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Presentation can be viewed with animation at https://sites.google.com/site/itbecunningham/home/teacher-­‐student-­‐perspectives-­‐on-­‐ screencast-­‐text-­‐feedback-­‐in-­‐esl-­‐writing-­‐calico-­‐2016 Abstract: In making choices about... more
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      Educational TechnologyFeedback (Education)Feedback in writingESL writing
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageFeedback (Education)Teaching of Foreign LanguagesSecondary Education
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    • Feedback in Second Language Writing
The debate over the efficacy of written teacher comments has raised a variety of questions for consideration by both researchers and practitioners. Teachers can use written comments, in Vygotsky’s (1978) framework, to scaffold the... more
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      Academic WritingSecond Language WritingL2 writingteaching academic writing to ESL or L2 students
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      Educational TechnologyTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language WritingAppraisal (Systemic Functional Linguistics)
This paper makes the case that writing feedback on grammar error alone is ineffective. Designing more effective writing feedback requires drawing on a broader understanding of the writer’s cultural context and present situation. The... more
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      English for Specific PurposesLinguistic PolitenessGenre AnalysisGrammar Acquisition, Written Corrective Feedback, Writing Instruction
The influence of students’ culturally constructed view of the feedback process is a significant topic of discussion in studies about feedback in L2 writing. Research has shown that hierarchical relationship cultures and face-saving... more
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      Second Language WritingPeer ReviewPeer FeedbackStudents' perceptions
Dentro de la línea de prácticas pedagógicas, el presente estudio pretende profundizar en la cuestión de Profundidad de Procesamiento comparando la lengua de pensamiento en voz alta de los alumnos, (nativa, L1, o segunda lengua, L2), y su... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionCorrective Feedback in Second Language AcquistionFeedback in Second Language WritingDepth of Processing
Development and the benefits of written feedback in L2 writing that focuses on students' perceptions using theory from Vygotsky. This article discusses the benefits of feedback in which the researcher enrolls several students. There are... more
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      Feedback (Education)Feedback in Second Language Writing
The present study investigated EFL students' reactions on three types of feedback (i.e., Korean instructor, English native-speaker instructor, and peer) on their English composition. The study also focused on the EFL students' perceptions... more
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    • Feedback in Second Language Writing
This presentation investigates the use of evaluative language in the text and screencast feedback of 3-4 instructors through the lens of appraisal to reveal differences in the role of the instructor and the feedback as seen through... more
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      Educational TechnologyFeedback (Education)Second Language WritingAppraisal (Systemic Functional Linguistics)
Esettanulmány egy angol írástechnikát fejlesztő kurzus összetett oktatói értékelésének hatékonyságáról CSIBY ÉDUA BOGLÁRKA Bevezetés Az összetett, egymásra épülő oktatói értékelés és a különböző javítási módok alkalmazása hatékonyan képes... more
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      Academic WritingTeacher TrainingWritten Corrective FeedbackApllied Linguistics
In this short reflective article, I explore the issue of teaching academic writing skills to university students at a university in Western part of Japan. In particular, the article focuses on different means and modes of constructive... more
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      Feedback in Second Language WritingDirect and Indirect Feedback
Relationships between words and meaning are central to effective language use. Noticing these relationships is essential for students to become successful language learners, in terms of acquiring language and becoming active participants... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguage socialisationFeedback in Second Language Writing