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Slutreplik till Stefan Swärd som respons på hans svar på min arikel "Vår Gud är en förtärande eld".
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      HellAnnihilationismEternal PunishmentConditionalism
Este artigo pretende analisar um breve episódio do romance Grande Sertão: Veredas de João Guimarães Rosa. Trata-se do episódio da estada no sítio da Guararavacã do Guaicuí, lugar aprazível e bonito, que se contrapõe aos demais lugares do... more
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      LiteratureBrasilian (Literature)João Guimarães RosaBrazilian Literature
A popular discussion of select textual and iconographic evidence relating to the punishment the Damned from Egypt's Old, Middle, and New Kingdom.
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyAfterlife studiesOld Kingdom (Egyptology)
The last fifty years have probably been the most creative decades of all human history and the dominant note in this creation is to rethink Satan, the Devil, evil and Hell in such a way that it is no longer negative or in any way situated... more
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      Modern LiteratureHolocaustPostmodernHell
Fıtratında sonsuzluk düşüncesi olan insanoğlunu ebedilik arzusu epeyce meşgul etmiş ve bu alanda araştırma yapmaya sevk etmiştir. Nitekim cennet ile cehennemin kıyamet sonrası var olacağı hususunda problem yokken; şu anda mevcut olup... more
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Throughout the nineteenth century, Maskilic journals increased their publication of anti-Hasidic satires. From the eighteen-sixties onward, this literature came primarily as a response to the revival in the publishing of Hasidic... more
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      ReligionEuropean HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
(from the Introduction) Intending only to research medieval conceptions of hell, author Alan Bernstein wanted to investigate postmortem retribution in the ancient world for historical context. This investigation turned into an entire book... more
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      Hellenistic LiteratureTheologyHellenistic PhilosophyHistorical Theology
It is the conviction of the writer of this paper that the evidence presented from both the New Testament and its conservative scholar’s exhibits that the doctrine of the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked held by orthodox... more
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      HellEternal PunishmentLake of Fireeverlasting punishment
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      Comparative ReligionZoroastrianismEarly ChristianitySecond Temple Judaism
The problem of hell is a specific form of the problem of evil that can be expressed in terms of a set of putatively incompatible statements:  1. An omnipotent God could create a world in which all moral agents freely choose life with... more
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      C.S. LewisRichard SwinburneHellUniversalism
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Hell is being written out of theology and banned from serious conversation; for most scholars and modern- minded people it has more or less become a theoretical issue. Yet it remains alive and burning in the Western mind – there has been... more
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      Popular CultureSocial and Cultural AnthropologyHistory of conceptsHell
ARTICLE I. The importance of salvation § 1 – Salvation is a sublime and unique matter § 2 – One must work for his salvation § 3 – Religious cannot work for their salvation except by observing their Rule exactly ARTICLE II.... more
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      DeathDeath StudiesSpiritualityVocational Education
Denna 48-sidiga bok är en introduktion till de vanligaste föreställningar om helvetet och de eviga straffen inom kristen teologi. Exegetiska och religionsfilosofiska skäl för - och invändningar mot - universalism, konditionalism... more
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      HellEternal PunishmentChristian Universalism
Din psikolojisi bilim dalının incelediği önemli konularından birisi de dini tasavvurlardır. Çeşitli dini tasavvurlar içerisinde, cennet ve cehennem tasavvurları da bu alanda önemli bir yer teşkil etmektedir. Cennet ve cehennem... more
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      ImaginationHellReligious imaginationHeaven
Much of the history of scholarship on " hell " has been devoted to tracing genetic relationships between older texts and more recent ones, typically based upon generic elements or the specific features of hell's landscape. This paper... more
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      ApocalypticismEarly ChristianityEkphrasisHell
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      TheologyNew TestamentSystematic TheologyDoctrine of God
Abstract: This problem of hell is a specific form of the problem of evil. The possibility that perhaps a great number of people will end up in an eternal hell is a problem for the Christian who also confesses faith in an omnipotent,... more
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      HellEternal Punishment
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      EschatologyHellRob Bell
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      Philosophical TheologyVaguenessMormonismEschatology
Inhalt:. Einführung: Eine kurze Geschichte des Jenseits; (I) Antike: Vom innerweltlichen zum außerweltlichen Jenseits; (II) Antikes Judentum und frühen Christentum: Himmel, Hölle und Gericht, (III) Islam: Der eine Gott und die vielen... more
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      EschatologyAfterlife landscapesLIFE AFTER DEATHmedieval Islamic thought, conceptions of hell and paradise
The Omni-perfect God of the Bible created the best of all Worlds when He endowed human agents with the power to demonstrate their love for Him decisively. The goal of this theodicy is to define what may be the only way people can do this... more
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      TheodicyFree WillThe Problem of EvilOpen Theism
The doctrines of hell and the existence of God seem to pose a formidable paradox for both Christianity and Islam. The paradox can be stated as follows: Given that God is perfect in every sense, how can he allow any of his creatures to... more
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The problem of hell is a specific form of the problem of evil. The possibility that perhaps a great number of people will end up in an eternal hell is a problem for the Christian who also confesses faith in an omnipotent, omniscient, and... more
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      HellEternal Punishment
Stefan Swärd svarar på min arikel "Vår Gud är en förtärande eld".
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      HellAnnihilationismEternal PunishmentConditionalism
Explores a hermeneutical rule used by proponents of annihilationism, scrutinizing it in light of the Scriptures' hermeneutical rules regarding the use of the Old Testament in light of the person and work of Christ. It is argued that the... more
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      AnthropologyHistory of ChristianityEschatologyHell
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      IconographyRevelationRomanesque Wall PaintingMedieval Iconography
When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?
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      Creative WritingMarketingReligionChristianity
According to Leibniz, there is no death in the sense that the human being or animal is destroyed completely. This is due to his metaphysical pluralism which would suffer if the number of substances decreased. While animals transform into... more
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      DeathGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizHistory of Life SciencesHell
U članku se prikazuje razvoj crkvenoga nauka o paklu: 1. Patrističko razdoblje - postojanje i vječnost pakla; 2. Srednji vijek - osobni sud i različitost kazni; 3. Suvremeni naglasci na osobnoj odgovornosti i hermeneutika biblijskih... more
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      Karl RahnerEschatologyHans Urs von BalthasarHell
Studying theology at Regent College (1974 – 1976; 1981) on the University of British Columbia (Vancouver Canada) campus strongly urged that we students make it a life work to apply theology to our vocation. I took that urging seriously,... more
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      WarHelltheology of war and hell
In this article I propose identifying the figure of the Tree‐Man, who holds a leading role in the Gar‐den of Earthly Delights, with Eternal Death, which is where the sins of mankind (widely represented in this infernal scene) lead.... more
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      HellMuseo del PradoSeven Deadly SinsThe Garden of Earthly Delights
This paper argues that few words have caused so many misunderstandings and have done so much harm as the English word “hell”. Jesus’ teaching was focussed on “the kingdom of God” — a phrase which occurs in the New Testament 120 time (with... more
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      ChristianityTheologySemanticsNSM semantics
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya) Say: ‘Death, from which you are fleeing, will certainly catch up with you. Then you will be returned to the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible and He will inform you about what you did.’ (Surat al-Jumu‘a: 8).... more
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      Doctrine of GodMedieval CultureHistory of Religion (Medieval Studies)Monasticism
The prospect of eternal torment is the ultimate motivation to find God. While the Hebrew Bible is repleat with the visitation of God’s wrath or anger, Yeshua comes to save us from divine wrath. If divine wrath is removed or minimized, the... more
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesDemonologyBiblical Theology
התקציר העברי מופיע בהמשך. R. Moshe Zacuto’s Tofteh Aruch was written with two levels of meaning. On the unambiguous, explicit level is the ultimate fate of the “Everyman” as to the depths of Hell with descriptions of different chambers... more
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      AfterlifeHellSabbatean movementZacuto
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      EthicsKantJames JoyceVirtue Ethics
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      PhilosophyDeathGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizHistory of Life Sciences
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I honestly think Jesus taught eternal torment, and his death saves us from it. This is the good news. Christians are required to believe this.
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In the Old Testament, God empowered and commanded the punishment of sinful peoples, sometimes by genocide. In the New Testament, God has loved us by sacrificing Himself rather than destroy us. This is good news and the heart of it.
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      ReligionBuddhismHistorySociology of Religion
On Eschatological Problematics in the works of Kyrylo Tranquillon Stavrovetsky Taras Shmanko The article presents some aspects of theological thought of Kyrylo Tranquillon Stavrovetsky that pertain to the final purpose of man and all the... more
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Jonathan Edwards provides subsequent generations of theologians and ministers with one of the most influential versions of the traditional account of hell. However, his account of hell has its detractors. Those who oppose Edwards's... more
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      Philosophical TheologyAnalytic TheologyJonathan EdwardsHell
Recherches historiques autour de la Bible, de Jésus et des premiers chrétiens (48 articles) - Site historique consacré à Marie, surnommée "la Magdaléenne" (alias Marie de Magdala, alias Marie-Madeleine) (29 articles) - Histoire de l'Enfer... more
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      Early ChristianityHistorical JesusBibleJesus
Swedish philosopher Ingemar Hedenius famously ridiculed Christians for their belief in eternal punishment. This critique of Christianity has been echoed by new atheists like Richard Dawkins. This chapter seeks to show how faith in a... more
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      HellModern AtheismEternal PunishmentIngemar Hedenius
Medieval testimonies brought back by Christian voyagers into Hell delve into the infernal punishments administered to the souls of the sinners. In this literature, written by monks for monks, the emphasis on sexual deviations is... more
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      Medieval French LiteratureMedieval StudiesSexualityHell
This is an English translation of the article "Ske min vilja" also posted here on academia.edu. It was first published in the Swedish journal Theofilos nr 1, 2011. It is an analysis and critique of Lewis' creative and original approach to... more
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      C.S. LewisHellEternal Punishment