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      ECHRRight to privacyCeza Hukukuİnsan Hakları
I. Inleiding: toenemende kritiek op het EHRM II. De impact van het EVRM op de rechtspraak van vier hoogste nationale rechtscolleges A. De Nederlandse Hoge Raad tussen monisme en het toetsingsverbod B. Het VK Supreme Court en de... more
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      Comparative Constitutional LawEuropean Convention of Human RightsEuropean Court of Human RightsFundamental Rights
The case of Lautsi v. Italy, better known as the “Crucifix Case,” is a particularly significant case. Its significance is not only political and legal, but also religious. Never before in the history of the European Court of Human Rights... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsLaw and ReligionInternational Human Rights Law
The continues changing and evolution of the European Union has determinate the changing of the judicial system, as well. The accession of the EU to the European Convention on Human Rights will complete the EU system of protecting... more
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      International LawEuropean Union (International Studies)ECHREU Law (EU legal order: EU legal sources, institutions, remedies, relations with national laws); General Principles of EU Law; EU Migration and Asylum Law, EU Antidiscrimination Law, EU Fundamental Rights and links with the ECHR
Het Europese Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens heeft verschillende positieve verplichtingen geformuleerd die strekken tot actief optreden van de overheid om haar burgers te beschermen tegen bedreigingen voor de fysieke veiligheid. Gezien de... more
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      Tort LawECHR
The purpose of this article is firstly to identify the rationale of the Court on the matter of abortion, and secondly to observe how it applies to the vast majority of abortions practiced, i.e. “abortion on demand”.
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      Human RightsAbortionEuropean Court of Human RightsECHR
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      Criminal LawPublic Health LawECHR
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsDemocratic TheoryEuropean Convention of Human Rights
Grote Kamer, Recht op vrijheid, Misbruik van beperkingsbevoegdheid, Detentie oud-premier voor heimelijk doel, Introductie ‘predominant purpose’-test
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      ECHRAbuse of powerECHR jurisprudenceEuropean Human Rights Law With Special Attention to ECHR
In 1973, Louise O’Keeffe was, along with many other children at her school, repeatedly sexually abused by her school principal. While her abuser’s culpability was clear, the culpability of the Irish State for creating the conditions in... more
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      Child protectionChildren's RightsIrelandECHR
The article studies freedom of thought, conscience and religion, as one of human rights and fundamental freedoms. The author analyses Article 9 of European convention on protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, Article 18 of... more
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      Freedom of ReligionECHRInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
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The wide range and constant development of human rights cause them to clash with one another much more often. Hence, the need for answering a serious question arises; how do we resolve conflicts among fundamental rights? Growing... more
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      LawHuman Rights LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights Law
This article examines the 'full jurisdiction' requirement under Article 6 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and its implementation within European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) case law. It first analyses the theoretical... more
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      ECHRJudicial review of administrative actionsadministrative proceedings
The Italian lawmakers have recently extended the anti- Mafia non conviction based confiscation to the persons suspected of belonging to a criminal association aimed to corruption or to the commission of various crimes against public... more
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      Administrative LawAnti-CorruptionECHR
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      European UnionResponsibilityECHREU accession to ECHR
Le sujet de ce travail est la relation entre l’art. 17 (interdiction de l’abus de droit) et la liberté d’expression dans la jurisprudence de la Cour. L’ancienne Commission européenne des droits de l’homme et la Cour européenne des droits... more
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      Human RightsHate SpeechFree SpeechFreedom Of Expression
This article analyses the scope of the human rights of refugees in the ECHR looking at the latest trends in the jurisprudence developed by the Court and which are relevant to the protection of refugees. In doing so, it concentrates on the... more
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      International Refugee LawECHR
La CEDH construit progressivement un droit conventionnel au suicide assisté qui découle d’une vision du suicide comme expression de l’autonomie individuelle. Ainsi, ce « droit » ne trouve pas sa cause dans la souffrance, mais dans la... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsSuicideECHR
"Friendly settlement procedure allows termination of the applications, which are received by supranational human rights monitoring mechanisms without a final decision on alleged violations. In the first chapter, the typology of friendly... more
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      European Convention of Human RightsEuropean Court of Human RightsECHRİnsan Hakları
The European Court of Human Rights has through a voluminous case law, significantly developed its jurisprudence regarding the circumstances in which overcrowding in detention facilities constitutes a breach of Article 3 of the ECHR. It... more
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      Lawmaking of the European Court of Human RightsEuropean Court of Human RightsECHRPrisoners Rights
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      Freedom Of ExpressionEuropean Convention of Human RightsHolocaustECHR
W książce przedstawiono zasadę proporcjonalności jako instrument umożliwiający kontrolę politycznie umocowanych działań władzy, które w nomenklaturze prawnej określa się mianem „władzy dyskrecjonalnej” lub „swobodnego uznania”. Oznaczało... more
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawEuropean LawEnvironmental Law
The 2020 pandemic caused by Sars-Cov-2 (hereinafter, the coronavirus pandemic), has triggered an array of legal responses across Council of Europe States. Many measures taken by states to slow the spread of the virus by ‘flattening the... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsCarl SchmittStates of Emergency
Pour la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme, comme dans la plupart des droits nationaux, l’avortement relève d’une logique de tolérance. Cette tolérance est fondée sur la pétition de principe qu’il serait juridiquement et... more
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      BioethicsHuman RightsInternational Human Rights LawAbortion
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      International LawInternational Human Rights LawInternational Humanitarian LawECHR
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      Migration LawMigrationEuropean Union CitizenshipEU Law
Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights requires that the state not only abstains from inflicting death, but also protects life. Nonetheless, the case law of the European Court of Human Rights seems to be progressively... more
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      Human RightsLegal TheoryEuthanasiaAutonomy
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      Human RightsECHRRefoulement
On the 18th of December 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union delivered the historic Opinion 2/13, where it ruled that the draft agreement on the accession of the European Union to the European Convention for the Protection of... more
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      European UnionCouncil of EuropeRelationship among European Cour of Justice and ECHR. Relationship between national courts and european courts (ECJ and ECHR)ECHR
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      Islamic LawConstitutional LawMulticulturalismEuropean integration
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      Human RightsECHRRight to LifeECtHR
Dopo avere dato conto della evoluzione subita dal principio di precauzione a livello internazionale, europeo e nazionale, il lavoro si sofferma sul tema dell'allentamento del principio di legalità-prevedibilità dell'azione amministrativa... more
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      Environmental LawPrecautionary PrincipleECHRPrinciple of Legality
Диссертация на соискание ученой степени канд. юрид. наук. Посвящена исследованию онтологии и прикладного механизма взаимодействия Европейского Суда по правам человека и национальных судебных юрисдикций при осуществлении правосудия по... more
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      European Convention of Human RightsCivil ProcedureECHRMargin of Appreciation
By a judgment rendered on 23 February 2016, the European Court of Human Rights found that Italy was in breach of its obligations under the European Convention for its role in the abduction of Abu Omar, who was transferred to Egypt where... more
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      Human RightsECHRExtraordinary RenditionPositive obligations
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      ECHRMargin of AppreciationAnayasa HukukuAvrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi
"This article addresses the role of strategic litigation of the right to legal capacity of people with disabilities. It places legal capacity within an international human rights law framework and sets out how it is particularly resonant... more
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      Disability StudiesMental health lawEuropean Convention of Human RightsECHR
In recent years, the European Court of Human Rights has ruled on a number of cases dealing with the issue of abortion, providing a sufficient corpus of jurisprudence which may be analysed in a consistent manner. A number of analysts, on... more
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      BioethicsSexual and Reproductive HealthHuman RightsLegal Theory
Birinci bölümde öncelikle çevre hakkı teriminin anlaşılması amacıyla bu hakkın tanımı, hukuki niteliği ve kapsamı hakkında açıklamalar yapılacak, daha sonra bu hakkın uluslararası ve ulusal düzlemdeki önemli kaynaklarına değinilecektir.... more
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      Environmental LawInternational LawEnvironmental SustainabilityUrbanization
Il volume analizza l'ambito di applicazione e il rilievo, per il diritto amministrativo sostanziale e processuale, dell'art. 6 CEDU in tema di "equo processo" . Si dà conto di come tale disposizione sia direttamente applicabile alla gran... more
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      Human Rights LawECHRECHR jurisprudenceadminsitrative procedure
Beden muayenesi ve vücuttan örnek alınması, gelişen teknolojinin etkisi ile birlikte ceza muhakemesinde uygulanmaya başlanmış bir delil elde etme yöntemidir. Karma niteliği haiz bir tedbir olan beden muayenesi ve vücuttan örnek alınması... more
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      ECHRAİHMPhysical examinationCeza Muhakemesi Hukuku
Il volume offre una panoramica della potestà sanzionatoria delle Autorità amministrative indipendenti in Italia, con una attenzione ai profili di diritto CEDU, comunitario e comparato. La natura della potestà amministrativa sanzionatoria,... more
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      Judicial reviewECHRPrinciple of LegalityECHR jurisprudence
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      ReligionConstitutional LawPolitical PhilosophyHuman Rights Law
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      International Environmental LawECHR
The article is devoted to the issues of attorney’s secrecy that underlie advocacy. Since 1984, the European Court of Human Rights, in a number of important decisions, has referred to the obligation of the state to provide effective... more
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      Criminal JusticeECHRAdvocacy
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      International Human Rights LawInternational MigrationECHRCorte Interamericana De Derechos Humanos
Chaque année, l’avortement met un terme à un cinquième des grossesses françaises et à un tiers des grossesses européennes, avec 4,5 millions d’avortements contre 8,5 millions de naissances dans l’Europe des 47 Etats membres du Conseil de... more
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      AbortionECHRDroits de l'hommeDroit
Dopo avere dato conto di come il tema delle sanzioni amministrative sia stato sottoposto, negli ultimi anni, a una profonda revisione critica, soprattutto in ragione dell'influenza crescente esercitata dalla giurisprudenza della Corte... more
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      ECHRECHR jurisprudenceAdministrative sanctions
This article scrutinies the logic behind the recent judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Ruiz Zambrano and McCarthy focusing on their implications for the right to family reunification under EU law. Specific... more
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      European StudiesEuropean LawImmigrationImmigration Studies