German Revolution
Recent papers in German Revolution
German authors, especially from the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century, are usually quite well known in the Anglophone world. This is particularly the case with regard to English-speaking socialists, given that... more
Aus Dokumenten der Leipziger Bürger- und Menschenrechtsgruppen Arbeitskreis Gerechtigkeit, Arbeitsgruppe Menschenrechte, Sonnabendskreis sowie der Redaktion der Samisdat-Zeitschrift Grenzfall in Berlin. Erstmals wird die Revolution von... more
Es ist eines der aussagekräftigsten Bildmotive aus dem Revolutionsgeschehen 1918/19 in Deutschland. Soldaten halten ein Schild, darauf unmissverständlich die Warnung aufgedruckt: »Wer weitergeht wird erschossen!« HALT! rufen sie und... more
This chapter demonstrates the pivotal importance of the German Revolution on the development of council communist thought. It claims that differences between the Bolsehviks and “left” or “council” communists occurred initially over the... more
This paper defends the idea that the only feasible and desirable alternative to bourgeois democracy in 1918 Germany was a parliamentary democracy supported by workers’ councils. This alternative, which I will call council Erfurtianism,... more
This article seeks to position gender theory as critical to making sense of one of the First World War’s largest remaining historical problems: the persistence of mass violence after November 1918. While Robert Gerwarth and John Horne’s... more
Edited version of published paper presented at 'Is Black and Red Dead?' Conference, Centre for the Study of Social and Global and Justice (CSSGJ) University of Nottingham, 7-8 September, 2009... more
After being defeated at the World War One, Germany plunged into a serious political, economic and social crisis, opening up one of the most troubled periods in its history. Between 1918 and 1923, there were a lot of failed attempts of... more
In einer historischen Trilogie unter dem Obertitel „Vom Kaiserreich zur Republik“ verfasste Richard Müller, Metallarbeiter und Vorsitzender des Vollzugsrats der Arbeiter- und Soldatenräte einen ungewöhnlichen Zeitzeugenbericht zur... more
Written for the 200th issue of the Marxist magazine Against the Current
This chapter reads the German revolution through Miguel Abensour’s theory of insurgent democracy, and in the context of two major criticisms of radical democratic theory. Insurgent democracy posits a radical version of democracy that... more
This text, by Franz Seiwert (1894–1933) was published as ‘Offener Brief an den Genossen A. Bogdanow’ in the journal Die Aktion in July 1921 (Seiwert 1921). At the time Seiwert was aligned with this literary and political journal which was... more
Der Briefwechsel zwischen dem bekannten Religionshistoriker Gershom Scholem und seinem Bruder Werner in den Jahren 1914–1919 besteht auch, aber nicht nur aus Berichten über persönliche Erfahrungen im Ersten Weltkrieg. Im Vordergrund steht... more
This is the pre-print version of the encylcopedic entry on Rosa Luxemburg for the Palgrave Enyclopedia of Imperialism & Anti-Imperialism (Oct2015)
Vorabdruck. Mit der Niederschlagung der Januarkämpfe 1919 und der Ermordung Rosa Luxemburgs und Karl Liebknechts begann die gegenrevolutionäre Gewalt. Von dort lässt sich der Bogen bis zum Machtantritt der Nazis spannen.
Ausgehend vom Ansatz der akteurszentrierten Transitionstheorie sind die Interessenlagen der Autoren der beiden Demonstrations-Texte sowie die perspektivengeleiteten Rationalitäten ihrer Intentionen zu reflektieren. Gemeinsam war "nur"... more
Methodological critique of the sociological theory »spontaneous cooperation« to explain the revolution in Germany in 1989. This approach represented the german sociologists Dieter Opp and Detlef Pollack. The author reconstructs the two... more
Quel 22 settembre1920 Lenin parlava ai circa duecento partecipanti alla IX Conferenza del partito, a Mosca. Dove sono? In una sala del Cremlino? Chi sono? Gli eletti al CC nel IX congresso del partito congresso del partito (25 marzo-5... more
Review for ZfG
An account of E. D. Morel's campaign around the 'Black Scourge' looking in particular at the response from Claude McKay
This text, by Franz Seiwert (1894–1933) was published as ‘Offener Brief an den Genossen A. Bogdanow’ in the journal Die Aktion in July 1921 (Seiwert 1921). At the time Seiwert was aligned with this literary and political journal which was... more
Im Jahr ihres Zentenariums hört die Novemberrevolution zusehends auf, eine „vergessene Revolution“ (Alexander Gallus, 2010) zu sein. In Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit wächst die Einsicht, dass der Aufbruch in die erste parlamentarische... more
Festvortrag zur Ausstellungseröffnung am 14.11.2018
Mit dem Näherrücken des Zentenariums der Novemberrevolution entwindet sich dieses herausragende Ereignis der deutschen Demokratiegeschichte mehr und mehr der Charakterisierung, die Alexander Gallus 2010 prägte. Denn sie hört zusehends... more
A recording of my BIICL talk on International Labour Law, Revolution and Public International Law can be found open access at the link below (copyright of my talk is asserted here, all rights reserved): New Directions in Core Subjects of... more
Eduard Bernstein, the instigator and primary advocate of ‘reformism’ within the social democratic movement, played a central part in the German Revolution and in the early months of the nascent Republic as a treasury minister in the... more
Hannah Arendt is known for her celebration and critical examination of modern revolutions. However, the relative absence of the German Revolution from Arendt’s writings has received little attention in scholarship, despite the major role... more