more
A population of an unknown Psammothidium species (Bacillariophyta, Achnanthidiaceae) was found in core sediments collected from Cimera Lake, an oligotrophic, undisturbed mountain lake in Central Spain (Gredos mountain range). The... more
... of Marine Botany, University of Goteborg, Carl Skottsbergs Gata 22, S-413 19 Goteborg, SwedenLinda K. Medlin Dept. ... The frustule is more or less straight, rectangular; the apices are slightly attenuated or produced; the corners... more
Las diatomeas son un grupo de algas microsc{\'{o}}picas extremadamente diversificado que viven en los ecosistemas acu{\'{a}}ticos de todo el mundo, a pesar de lo cual los estudios sobre estos organismos en la regi{\'{o}}n del Estrecho son... more