Recent papers in Esthetic
ABSTRACTPurpose:: The purpose of this study was to determine the wear resistance of five different packable composites versus two different composite controls using a laboratory toothbrushing simulation test.The purpose of this study was... more
ABSTRACTPurpose:: This study was performed to evaluate the influence of accelerated aging on the color and translucency parameter (TP) of bleaching-shade resin composites.This study was performed to evaluate the influence of accelerated... more
The clinical longevity of indirect restorations made of ceramics or indirect composite resins depends on their successful treatment and cementation. The cementation technique is determined by the type of restorative material—ceramics or... more
This paper confronts the interpretations of Eugène Atget’s photography given by Robert Desnos and Walter Benjamin. In the first part, it discusses Atget’s reception among the surrealists, particularly his relationship with Man Ray and the... more
The clinical longevity of indirect restorations made of ceramics or indirect composite resins depends on their successful treatment and cementation. The cementation technique is determined by the type of restorative material—ceramics or... more
Klasik Türk şiiri estetiğinin 6 temel ögesi vardır: anlam, üslup, kelime, tür-şekil, ritm ve ahenk. Şiirlerde bu 6 unsur, merkezdeki "anlam" ile bir pentagram oluşturur ve hem merkezle hem de kendi aralarında eşit mesafede bir oluş... more
The clinical longevity of indirect restorations made of ceramics or indirect composite resins depends on their successful treatment and cementation. The cementation technique is determined by the type of restorative material—ceramics or... more
Det är inte ovanligt att sinnligt estetiska uttryck ses som något mystiskt och vagt emotionellt som besjälar tingen. En följd av detta är att man ofta undviker rationell argumentation med hänvisning till att det rör sig om-amorfa och... more
ABSTRACT: The use of composite resin restorations in posterior teeth has increased considerably in the past few years. Specific composite resins for posterior teeth, as well as new operative techniques, have been developed to overcome... more
Purpose: Since the introduction of densely sintered alumina ceramic material in prosthetic dentistry for the fabrication of all-ceramic crowns, no scientific data have been presented on the color of these restorations in combination with... more
The purpose of the present study was to compare Serbian and Japanese participants in their subjective experience of Serbian and Japanese architectural objects. Subjective experience was operationalized through the ratings on the bipolar... more
"To make his life a work of art", Nietzsche. Pilosophical and aesthetically reflections on a life from the works of Walter Benjamin, Alexander Kojeve, Jean Baudrillard, Shitao the bitter pumpkin monk, Tchouang Tzu.
Pour beaucoup, cela peut sembler une provocation de considérer la contemporanéité comme une époque esthétique, cependant, si nous pensons à l'activité générée par la discipline: publications de livres et magazines importants,... more
L'intervento, presentato nell'ambito delle giornate di studio sulla figura dell'architetto Vittorio Giorgini, analizza quale eredità e quali insegnamenti possono leggersi nell'opera dell'architetto toscano per la pratica progettuale.... more
The clinical longevity of indirect restorations made of ceramics or indirect composite resins depends on their successful treatment and cementation. The cementation technique is determined by the type of restorative material—ceramics or... more