Recent papers in Ethno-ornithology
The Art of Falconry (De Arte Venandi cum Avibus) by Frederick II is a treatise on ornithology, which was regarded as an art and as a noble sport at its time. The manuscript has been copied several times in form of two-volume and... more
The Toba people from the west of the province of Formosa (Argentina) inhabit a geographical area belonging to the semi-arid Chaco region. A group of about 2,000, they consider themselves different from other Toba groups. However, they are... more
Este trabajo se basa en la experiencia de las mujeres productoras de aves de traspatio en los Valles Centrales, Oaxaca: el conocimiento tradicional, el uso y manejo que dan a las aves, estableciendo las características de la alimentación,... more
Abstract: the crux of this essay is that birdsong—something generally thought of a pleasing and enjoyable—can function, in certain contexts, as an indexical sign of the presence of evil in the world. I narratively contrast notions of the... more
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 Importancia socioeconómica y cultural de las gallinas locales en una comunidad tsotsil 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48
Shows how birds, in general, or some bird species, are closely related to periods of the year, moments of the day and moon phases.
This paper is a literature review of the use of birds in the Indigenous material culture of the Lower Murray River region in temperate South Australia, as observed in the early years of British colonisation. This record is augmented with... more
En esta contribución se aborda, desde la perspectiva de la Astronomía Cultural, el estudio de las representaciones celestes de Rhea americana, presentes entre indígenas e inmigrantes europeos y sus descendientes radicados en colonias... more
A large amount of birds are harvested from the natural environment for the pet market. This trade is a conservation issue and an economic income for many people. Though bird trade is common in Latin America there are few published... more
Birds as Food: Anthropological and Cross Disciplinary Perspectives is a collection of essays by anthropologists and contributors from other disciplines. Traditions of using birds as food exist in almost all human societies past and... more
La palabra guajolote, de origen náhuatl, es muy utilizada en el castellano de México; proviene de Xólotl, dios prehispánico hermano de Quetzalcoatl con capacidad de transmutarse. Actualmente la palabra guajolote puede tener connotación... more
Se caracteriza y describe a las gallinas criollas en tres localidades de los Valles Centrales de Oaxaca. Se realizaron recorridos, entrevistas y talleres participativos; se evaluaron características morfológicas cualitativas y... more
Robert Godfrey’s 1941 publication drawing on schoolboys’ essays, in Xhosa, Bird-Lore of the Eastern Cape Province described two species of birds as herding stock by whistling to them. These were the umcelu (wagtail species of the... more
RESUMEN.-Los refranes transmiten conocimiento basado en la experiencia y están condicionados por el ámbito natural, geográfico, económico y temperamental de grupos sociales. De acuerdo a distintas fuentes, se evaluó la presencia de aves... more
Y su mayor embeleso, cuando escuchaba a los pájaros dialogar con su propia dicción, sentía el mismo goce que asiste a los hombres del campo cuando conversan con ellos, como con el agua, la piedra y el árbol (Plath 1976: 11)
The article is derived from a decade of qualitative investigation in urban and rural areas of Honduras focused on landscapes of human-avian interaction. It outlines a methodological framework for ethnoornithological inquiry based on the... more
The deeper motives of bird-watchers have rarely been subjected to geographicalinquiry. Birders are sometimes dismissed as hobbyists bent on compensating for feelings of inadequacy and lack of control in their personal lives. In this... more
At the heart of the interplay between names and knowledge is the relative salience of different taxa. Hunn (1999) described four, semi-overlapping kinds of salience: phenotypic, perceptual, cultural, and ecological. While the first three... more
The study of folk names can tell us a huge amount about historic relationships between people and nature. The thousands of English folk names recorded for British bird species show impressive creativity but, more than that, they can be... more
Birds as Food: Anthropological and Cross Disciplinary Perspectives is a collection of essays by anthropologists and contributors from other disciplines. Traditions of using birds as food exist in almost all human societies past and... more
These slides represent the PowerPoint presentation that accompanied the 2012 SAA paper Birds of a Feather. Numbered paragraphs in the text indicate the placement of the slides.
Results of ethno-zoological investigations carried out in Borana from 2005 - 2007 show that Borana people use traditionally accepted premises for the classification of wildlife in their area. Information was gathered using focus group... more
20 The Bull of the Bog: Bittern Conservation Practice in a Western Bio-cultural Setting Maan Barua and Paul Jepson The Great Bittern (Botaurus stellaris) is a species of conservation concern in the UK and is a flagship for the... more
A twitcher is a type of bird-watcher “who seeks to add as many species as possible to their life list, often without detailed or long-term observation of individual birds.” Frequently touted as ancient Egypt’s biggest bird fan, the tomb... more
Horse riding falconry, Altaic Kazakhs, Western Mongolia, Golden Eagle, Bayan-Ölgii, Sagsai, Ethno-ornithology
Horse riding falconry, Altaic Kazakhs, Western Mongolia, Golden Eagle, Bayan-Ölgii, Sagsai, Ethno-ornithology
En la cuenca del río Róbalo, en la costa norte de la isla Navarino, emergen ríos, arroyos y humedales que constituyen un verdadero imán para las aves, seres humanos y otros seres vivos que habitan la Reserva de Biosfera Cabo de Hornos... more
Horse riding falconry, Altaic Kazakhs, Western Mongolia, Golden Eagle, Bayan-Ölgii, Sagsai, Ethno-ornithology
Horse riding falconry, Altaic Kazakhs, Western Mongolia, Golden Eagle, Bayan-Ölgii, Sagsai, Ethno-ornithology
At the heart of the interplay between names and knowledge is the relative salience of different taxa. Hunn (1999) described four, semi-overlapping, kinds of salience: phenotypic, perceptual, cultural and ecological. Whilst the first three... more