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      MusicMusic HistoryPopular Music StudiesPopular Music
Beginning in 1260, the Mongol ruler Khubilai Khan embarked on the creation of a Chinese-style bureaucracy to govern his realm more effectively. At the same time, the court began to promulgate a salary code for its officials. Though both... more
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      Political HistoryState BuildingYuan DynastyInstitutions
Karl Kurt Klein (6.5.1897 – 10.01.1971), the only polymath of the Germans of Romania (Siebenbürger Sachsen), had a special relationship to the "Deutsche Burse" in Marburg an der Lahn and its leader Johann Wilhelm Mannhardt (1883-1969). On... more
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      NazismBureaucracyNationalsocialismNazi Propaganda
How does a big cat in India come to be identified as the one guilty of preying on humans? Indian conservationist law stipulates that the big cat must be identified before it is hunted down. But as I demonstrate ethnographically, there is... more
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      AnthropologyClimate ChangeSouth Asian StudiesGovernance
O modelo de organização e administração português foi transplantado para suas colônias, como o Brasil, trazendo consigo aspectos como o patrimonialismo - que foi decisivo na maneira como a administração pública brasileira se desenvolveu.... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteraturePublic AdministrationColonial AmericaBrazilian History
The dissertation focuses on the texts of a religious movement known as Tianshidao (the Way of the Celestial Masters) from the 2nd to the 5th century CE. Tianshidao is presented as a multifaceted tradition that should not be reduced by a... more
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      DaoismChinese ReligionsCelestial MastersApocalypticism
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman EmpireEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire
a parody of turkish bureaucracy
Anlayış Dergisi, Sayı 77, Ekim 2009
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      Bureaucracies & Bureaucratic WorkersTurkeyBureaucratic PoliticsModern Turkey
Teacher burnout is a psychological phenomenon affecting teachers’ effectiveness and wellbeing across the globe. Thus, education researchers have investigated its antecedents to identify approaches to alleviate teacher burnout. However,... more
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      EmpowermentBureaucracySchool AdministrationTeacher Burnout
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      Political ScienceBureaucracyEstado y políticas públicasImplementation
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      Organizational CultureLeadershipPolitical ScienceStakeholders
CHAPTER 8 Economic Reforms, Growth, and Governance: The Political Economy Aspects of Bangladesh's Development Surprise Wahiduddin Mahmud, Sadiq Ahmed, and Sandeep Mahajan Bangladesh emerged from its war of independence desperately... more
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      Development EconomicsDeveloping CountriesAgricultureEconomic Development
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      Public AdministrationEducationPolitical SciencePerformance Management
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      MarketingBusiness EthicsApplied EthicsBusiness and Management
A análise das capacidades estatais é central para a compreensão da implementação de políticas públicas e seus resultados. Ainda que haja um enorme debate em torno do conceito, alguns estudos mostram que duas dimensões da capacidade devem... more
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      Education PolicyBureaucracyLocal/Municipal governmentGovernance and State Capacity
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      Comparative PoliticsHuman RightsProperty RightsConstitutionalism
Significant variation in the institutions and efficiency of public bureaucracies across countries and regions are observed. These differences could be partially responsible for divergence in the effectiveness of policy implementation,... more
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      HistoryComparative PoliticsPublic AdministrationGerman History
I am proud to present one of our publications "Administrative Reforms for Better Governance" written by Dr N C Saxena and Forward by Dr Harsh Mander. It is very useful in the present context.
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      Public AdministrationGovernanceIndiaGood Governance
"Review from Choice: Waters, Tony. Schooling, childhood, and bureaucracy: bureaucratizing the child. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 255p bibl index ISBN 9781137269713, S90.00 Waters (California State Univ., Chico) is by education and... more
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      Development EconomicsEducationSocial PolicySociology of Education
‘Rude’ forms of accountability are central to how poor people negotiate their entitlements on the frontline of service delivery in Bangladesh. This paper documents the unorganised, informal pressures that poor citizens exert on officials... more
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How do state bureaucracies learn, innovate, and play a positive role in development? The book addresses such question and takes issue with the extant literature on "bureaucracy and development". It argues current approaches have... more
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      BureaucracyDiscretion in OrganizationsImplementationLabor Inspection
O desenvolvimento de políticas de melhor regulamentação em Portugal tem feito parte do esforço de reforma e modernização do Estado, atinentes ao cumprimento dos compromissos da Agenda de Lisboa. Com base nos indicadores do relatório... more
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      World BankPortugalBureaucracyBusiness Environments
This research is motivated by the idea of Smart ASN which was introduced by the government as a step to face the industrial revolution 4.0. The government must face the industrial revolution 4.0. The apparatus must adapt to technological... more
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    • Bureaucracy
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      Regulation And GovernanceAdministrative Law and Bureaucratic LegalismAdministrative LawBureaucracy
Bureaucracy quite literally translates into rule by public office (‘bureau’). The anthropology of bureaucracy can be seen as falling under two broad approaches. Firstly, there is an expanding corpus of work that concentrates its attention... more
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      AnthropologyOrganizational CultureSocial and Cultural AnthropologyBureaucracy
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      BureaucracyAnthropology of Bureaucracy
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      Public AdministrationPolitical ScienceDemocracyDemocracy and Good Governance
Los antropólogos dedicados a los estudios poscoloniales adoptan cada vez más una perspectiva histórica y recurren a los archivos, aunque esta actividad tiende a ser más extractiva que etnográfica. Los documentos son todavía fragmentos que... more
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      EthnographyBureaucracyRevista Colombiana de Antropologia RCA
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      Social StructureBureaucracyOrganizational TheoriesCentralization
This study explores the implications of different approaches to performance management forinspection work and regulatory outcomes. It assesses to what extent variations in methods forcontrolling discretion explain why in some cases... more
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      Regulation And GovernancePerformance ManagementBureaucracyDiscretion in Organizations
Out in January 2020 with Oxford University Press
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      Political EconomyDevelopment StudiesWelfare StateSouth Asian Studies
This article examines the everyday lives of Nicaraguan immigrants in Costa Rica to understand the temporal aspects of illegality produced by immigration law. Two sets of temporary measures highlight the temporality of both law and... more
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      MigrationImmigration LawIllegality (Anthropology)Costa Rica
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementBureaucracyPublic Managers
This study aims to analyze the criticism of local government public services in Indonesia. Complex problems with public services that often occur in services at the local government level. This is because the local government is an... more
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      Public RelationsLocal GovernmentMindsetCriticism
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      Canon LawEarly ChristianityLate AntiquityEcclesiology
Bureaucratic autonomy is one of those concepts that have fascinated the scholars of both public administration and political science for a long time. Such fascination inspires the scholars to carry out research from diverse perspectives... more
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      Bureaucratic PoliticsAutonomyBureaucracy
It is a widely accepted truth that the Indian state suffers from a serious crisis of implementation capability. Despite widespread recognition of this crisis, there is remarkably little analytical work on how the Indian state works,... more
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The purposes of this academic article were to ,that Firstly, review of knowledge in public administration, It can be categorized into 4 paradigms which are (1) the traditional public administration paradigm (2) a new public management... more
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      Public AdministrationThailandBureaucracy
The development of platform capitalism and the digitization of labor processes have enabled scholars and the public to describe the contemporary organization of work giving particular emphasis to the role of algorithms. Through document... more
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      AlgorithmsBureaucracyScientific managementTaylorism
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      Political BehaviorVoting BehaviorSelf-EfficacyElections
吐魯番隨葬衣物疏中五道大神與果願大德比丘解題 中文摘要 "版權所有 引用請註明出處"... more
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      BuddhismChinese ReligionsSinologyChinese Buddhism
This paper describes the arrival of a man-eating leopard in a small Himalayan town in India and the local state's subsequent struggle to control the big cat. By focusing on what went on within the apparatus of the state during this... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsSouth Asian StudiesEnvironmental AnthropologyPhilosophy of Time
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      Ancient HistoryEconomic HistoryAssyriologyMesopotamia History
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      ProfessionalismHealth Services ResearchStandardizationBureaucracy
Star and Griesemer’s concept of boundary objects has become a central analytic framework in the fields of science and technology studies (STS), computer supported cooperative work (CSCW), information science, and organizational studies.... more
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      MethodologyHistoriographyComputer NetworksArchives
ICTs are frequently looked to as a missing link between traditional bureaucracy and the modernization of public administration and service delivery. Through the empirical research in the Thai public sector, we find that there is a... more
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      Organizational ChangeThailandICT for DevelopmentDecentralization
This article aims at offering a framework for analysing party patronage and state politicisation based on game-theoretic reasoning. It is argued that in order to reveal the main causal mechanisms behind these phenomena, one can focus on... more
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      Eastern European StudiesPublic AdministrationPolitical ScienceComparative Public Administration
Вступительная статья в книге: Папакостас А. Становление цивилизованной публичной сферы: Недоверие, доверие и коррупция/А. Папакостас;пер. с англ. Д. Жихаревича—М.:ОАО «ВЦИОМ», 2016.— 216 с. (Серия «Образ общества»). С. 5-16.
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      Economic SociologyPolitical SociologySocial TheoryOrganizational Theory
103 Milliarden DM wurden 1999 im sozialen Bereich ausgegeben, ein Betrag, über dessen sinnvolle Verwendung nicht erst seit der Finanzknappheit der öffentlichen Hand diskutiert wird. Die aktuellen, betriebswirtschaftlichen Reformversuche... more
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      Cultural SociologyBureaucracyObjective Hermeneutics