Electric arc furnace
Recent papers in Electric arc furnace
Stable smelter operation is critical for successful production of base metals from particulate ore. This work studies the operation of an industrial direct current electric arc furnace that operates as a smelter in a large-scale... more
As a result of optimisation of high current circuit for the furnace 7.75 MVA, its substitute values of phase reactances have been considerably decreased and its asymmetry has been minimised. Decrease in the voltage drop of the high... more
Based on the electrical parameters of a 20 MVA ferrosilicon furnace, a methodology of identification of characteristic ferrosilicon smelting states described as carbon excess and carbon deficiency in the reaction zones ('over-coked',... more
En su más de un siglo de existencia, los hornos eléctricos de arco han evolucionado radicalmente, tanto en los aspectos tecnológicos como en la función que cumplen y los tipos de acero que producen. Desarrollados para producir aceros... more
Los electrodos de grafito artificial son un estándar en la producción de acero en hornos eléctricos. El grafito artificial posee una alta conductividad eléctrica y elevada resistencia al choque térmico que lo hacen imprescindible para... more
The popularity of Organic Rankine Cycle technology in waste heat recovery applications has experienced a fast growth in the last decade. One of the main fields of application is the Iron&Steel industry, and in particular waste heat... more
La industria del acero latinoamericana continúa su esfuerzo de modernización de sus instalaciones, incluso en el complicado marco de la situación mundial generada por la sobrecapacidad de China y los subsidios del gobierno de ese país a... more
In this chapter, electric steelmaking is introduced with a short review: share, raw materials, operation, typical equipment, off-gas treatment, emissions. Electric-based steelmaking enjoys a much comfortable position than integrated... more
h i g h l i g h t s The workability of the concrete reduces as the EAFS replacement level increases. The use of EAFS reduced the setting time of GGBS-PFA ternary blended concrete. Incorporation of EAFS tends to enhance the mechanical... more
This paper introduces a new method for calculating the voltage flicker characteristics. A voltage waveform envelope, which captures the main flicker characteristics, is obtained by calculating rms values instantaneously using a moving... more
Aluminium is extracted from the chief ore bauxite because of its abundance in nature, but the gas emissions produced by the process has made researchers and industrialists to look for alternatives. Since then the aluminium has been... more
Los productos largos para la construcción más usuales incluyen las barras de refuerzo de hormigón (cabillas o varillas en algunos países latinoamericanos), los alambrones para la producción de mallas electrosoldadas y algunos otros usos,... more
In this paper is analyzing the current operating conditions of one of electric arc furnace (EAF) in order to evaluate the best option to solve the energy consumption problem. Also we evaluate existing process' equipment performance and... more
Cada varios años se realiza en un país diferente la Conferencia Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de Acería. En esta oportunidad tuvo lugar en Dresde, Alemania. Participaron especialistas de los grupos siderúrgicos globales así como... more
This paper presents a neural network tree regression system with dynamic optimization of input variable transformations and post-training optimization. The decision tree consists of MLP neural networks, which optimize the split points and... more
El aumento de la producción de acero por la vía hornos eléctricos de arco, la tendencia a revestir las chapas de acero con cinc para prevenir su corrosión, aumentando así la proporción de chatarra galvanizada a disponer en el futuro, más... more