Recent papers in Gravestones
Doğu Anadolu Bölgesinde Elâzığ iline bağlı bir ilçe statüsünde bulunan Palu, Urartu döneminden başlayarak Osmanlı Devleti’nin son zamanlarına kadar önemli bir olarak varlığını devam ettirmiştir. Günümüzde küçük bir yerleşim birimi olarak... more
Since the 1960s, James Deetz and other archaeologists have attributed the appearance of the cherub icon on colonial-period gravemarkers to religious movements such as the Great Awakening or diminished Puritan influence during the... more
Review article of PhD thesis submitted in 2020 to the Archaeological Doctoral Programme, Doctoral School of History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest under the supervision of Miklós Szabó.
Текстот претставува одговор на написот на Н. Проева „Иконографија на тиквешкиот тип надгробни стели од римско време“ објавен во Патримониум.МК, 7-8 / 2010, 93-109.
TWO ROMAN IMPERIAL "PALMETTE" FUNERARY STELAI The two funerary “palmette” stelai (nos. 17, 16) published here are from ancient Tanagra. They are housed in the recently-renovated Museum of Schematari in the village of this name. Stele no.... more
The study of cemeteries, with their accumulated material culture, is a popular topic in historical archaeology, eliciting a number of methodological approaches. This paper describes the application of a phenomenological approach, best... more
Bu çalışmada, Bursa ili İnegöl ilçesi Kavaklaraltı Mezarlığında ilk gömülerinin yapıldığı bölümde yer alan Arap harfleri ile Osmanlıca olarak düzenlenen 41 adet mezar taşından 24 tanesi ele alınmıştır. Araştırmada, söz konusu mezar... more
The present article aims to present a type of Κoan funerary monument, the rectangular pillar-shaped altar, named after the near square cross-section of its orthostat. In Kos this type of monument accounts for nearly 100 pieces and it can... more
In the article two grave stelai of roman period with manual workers’ representations, housed in the National Archaeological Museum, are published. Both of them are of unknown provenance. The first one (inv. no. 6956), possibly of naiskos... more
An unpublished Georgia/Florida history article.
Özet Şeyh Şa’bân-ı Velî Külliyesi Haziresi’nde, Osmanlı dönemi mezar taşları içerisinde henüz başka bir yerde örneğine rastlanmamış nadir bir mezar taşı dikkat çekmektedir. Ümmü Gülsüm Hanım’a ait olan mezar taşını bu denli önemli kılan... more
The Hatch Cemetery (16RA1087) was discovered in 2001near Roxana, Rapides Parish, Louisiana. This paper discusses the gravestones and other features at the cemetery. Additionally, a member of the Hatch family surrendered at the Battle of... more
Kioniskoi are the most common form of Athenian grave monuments of the Hellenistisc period (323-31 BC. They are small columns with name inscriptions of the deceased, usually placed on top of the tomb. Very few of these preserve colours... more
This volume is a collection of ten articles published between 2009 and 2016 by Mark Dickens on the Church of the East in Central Asia, along with a new article on Mar Yahbalaha III, the only Turkic patriarch of the Church of the East.... more
Mehmet Kökrek, Edirne'deki Yeniçeri Damgalı Şâhideler, Türk Dünyası Tarih Kültür Dergisi, C.57, S.340, Nisan 2015, s.25-30
Begleitschrift zur Ausstellung »STEINREICH. Wissens-Schätze aus den Sammlungen der Universität Leipzig« im Ägyptischen Museum – Georg Steindorff – und im Antikenmuseum der Universität Leipzig (Leipzig 2020).
Abstract: Being a coastal settlement, having one of the few natural harbours on the southern Black Sea coast and lying at the mouth of the river Billaios with a fertile hinterland accessible by river, Tios / Tieion was located on the... more
This paper brings to light the life and times of two distinct, but intertwined Czech immigrants from the 1800s. Emanuel Beránek and Mario Josef Korbel. First we review and present Beránek's major work, which was his 1896 Czechoamerican... more
Willunga, South Australia, had a thriving slate industry in the nineteenth century. Remains of this industry are manifested in the carvings of a small group of men who lived in the district. This presentation explores the range of these... more
An examination of the corpus of Syro-Turkic Christian gravestones found in
Inner Mongolia, with particular attention to their inscriptions. Text, translation, and a brief commentary are given for each Turkic inscription in Syriac script.
Inner Mongolia, with particular attention to their inscriptions. Text, translation, and a brief commentary are given for each Turkic inscription in Syriac script.
Marcus Abbott, Laila Kitzler Åhfeldt, Tertia Barnett, Bruce Bishop, David Breeze, David Caldwell, Murray Cook, Neil Curtis, Audrey Dakin, Fiona Davidson, Stephen Driscoll, Iain Fraser, Shannon Fraser, Simon Gilmour, Moira Greig, Marta... more