Today world is changing rapidly, all professional are eager to know more information about his areas in a minimum time. All professional to do many things in these 24 hours only. With the changing in every field, the change in the field... more
Today world is changing rapidly, all professional are eager to know more information about his areas in a minimum time. All professional to do many things in these 24 hours only. With the changing in every field, the change in the field of libraries is very admirable. User come to the library but don’t have much time to search for document manually therefore this problem was also short out by the application of electronic technologies in libraries. Application of information communication technology in library have provided enough opportunities for e-resource development and disseminate it in the manner that their users proffered. The libraries in the 21st century are confronted with the issue involving constantly increasing information overload, changing pattern of e-resource management, new and growing technologies, content resource management, specialized needs and expectation of users are very challenging in the present scenario. E-resource play an important role in libraries. These include special academic, and public libraries throughout the world. In recent past, Librarian as well as publisher thought E-resource can be managed very easily. But in reality it is not so. It has become very difficult to manage the E-resource as there are different from that of managing the print collection. Effective E-resource management demands more staff attention and time rather than management of more traditional materials. Electronic resource management requires higher skill levels including greater technical, trouble shooting and also problem solving during content delivery. This paper explained all the tools and technology initiative of Digital resources management system.
The article discusses the archival requirements of a preservation system in a digital environment.The analysis is developed on the basis of the results of the international research and with reference to the Italian tradition
Piuttosto che presentare i profili applicativi standard in base alla classificazione funzionale classica (metadati descrittivi, strutturali, gestionali e di conservazione), alla luce anche della recente normativa nazionale sugli archivi e... more
Piuttosto che presentare i profili applicativi standard in base alla classificazione funzionale classica (metadati descrittivi, strutturali, gestionali e di conservazione), alla luce anche della recente normativa nazionale sugli archivi e la conservazione digitale, in questo contributo si sottolinea il ruolo dei metadati nel ciclo di vita del sistema informativo aperto di archiviazione, considerando il modello nazionale imposto dall’emanazione recente delle regole tecniche, nel quadro dei modelli internazionali tra cui in particolare PREMIS. Si dedica inoltre un breve approfondimento alle delicate problematiche riguardanti la qualità dei metadati, agli identificativi univoci e alla granularità dell’informazione.