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my theme is the question is there a US death squad? I write about CIA assassination of honestly elected foreign leaders and of course the North American mafia make war against other families over territory. I limit my list to only... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary IntelligencePropagandaWar Crimes
Esta obra es fruto de una perplejidad. En Chile se vivió con pasión el debate en torno a la libertad de expresión al retornar la democracia. Debate que estuvo alimentado por formas de limitación de la libertad de expresión que se... more
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      Constitutional LawFilosofía PolíticaDireito ConstitucionalDerecho constitucional
The Internet may be free, but service provider’s indispensable to access services are not, to the extent that while the complexity and burden of the sites increases, it is becoming more and more expensive to surf the net. Blocking access... more
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      CensorshipWeb 2.0Internet StudiesData Mining
Until the 1960s, governmental limits on speech and expression, particularly around issues of pornography and obscenity, were common. These restrictions were enacted to reinforce a set of standards that had broad support among the... more
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      CensorshipRepublicanismFirst Amendment Law (USA)Critical Race Theory
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      Defamation LawFreedom of Speech and Press
Үндсэн хуулийн 16.16-д үзэл бодлоо чөлөөтэй илэрхийлэх болон хэвлэн нийтлэх эрх чөлөөг анх удаа баталгаажуулсан. Эдгээр эрх чөлөө нь туйлын эрх чөлөө биш ч эдгээрийг хязгаарласан аливаа зохицуулалт нь Үндсэн хуулийн гол нөхцөлийг хангах... more
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      Constitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawFreedom Of ExpressionDefamation Law
Nowadays, with new technologies like the internet we have more opportunities than ever to express our opinions and ways of thinking to a large amount of people. And that can be an extraordinary thing. We can denounce injustices, learn new... more
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      Freedom Of ExpressionFreedom of SpeechFreedom of Speech Vs Hate SpeechShould freedom of speech be limited
Final Report of an International Legal Research Group on Online Hate Speech conducted in cooperation between The Council of Europe and The European Law Students’ Association.
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      European LawEuropean Union LawEU LawFreedom of Speech
The global outburst after a series of arrests, detentions, harassments, and intimidation of journalists and whistleblowers in Bangladesh amid lockdown in response to the coronavirus pandemic has shaken the myth of transparency and... more
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      Freedom Of ExpressionPress FreedomCoronavirusesCybercrime
J. Doomen, Freedom and Equality in a Liberal Democratic State. Brussels: Bruylant (Larcier), 2014
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      European StudiesLawCriminal LawJurisprudence
""ABSTRACT. This research is mainly focused on the topic, “Independence of Judiciary and Administration of Justice in Tanzania: A Critical Assessment of its Interpretation and Practical Application by the Courts in Tanzania”, hence... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryLawConstitutional Law
The right to free speech is perhaps a suspect virtue. In other words, writers and commentators may have the right to say what they want and artists, to express what they think or feel curious about. But they are morally obligated to... more
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      Free SpeechFreedom Of ExpressionIslamFreedom of Expression (Law)
La libertad de expresión no sólo puede ser afectada por la prohibición lisa y llana de la posibilidad de expresarse, sino que el Estado o los particulares pueden desarrollar acciones o prácticas tendientes a silenciar voces. El autor... more
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      CensorshipSelf-CensorshipFreedom of Speech and ExpressionFreedom of Speech and Press
En esta contribución examinaremos cómo la libertad de expresión se ha convertido en un derecho esencial de las sociedades modernas (II), tanto en su caracterización general (II.A) como, en particular, por parte de los medios de... more
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      Hate SpeechFreedom Of ExpressionEuropean Convention of Human RightsECtHR
Teknolojinin gelişmesiyle beraber her gün daha fazla hayatımıza giren internetin, bu gelişimine paralel bir biçimde hukuki düzenlemelere de konu olması kaçınılmaz bir zorunluluk haline gelmiştir. Zira hem yaşamımızın her alanına girmiş... more
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      Freedom Of ExpressionThe InternetFreedom of SpeechFreedom of Speech and Expression
J. Doomen and A. Ellian (eds.), De strijd van gelijkheid en vrijheid. The Hague: Boom Juridische Uitgevers, 2015. This study inquires the extent of freedom of expression in the present era. I wrote a chapter (pp. 107-123) and co-authored... more
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      LawConstitutional LawPolitical PhilosophyPolitical Theory
Part I will provide an overview of the moral foundations of privacy – while brief, the goal is to establish the claim that privacy more than a mere interest. Part II will consider several arguments—or strands of argument—purporting to... more
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      PrivacyFirst Amendment Law (USA)Free SpeechFreedom Of Expression
Module- Intellectual Property Breach of confidence- Final year project ‘Although the law of ‘old-fashioned breach of confidence’ has been well established for many years, and derives historically from equitable principles, these have... more
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      Intellectual Property LawDefamation LawPrivacy and Confidential informationCopyright, Media Law, Privacy Law
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      Military HistoryCensorshipJournalismHuman Rights
If Ernesto Cardenal asks God for Marilyn Monroe, in his poem, it is because the American actress is an emblem of the American tragedy and the US Weltanschauung. And you will ask us, what tragedy are we referring to? In reality, she and... more
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      American StudiesPoetryPoetry and PoliticsHollywood Cinema
Few concepts have proved as fertile in critical studies as the “public sphere,” yet many now regard Habermas’s concept of the public sphere as hopelessly flawed. Critics have faulted Habermas’s notion as an ideal fiction, exclusive rather... more
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      Print CultureCensorshipBook HistoryHistory of the Book
This study delves upon the case of a local daily newspaper, Kashmir Reader which was banned during the unrest of 2016 for three months by the government without providing any concrete reason. The study looked upon the aspect of the... more
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      KashmirFreedom of Press and MediaFreedom of Speech and PressCensorship in Kashmir
Συμβολή στο συλλογικό τόμο με τίτλο
'Όλα μπορούν να λεχθούν' ή υπάρχουν 'εκείνα που δεν λέγονται';
Επιμέλεια: Δημήτρης Χριστόπουλος
Εκδόσεις Βιβλιόραμα, Αθήνα 2015
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      Discourse AnalysisPolitical TheoryFreedom of Speech and Press
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      Media StudiesJournalismPropagandaMedia
विचार एवं अभिव्यक्ति मनुष्य के नैसर्गिक गुण हैं, जो उसे जन्म से प्राप्त होते हैं। वह इनका उपयोग भी अपने जन्मसिद्ध अधिकार की ही तरह करने की इच्छा रखता है। किंतु राज्य, संगठित धर्म अथवा व्यवस्था का कोई भी अन्य स्वरूप जो स्वयं के बने रहने को... more
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      Freedom Of ExpressionPress FreedomFreedom of SpeechPress and media history
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    • Freedom of Speech and Press
It is rather common to witness or formulate peremptory invitations towards those in power to regulate the manner of their discourse, to avoid certain pitfalls of language, to eradicate hate speech. With the spectacular and unprecedented... more
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      Free SpeechSpeech Act TheoryJ. L. AustinFreedom in Political Speech
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      Constitutional LawFirst Amendment Law (USA)First Amendment EducationFreedom Of Expression
Comunicação ao IV Seminário Internacional "Perícia, Propriedade Intelectual x Liberdade de Expressão". Comissão de Direito Eletrônico e Crimes de Alta Tecnologia da OAB/SP, São Paulo, Brasil, dia 9 de maio de 2013.
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      European LawHuman RightsPrivacyFreedom Of Expression
Seminário à "Pós-Graduação em Direito Constitucional" do IDDE - Instituto para o Desenvolvimento Democrático, Belo Horizonte (Brasil). Dia 6 de maio de 2013.
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      CyberlawEuropean LawHuman RightsPrivacy
Declaration " I certify that all material in this dissertation which is not my own work has been identified with appropriate acknowledgement and referencing and I also certify that no material is included for which a degree has previously... more
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      Academic FreedomInternational LawInternational Human Rights LawFreedom Of Expression
Access to information in Nigeria, prior to 2011, was an herculean task. Many journalists were imprisoned for publishing what was classified as confidential state information. Citizens' knowledge of public affairs was extremely poor, all... more
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      GovernanceOpen GovernmentAnti-CorruptionOpen Government Data
The Republic of Ubuntu (Ubuntu) is an African developing country with a total population of 15 million (2007 figures), majority being peasants. There are a number of human rights violations complained about by the petitioners against the... more
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      LawCriminal LawComparative LawConstitutional Law
This symposium paper takes as its starting point the deeply-seated right of UK Members of Parliament to express themselves freely without fear of legal action in all matters relating to parliamentary proceedings and the historic right of... more
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      Media HistoryMedia EthicsFreedom of SpeechMedia regulation
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      DemocracyFreedom of SpeechFreedom of the PressFreedom of Press and Media
The contemporary evolution of digital Information and Communication Technologies (ITCs) has generated a new field of constraints and opportunities for our freedom of expression, while causing the emergence of a new dimension of human... more
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      Political PhilosophyFree SpeechFreedom Of ExpressionDemocracy
Symposium on Tariq Modood, Essays on Secularism and Multiculturalism, Ethical Perspectives, 26(4), 2019: 653-697 [published in September 2020]. Consisting of: Secularism and Multiculturalism: A Distinctively British Perspective -Koen... more
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      MulticulturalismPolitical TheoryCritical Race TheoryFree Speech
This article aims to develop a ground for freedom of speech that combines two justifications –democratic participation and autonomy. First, it is argued that consequentialist justifications, suchas discovery of truth and personal... more
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      Free SpeechFreedom of SpeechFreedom of Speech and ExpressionFreedom of Speech and Press
Political philosophical work on whistleblowing has thus far neglected the role of journalists. A curious oversight, given that the whistleblower's objective-informing the public about government wrongdoing-can typically not be realized... more
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      WhistleblowingMedia EthicsPress FreedomFreedom of Speech
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      Online JournalismJournalism And Mass communicationFreedom of Speech and Press
Freedom of expression is a cornerstone in a liberal democracy. It enables open debates and exchange of ideas. The right was, however, challenged during the 2006-2006 Muhammad cartoons controversy. The controversy raised questions of the... more
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      Political SociologyPeace and Conflict StudiesTerrorismPolitical Theory
Ante las lamentablemente numerosas noticias de casos de violación de la libertad de expresión de periodistas mexicanos en los últimos años, se ha propuesto que el registro y documentación sistemáticos de los casos de agravios a este... more
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      Press FreedomLibertad de ExpresiónLibertad De Expresión E InformaciónDerecho a La Información
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      Political PartiesHuman Rights LawHuman RightsPrivacy
To ensure a consistent approach, Zimbabwe needs to come up with a consistent, open and transparent framework which complies with the Human Rights Committee’s General Comment 34 on Article 19 of the ICCPR. This will provide sturdy guidance... more
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      Constitutional LawCensorshipRule of LawFilm Censorship
I discuss Charles Pigden’s paper ‘Coercive theories of meaning, or why language shouldn’t matter (so much) to philosophy’ and ask whether theories of meaning whose primary purpose is to discredit rival philosophies as meaningless... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of Language
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      Freedom Of ExpressionFreedom of SpeechLibertad de InformaciónLibertad de Expresión
More than a month ago, a Bangladeshi journalist disappeared without a trace after reporting on a government scandal. Bangladesh has a track record of media oppression and ranked 151 in the 2020 RSF ranking. His disappearance is symbolic... more
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      Freedom Of ExpressionFreedom of InformationPress FreedomCoronaviruses
The report examines international standards, scholarly approaches and accreditation rules of ministries of foreign affairs in a number of the OSCE participating States, seeking to explore and clarify the legal nature and specifics of... more
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      CensorshipJournalismFreedom Of ExpressionMedia Law
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      Burmese PoliticsFreedom of Speech and Press