Eating Behaviour
Recent papers in Eating Behaviour
The resea rch goal was to investi ga te the rela tionship between personali ty dimensions, self-esteem and eating beha viour in va rious ci rcums tances. We were interes ted in differences between general ea ting beha viour patterns and... more
The nutritional intake during young adulthood supports the maintenance of physical health, impacts risk for future disease, and plays a role in the prevention of excess weight gain. According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of... more
This research aims to focus on eating behavior of adolescent women living in Azerbaijan. It aims to figure out what exactly shapes it and on which factors it depends in order to be able to consider the possibility of changing it to the... more
Down syndrome, which is one of the most common chromosal disorders, is caused by an extra chromosome in the 21st chromosome pair of people as a result of genetic irregularity. The attitudes of individuals with Down syndrome towards... more
Down syndrome, which is one of the most common chromosal disorders, is caused by an extra chromosome in the 21st chromosome pair of people as a result of genetic irregularity. The attitudes of individuals with Down syndrome towards... more
Down syndrome, which is one of the most common chromosal disorders, is caused by an extra chromosome in the 21st chromosome pair of people as a result of genetic irregularity. The attitudes of individuals with Down syndrome towards... more
We analyze the relationship between spicy food eating and endogenous testosterone. • Testosterone is related with the quantity of hot sauce participants consumed. • No correlation was observed between testosterone and a control substance.... more
Background: The purpose of this study is to determine the level of Health Literacy of teachers who work at the city center of Eskisehir and to evaluate the relation with eating behaviors and some of possible related variables. Methods:... more
A TIC is defined as a sudden, recurrent, nonrhythmic movement (e.g. eye blinking, nose scrunching) or vocalization (e.g. throat clearing, humming) [1] typical of Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome (GTS), whereas TOC is the French acronym for... more
This paper discusses substantive personal and practical challenges which have emerged during ongoing PhD research around food with low-income families. This research is situated within ongoing national and international concern over poor... more
Background: The purpose of this study is to determine the level of Health Literacy of teachers who work at the city center of Eskisehir and to evaluate the relation with eating behaviors and some of possible related variables.Methods:... more