Il 25 maggio 2016 la Commissione Europea ha presentato la proposta di regolamento 2016/289 per impedire i blocchi geografici ed altre forme di discriminazione fondate sulla territorialità. Il presente articolo esplicita il fondamento e... more
Il 25 maggio 2016 la Commissione Europea ha presentato la proposta di regolamento 2016/289 per impedire i blocchi geografici ed altre forme di discriminazione fondate sulla territorialità. Il presente articolo esplicita il fondamento e gli obiettivi della proposta, approfondendo l’ambito applicativo e la disciplina dell’accesso alle interfacce online, a beni o servizi nonché la non discriminazione per motivi legati al pagamento. L’articolo rileva, infine, come le premesse da cui muove la Commissione Europea debbano fare i conti con la libertà contrattuale e di impresa garantita dall’art. 16 della Carta di Nizza agli operatori europei, cui va assicurata la libertà di elaborare proprie strategie territoriali di distribuzione, in un difficile equilibrio col principio di non discriminazione.
On May 25th 2016, the European Commission presented a proposal for a regulation on addressing geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on territoriality. The article clarifies the foundation and the aims of the proposal, focusing on the scope and the legal framework of the access to online interface, to goods and services and to non-discrimination for reasons related to payment. However, the promising basis that lead the European Commission have to deal with the freedom of contract and the freedom of enterprise, as well as the opportunity for companies to develop distribution strategies based on location. Will the E.U. be able to find a balance between companies’ needs and non-discrimination principle?
The Great Firewall (GFW) is one of the most sophisticated and effective Internet blocking projects, and it functions as a powerful instrument for censorship in China. 1 The existence of the " wall, " as both a technological apparatus and... more
The Great Firewall (GFW) is one of the most sophisticated and effective Internet blocking projects, and it functions as a powerful instrument for censorship in China. 1 The existence of the " wall, " as both a technological apparatus and a structure metaphor, is a symptomatic object of the global media network, shattering the myth of borderless global access and fore-grounding the regulatory power of the nation-state. 2 But what makes the wall more meaningful is the practice of " wall-crossing " (fanqiang). As counterprotocols for tactical media, a series of tools and strategies based on VPNs and proxy servers have been developed by Chinese users to circumvent the Great Firewall and to access blocked media content. 3 The battle over the GFW reveals the lived experience of (dis)connected global media flow that is marked by constant struggles between restriction and access. By investigating the GFW and the practices used to bypass it, this study aims not just to understand the GFW itself, but to interrogate the discursive meanings and political outcomes of technological knowledge, devices, and infrastructures that formed seemingly invisible, yet deeply prevalent
The audiovisual industry is currently marked by conflicts between the conduct of internet users and social structures such as market and law. This tension is due to the dynamic progress of digital technology and the associated change in... more
The audiovisual industry is currently marked by conflicts between the conduct of internet users and social structures such as market and law. This tension is due to the dynamic progress of digital technology and the associated change in consumer habits and expectations that conflict with the static nature of the law and of business models. This paper will focus on one of the many conflicts between consumer behaviour and market structure, namely on the blocking of access to specific types of audiovisual content (namely films as well as television films and series) in digital media services within the EU based upon the location (i.e., the member state) from which the user connects to the internet. This paper aims at an ethical analysis of geo-blocking in the European audiovisual sector. My question is: is restricting access to digital AV content based on the consumer's geographical location morally justifiable?
This article offers an analysis of one small-nation market’s perspective on the current and expected changes of digital distribution and its intermediaries. It demonstrates how key stakeholders in the Czech audiovisual distribution sector... more
This article offers an analysis of one small-nation market’s perspective on the current and expected changes of digital distribution and its intermediaries. It demonstrates how key stakeholders in the Czech audiovisual distribution sector are reacting to regulatory processes at the EU level and how they are reconsidering their existing business practices, strategic plans, and structural positions vis-à-vis new global trends and competition in the evolving sphere of digital distribution. The article is not a full-fledged analysis of the Digital Single Market’s (DSM) potential impacts: instead, it considers DSM as just one factor in the strategic thinking of stakeholders, a factor that functions as a catalyst and a focal point in both business operations and policy making.
Cílem první části výzkumné zprávy (kap. 1 až 5) je vysvětlit (a) význam principu teritoriality pro fungování obchodních modelů audiovizuálního průmyslu na malém trhu, resp. vysvětlit význam šíření audiovizuálních (převážně filmových) děl... more
Cílem první části výzkumné zprávy (kap. 1 až 5) je vysvětlit (a) význam principu teritoriality pro fungování obchodních modelů audiovizuálního průmyslu na malém trhu, resp. vysvětlit význam šíření audiovizuálních (převážně filmových) děl na základě prodeje exkluzivních teritoriálních licencí; (b) význam zeměpisného blokování přístupu k obsahu nabízenému audiovizuálními online službami (tzv. geoblokace) pro uchování hodnoty teritoriální licence v online prostředí. Tohoto cíle je dosaženo na základě rekonstrukce postojů českých distributorů audiovizuálních děl k návrhům Evropské komise na vytvoření jednotného digitálního trhu v Evropě, které byly postupně předloženy a diskutovány v letech 2015 až 2018. V navazující druhé části zprávy reflektujeme právní diskusi týkající se legálnosti uplatňování geoblokačních opatření, a to jednak z hlediska principů volného trhu v EU a jednak z hlediska toho, zdali má geoblokace oporu v autorském právu. Cílem druhé části zprávy (kap. 6 a 7) není rozhodovat mezi vzájemně si konkurujícími právními výklady vztahu práva a geoblokace, ale posoudit dopady odlišných právních rámců – utvářejících základní mechanismy fungování audiovizuálního trhu – na produkci a distribuci audiovizuálních děl na českém trhu. K tomuto cíli jsou využita empirická zjištění z první části.
Con due sentenze emesse nei casi C-136/17, GC e altri c. Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés (CNIL) e C-507/17, Google LLC c. Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés (CNIL), la Corte di giustizia è... more
Con due sentenze emesse nei casi C-136/17, GC e altri c. Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés (CNIL) e C-507/17, Google LLC c. Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés (CNIL), la Corte di giustizia è tornata a pronunciarsi sul «diritto all'oblio», a oltre cinque anni di distanza dalla sentenza Google Spain del 13 maggio 2014 (C-131/12), con la quale, in buona sostanza, la Corte aveva stabilito che, in seguito a specifica richiesta di cancellazione da parte degli interessati, i gestori dei motori di ricerca sono obbligati a eliminare dall'elenco dei risultati di ricerca i link verso pagine web, pubblicate da terzi, contenenti informazioni sugli interessati, anche qualora tali informazioni non vengano o non possano essere cancellate dalle stesse pagine web
Internetul liber și neutru al trecutului a devenit supra-reglementat și fragmentat, punând în pericol drepturile și libertățile fundamentale. Aflate în dificultate de conformare cu rigorile legislației europene privind protecția datelor,... more
Internetul liber și neutru al trecutului a devenit supra-reglementat și fragmentat, punând în pericol drepturile și libertățile fundamentale. Aflate în dificultate de conformare cu rigorile legislației europene privind protecția datelor, anumite site-uri de știri din afara Uniunii Europene au apelat la geoblocare. Geoblocarea site-urilor de presă, o formă modernă de cenzură, afectează libertatea de exprimare și informare a persoanelor situate în Uniunea Europeană. Această lucrare analizează cauzele care au contribuit fenomenul geoblocării site-urilor de știri externe și efectele adverse asupra libertății de exprimare și de informare în mediul online. Lucrarea are drept obiectiv principal găsirea unor soluții pentru a asigura unui just echilibru între protecția datelor personale și libertatea de exprimare și de informare.
The rise in the use of Virtual Private Networks by consumers to skirt region-based restrictions on accessing copyright information (‘geo-blocking’) is a growing phenomenon. The legality of both geo-blocking and its circumvention is a... more
The rise in the use of Virtual Private Networks by consumers to skirt region-based restrictions on accessing copyright information (‘geo-blocking’) is a growing phenomenon. The legality of both geo-blocking and its circumvention is a complex question covering copyright, competition and consumer law.
This paper analyses both policy and legal issues, briefly covering treaty obligations and foreign jurisdictions as well, in popular contexts such as geo-blocking avoidance by users of Netflix and Stan and other similar online media streaming services.
University Assignment paper, Contemporary Legal Issues (MLL418) intensive unit focusing on Cyberlaw, Bachelor of Law (LLB), Deakin University Faculty of Business and Law. Given a mark of 93.33%, highest in the unit cohort.
Summary The phenomenon of geo-blocking is one of the new challenges of the digital era. Geo-blocking is a modern form of discrimination that differentiates between consumers on the basis of their geographical location. The phenomenon... more
Summary The phenomenon of geo-blocking is one of the new challenges of the digital era. Geo-blocking is a modern form of discrimination that differentiates between consumers on the basis of their geographical location. The phenomenon ultimately affects the situation of the citizen concerned and may also constitute an obstacle to the single market. Digital time has put a number of issues to be resolved on the legislator’s table in recent years, one of which is the phenomenon of geo-blocking. Already in 2015, the European Commission led by Juncker (2014–2019) adopted the Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy, which marked the European Union’s (EU) path towards innovation by creating a new digital dimension of the Single Market. In order to achieve the DSM strategy and the digital objectives, a number of legislative acts have been put in place to address the elements of the DSM and exploit the benefits of technological modernisation. The geo-blocking phenomenon is presented in this stud...
Geo-blocking is the new phenomenon of the current digital era, which affects our everyday lives. Geo-blocking is a modern form of discrimination which is considered a geographically based restriction for consumers that may be a ban for... more
Geo-blocking is the new phenomenon of the current digital era, which affects our everyday lives. Geo-blocking is a modern form of discrimination which is considered a geographically based restriction for consumers that may be a ban for free movements and therefore affect the single market of the European Union, too. The European Commission adopted the Digital Single Market (DSM) Strategy in 2015 by which a new path forward to innovation was taken down. The new EU Commission led by Ursula von der Leyen aims not only the continuation of the development of the DSM to improve our digital welfare, but introduced the concept of the promotion of European way of life which is strongly interlinked with the digital aspects, too. As the human perspectives of our lifestyles came up to a higher level of policymaking, digital readiness, skills, and geo-discrimination might also be part of current debates. The research intends to present the geo-blocking as a new issue for the society, politics and economy, then broadly summarizes its definitions and the latest solutions for the treatment of unjustified restrictions in the EU.
The phenomenon of geo-blocking is one of the new challenges of the digital era. Geo-blocking is a modern form of discrimination that differentiates between consumers on the basis of their geographical location. The phenomenon ultimately... more
The phenomenon of geo-blocking is one of the new challenges of the digital era. Geo-blocking is a modern form of discrimination that differentiates between consumers on the basis of their geographical location. The phenomenon ultimately affects the situation of the citizen concerned and may also constitute an obstacle to the single market. Digital time has put a number of issues to be resolved on the legislator’s table in recent years, one of which is the phenomenon of geo-blocking. Already in 2015, the European Commission led by Juncker (2014–2019) adopted the Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy, which marked the European Union’s (EU) path towards innovation by creating a new digital dimension of the Single Market. In order to achieve the DSM strategy and the digital objectives, a number of legislative acts have been put in place to address the elements of the DSM and exploit the benefits of technological modernisation. The geo-blocking phenomenon is presented in this study, partl...
The Government is deciding how and when to trigger Article 50 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. In the meantime, some “remainers” are pointing out the allegedly tragic consequences of Brexit, whereas a more cautious... more
The Government is deciding how and when to trigger Article 50 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. In the meantime, some “remainers” are pointing out the allegedly tragic consequences of Brexit, whereas a more cautious approach would be wise. There is much uncertainty on the future of intellectual property (IP) in the UK after the referendum and one could foresee that there will be more cons than pros. However, some opportunities may as well arise. This poster aims to assess the impact of Brexit on IP by distinguishing between areas that do not need significant intervention, areas where no real intervention will be allowed and areas where there is need for an update. In the near future, the Government and the Parliament will be likely focused on the negotiations with the European Union and there is the risk that IP issues will be overlooked. Therefore, it will be up to the judiciary to modernise intellectual property and ensure that the UK does not depart radicall...
Summary The phenomenon of geo-blocking is one of the new challenges of the digital era. Geo-blocking is a modern form of discrimination that differentiates between consumers on the basis of their geographical location. The phenomenon... more
Summary The phenomenon of geo-blocking is one of the new challenges of the digital era. Geo-blocking is a modern form of discrimination that differentiates between consumers on the basis of their geographical location. The phenomenon ultimately affects the situation of the citizen concerned and may also constitute an obstacle to the single market. Digital time has put a number of issues to be resolved on the legislator’s table in recent years, one of which is the phenomenon of geo-blocking. Already in 2015, the European Commission led by Juncker (2014–2019) adopted the Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy, which marked the European Union’s (EU) path towards innovation by creating a new digital dimension of the Single Market. In order to achieve the DSM strategy and the digital objectives, a number of legislative acts have been put in place to address the elements of the DSM and exploit the benefits of technological modernisation. The geo-blocking phenomenon is presented in this stud...
The phenomenon of geo-blocking is one of the new challenges of the digital era. Geo-blocking is a modern form of discrimination that differentiates between consumers on the basis of their geographical location. The phenomenon ultimately... more
The phenomenon of geo-blocking is one of the new challenges of the digital era. Geo-blocking is a modern form of discrimination that differentiates between consumers on the basis of their geographical location. The phenomenon ultimately affects the situation of the citizen concerned and may also constitute an obstacle to the single market. Digital time has put a number of issues to be resolved on the legislator’s table in recent years, one of which is the phenomenon of geo-blocking. Already in 2015, the European Commission led by Juncker (2014–2019) adopted the Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy, which marked the European Union’s (EU) path towards innovation by creating a new digital dimension of the Single Market. In order to achieve the DSM strategy and the digital objectives, a number of legislative acts have been put in place to address the elements of the DSM and exploit the benefits of technological modernisation. The geo-blocking phenomenon is presented in this study, partly in terms of practical aspects and partly with regard to the geo-blocking regulation. The Ursula von der Leyen-led Commission (2019–2024) identifies “a Europe fit for the digital age” among its six priorities. Among the priorities, the “promotion of a European way of life”, must be linked to the digital priorities, as our smart tools and our digital presence are becoming an integral part of our lives – and our common way of life – especially at this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Innovation has also been accelerated by the current exceptional situation, the health emergency caused by COVID-19, forcing us to work remotely, remote contacts and the constant use of our smart tools. The realisation of digital well-being is therefore also an integral part of our lifestyle. In the intersection of digitalisation and development and the promotion of a common European way of life, we can find a single market in which we can experience a significant aspect of our European way of life – the free movements and cross-border transactions – even through our online presence. The internal market is the dimension for the proper functioning of which the Union institutions can adopt a legislative act. In addition, measures taken to remove barriers and remove obstacles are essential for the functioning of the internal market. Joint action against geo-blocking as an internal market barrier will also play a role in creating digital prosperity by promoting the proper functioning of the internal market by promoting e-commerce and electronic content access. The aim of the study on the one hand is to present issues related to geo-blocking in a brief and descriptive manner from the perspective of the social, economic and legal environment linked to the internal market. On the other hand, the study briefly presents the legal environment of geo-blocking in the USA, Russia, China and Japan.