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O presente ensaio enquadra-se na disciplina de Políticas Sociais e Cidadania do Mestrado de Sociologia da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra. Este trabalho pretende compreender conceitos como Exclusão Social e Discriminação... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer TheoryEducation (Social Policy)LGBT Issues
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      European LawLGBT rightsFreedom of movementECHR jurisprudence, LGBT rights, European human rights law
In the past few decades, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has decided a high number of cases dealing with Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Transsexual (LGBT) rights. Its judgments importantly shape the European Convention of Human Rights... more
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      LGBT IssuesStrategic LitigationECHR jurisprudence, LGBT rights, European human rights lawCause Lawyering
Over the past few years, states have been entering into international agreements that increasingly displace their non-refoulement obligations. Non-refoulement is a legal norm that protects vulnerable people from being expelled and... more
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      LawInternational RelationsHuman Rights LawInternational Law
Ягунов Д.В. Практика Свропейського суду з прав людини (питання кримінального та цивільного судочинства, захисту власності, при- ватного i сімейного життя) / Д. В. Ягунов ; зі вступ. словом Й. Л. Бронза та А. С. Костіна. – 4-е... more
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      Criminal JusticeHuman RightsECHRECHR jurisprudence, LGBT rights, European human rights law
Eerder dit jaar schreef ik over de conclusie van advocaat-generaal Wathelet in de zaak van Robert Hamilton en Adrian Coman inzak het vrij verkeer voor echtgenoten van gelijk geslacht binnen de EU. Degenen die begin juni het nieuws... more
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      European LawFamily LawEuropean Union LawLGBT rights