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The sweep frequency response analysis (SFRA) is an analysis technique for detecting winding displacement and deformation (among other mechanical and electrical failures) on power and distribution transformers. Nowadays, there is an... more
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      Power ElectronicsElectric Power SystemsStandard DeviationCorrelation coefficient
A new digital control solution to motion control problems is proposed. It is based on a unique active disturbance rejection concept, where the disturbances are estimated using an extended state observer (ESO) and compensated in each... more
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      Control TheoryMotion controlDigital ControlControl Systems
For past few decades the study about phononic crystals are getting more popular. Understanding and controlling the phononic properties of the phononic crystals provides opportunities to reduce environmental noise. In this thesis there is... more
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      Finite Element MethodsFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Solid MechanicsVibration Control
Any failures in these equipments directly reduce network reliability and increase maintenance costs. Consequently, the preventive maintenance techniques are increasingly developed. In this regard, frequency response analysis is an... more
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      Fault diagnosisNetwork ReliabilityPreventive MaintenancePhase Transformation
This paper presents a simplified distributed parameter model for minor winding deformation fault analysis of power transformers on the basis of frequency response analysis (FRA). The FRA data of an experimental transformer is employed as... more
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      Statistical AnalysisQuantitative analysisHigh FrequencyDeformation
The paper presents the description for diagnostic methods of induction motor's stator windings fault. The presented methods use Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) technique for detection of Winding Faults in Induction Motor. This method is... more
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      Induction MotorsFrequency Response AnalysisShort-circuit faultStator winding fault
An electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) study of electrodes in a phosphoric acid loaded polybenzimidazole (PBI) membrane fuel cell is reported. Using EIS, the effect of electrode parameters such as Pt catalyst wt%, acid doping in... more
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      EngineeringMass TransferKineticsHeat Treatment
Monitoring and diagnosis of power transformer in power systems have been examined and debated significantly in last few decades. Recently, more researchers have expressed their interest in these issues as the utilities and network... more
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      TransformerWindingsFrequency Response AnalysisWinding
This paper describes the finite element (FE) analysis technique to predict fatigue life using the narrow band frequency response approach. The life prediction results are useful for improving the component design methodology at the very... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringComputer Aided Design
One of the most important methods for transformers fault diagnosis (especially mechanical defects) is the frequency response analysis (FRA). The most important step in the FRA diagnostic process is to differentiate the faults and classify... more
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      Fault DetectionTransformerFrequency Response Analysis
The main objective of the paper is to describe the experience with newly developed monitoring system for transformers with oil-paper insulation system. From the view of operation reliability, it is necessary for operator s to provide a... more
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      Monitoring SystemFrequency Response Analysis
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      Finite Element MethodsFault DetectionFinite Element AnalysisImpedance
Study and analysis the effect of variable applied voltage on SCIM performances based on FEA is presented. Three phase squirrel cage induction motor SCIM has been investigated and numerically simulated using finite element method (FEM)... more
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      Induction MotorInduction MotorsFrequency Response AnalysisStator winding fault
We present a 3-D model for calculating magnetic fields in a power transformer and the effective parameters (inductance and resistance) of its windings. The transformer is representative of large transformers with power ratings ranging... more
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      EngineeringFinite element methodMagnetic fieldHigh Frequency
This paper presents an embedded frequency response analyzer (EFRA) for fuel cells (FC) based on a low-cost digital signal processor (DSP). Frequency response analysis technique provides valuable information of different electrochemical... more
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      Signal ProcessingFuel CellLow Power ConsumptionDigital Signal Processor
As an early part of a large design and fabrication-oriented project FasdHTS funded by the GROWTH programme of the European Commission, an exotic concept ship was designed in very high tensile steel (EHS690) with the purpose of finding out... more
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      Civil EngineeringStatic AnalysisStructural DynamicsModeling
The major amount of worldwide transportation is done by using automobiles. In automotive industries truck chassis are designed as per the design standards but the bodies manufactured by various manufacturers are designed without standard... more
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      Modal AnalysisFEAFrequency Response Analysis
Figure 1. (a) Stanford Bunny model with 35.947 vertices. (b) Corrupted with zero mean Gaussian noise with standard deviation σ = 0.4 of mean edge length. (c) Denoised with our method. Notice that no oversmoothing occurs along the surface... more
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      Computer VisionMesh generationFeature ExtractionPoint Cloud
In many industrial activities, the assessment of the good condition of the devices involved in these activities is an important issue. The condition assessment is usually carried out taking some measurements of the device and... more
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      Fourier transformCondition AssessmentTime DomainFrequency Response
Transformers are one of the main devices in the utility grids. Reliability, power quality, economic cost and even the company image are influenced by the transformers health. For this reason, advanced techniques have been developed in... more
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      Power QualityModel TransformationExhibitionElectric Utilities
As an early part of a large design and fabrication-oriented project FasdHTS funded by the GROWTH programme of the European Commission, an exotic concept ship was designed in very high tensile steel (EHS690) with the purpose of finding out... more
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      Civil EngineeringStatic AnalysisStructural DynamicsModeling
ABSTRACT Interturn winding faults are one of the most prevalent and potentially destructive electrical faults in power transformers. This contribution is an initiative to explore the potential of the sweep frequency response analysis... more
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      EngineeringMeasurement Science and TechnologyPhysical sciencesTransfer Function