Recent papers in Eclogues
studio della tradizione manoscritta, edizione con traduzione e commento, saggio sulla ricezione della raccolta bucolica del carmelitano umanista Battista Spagnoli Mantovano (1447-1516)
Translating Virgil’s Bucolics is a hard challenge for the Italian translators, both for the inherent musicality of the text and because of the long literary tradition of Arcadia. The analysis of the different approaches to the text during... more
In Virgil’s Eclogues, beside the main model of Theocritus, there is a strong influence of the new Latin love elegy by Gallus. This is particularly evident in the ecll. 2, 8 and 10, Theocritean in form, but marked by a new vision of love... more
Eva LARA y Alberto MONTANER (coords.), Señales, Portentos y Demonios: La magia en la literatura y la cultura españolas del Renacimiento, Salamanca, Sociedad de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas, 2014, 950 pp., 232 ils.— ISBN... more
This article is the first study on Benedetto Varchi's "Dafni" (1539), an early example of his pastoral pastoral poetry. It argues that this poem, composed in blank verse, should be read in the context of the revival of classical pastoral... more
The meaning of the Arcadia in Virgil’s Eclogues, often misunderstood, is understandable chiefly in ecl. 10. Here Arcadia symbolizes Virgil’s bucolic poetry, original in comparison with that of Theocritus: for this purpose the poet... more
À la différence du nom Fortuna, qui désigne le destin dans ce qu’il a d’imprévisible et changeant, l’adiectif dérivé fortunatus est toujours pris en bonne part dans l’oeuvre de Virgile. Un examen plus précis permet de constater qu’est... more
In this article I begin by comparing and contrasting our reading practice regarding acrostics with our practice regarding allusions and intertexts, looking in particular at the problematic notion of authorial intention; I suggest an... more
On a toujours soupçonné que Gallus avait fourni le modèle dont s’inspiraient conjointement le propemptikòn Lycoridis de Virgile (ecl. 10, 46-49) et Prop. 1, 8, si proches. Faut-il trouver dans ce réseaux textual des traits polémiques,... more
"Na niebie wszystkie rzeczy dobrze są zrządzone" – harmonia wszechświata a mikrokosmos folwarku. O "Żeńcach" Szymona Szymonowica i ich związkach z myślą neoplatońską [w zbiorze:] Inspiracje platońskie literatury staropolskiej. Materiały z... more
Questo lavoro si focalizza sull'immagine dell'incoronazione poetica presente nelle prime esperienze poetiche latine del Boccaccio. Il tema sembra essere particolarmente caro al Certaldese, che lo sviluppa sia nella giovanile... more
Abstract. I primi 5 versi dell’ecl. 1 sintetizzano il programma poetico della raccolta virgiliana, istituendo un riconoscibile confronto con il modello teocriteo, già superato nella nuova spiritualità di Melibeo, e con gli altri modelli... more
In Virgil’s Eclogues the Muses Pierides are always represented as authors of the poems, like in the Gallus papyrus from Qaṣr Ibrîm. Their presence in passages allusive to the verses of the papyrus and the employ of the epithet by Prop. 2,... more
A comparison between ecl. 1 and ecl. 10 shows not only the deep differences of the new Virgilian pastoral poetry from Theocrit's bucolic, but confirms even Virgil's lack of confidence in the power of poetry to solace real sorrow, an idea... more
This article interprets the figure of Daphnis in Vergil’s Eclogues as a sustained allegory for the poet Lucretius. I show how a Lucretian interpretation of his character unifies the diverse appearances of the living, dying, and... more
In Virgil’s 10th eclogue the two occurrences of labor, a word unusual in the Bucolics, may be a hint at Gallus’ love elegy, as Prop. 1, 1, 9-16 seems to confirm; as a consequence, they may suggest a relationship between this type of... more
What are myths? Are there ‘correct’ and ‘incorrect’ versions? And where do they come from? These and many other related questions are addressed in Writing Down the Myths, a collection of critical studies of the contents of some of the... more
In Virg. ecl. 10 the image of the trees is often connected to love and they grow together. This is for Virgil a means to reflect about the sense of poetry and to quote the main models of the eclogue, Theocritus, Gallus’ elegy and... more
Recalling shift in paradigms for thinking about eclogues: deconstructing 'pastoral' as genre to recover 'epos' as frame in & against which Virgil worked through its three registers: bucolic/heroic & epical species in between, all of which... more
In Virg. ecl. 7 many clues can suggest the presence of Gallus' poetry as interlocutor and model for Virgil. Besides Theocritus, the author seems to refer to the Gallan poems in a complex dialogue about the originality of the new Latin... more
Abstract. L’Ecloga VII di Virgilio, giudicata da Servio paene tota Theocriti, è in realtà un componimento ricco di spunti originali, entro il quale Teocrito è citato come termine di confronto: in tal modo il poeta latino può affermare e... more
This paper was read at the 5th Conference of the School of Philosophy, National and Capodistrian University of Athens on "Philosophy and Cosmology", in the occasion of the 2400th birthday of Aristotle, 18-20 October 2016. In this paper... more
(UNCORRECTED PREPRINT) In the early modern age, pastoral poetry became a current genre of the praise of rulers, kings and emperors. In spite of its overwhelming richness and contemporaneous importance, this branch of the bucolic genre... more
These are the academic papers written by Magda El-Nowieemy, (Alexandria University) in both Arabic and English, published in Egypt and outside.
Studi Umanistici Piceni XXVII (2007) 157–176.
The structure of Vergil’s Eclogues has been much discussed and various models have been proposed to describe the different ways in which the poems are linked to each other. Two general types of models have been proposed. That of the... more
Copyright © 2017 The Classical Association of the Atlantic States. These are uncorrected page proofs of an article to appear in CLASSICAL WORLD, Volume 111, Issue 1, Fall 2017, pages 7–25. Please consult the final version once published,... more