History of genetics
Recent papers in History of genetics
Karaszi's paper explores the foundational principles of Mendelian genetics through experiments on pea plants and contrasts these findings with insights from paleontology. Using Mendel’s laws of segregation and independent assortment, the... more
Rapid developments and methodological divides hinder the study of how scientific knowledge accumulates, consolidates and transfers to the public sphere. Our work proposes using Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, as a historiographical... more
납자루 Acheilognathus lanceolatus의 유전 변이와 집단 구조를 알아보기 한국의 5개 집단(한강과 금강, 동진강, 섬진강, 낙동강)과 일본의 1개 집단(Katsura River)을 대상으로 AFLP 분석을 수행하였다. 5개의 선택적 프라이머 조합에 의해 검출된 집단별 유효 밴드의 수는 345~374개였으며, 다형성 밴드 수는 55 (15.0%)~131 (24.9%)개였다. 평균 유전적 다양성은 낙동강... more
Based on a statistical analysis of his experiments, which was a novelty for the tradition of "horticulturalists" (or "plant breeders") as well as for the tradition of "hybridists", and seeking a "generally applicable law governing the... more
In 1904, Ellen Richards introduced "euthenics." By 1912, Lewellys Barker, director of medicine and physician-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital, would tell the New York Times that the "task of eugenics" and the "task of euthenics" was the... more
Aborda o contexto de criação do Museu da Genética, em 2011 no Departamento de Genética na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, em Porto Alegre, e apresenta sua estrutura e conteúdo. Argumenta-se que os materiais disponibilizados no... more
O movimento eugenista nasceu no final do século XIX, na Inglaterra, tendo como principal protagonista Francis Galton (1822-1911); ao Brasil, chegou na passagem do século XIX para o XX, mas ganhou capilaridade a partir do protagonismo de... more
SummaryThe rich linguistic, ethnic and cultural diversity of Ethiopia provides an unprecedented opportunity to understand the level to which cultural factors correlate with -- and shape -- genetic structure in human populations. Using... more
An interview by the editor and a member of the scientific board of História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos with Warwick Anderson, a leading historian of science and race from Australia. He talks about his training, positions he held at US... more
An article about the presence of Gypsies in Meinerzhagen, a small town in southern Westphalia in the 19th and 20th centuries, mainly based on archival sources. Published under:... more
SummaryThe rich linguistic, ethnic and cultural diversity of Ethiopia provides an unprecedented opportunity to understand the level to which cultural factors correlate with -- and shape -- genetic structure in human populations. Using... more
Mendel’s impact on science is overwhelming. Although based on the number of scientific papers he published he might be considered a meteorologist, his most significant contribution is his study of plant hybrids. This single work puts... more
Um estudante entra em um túnel do tempo e se encontra com Gregor Mendel, no Mosteiro de Brünn, em 1864. Após o mútuo estranhamento, Mendel conversa com o jovem sobre ciência e lhe mostra as etapas de seu trabalho científico com as... more
Esta pesquisa faz um estudo sobre a palavra gibi, através do método histórico, investigando as mudanças de seu significado e sua assimilação sociocultural. Considera-se que esse gênero artístico e fonte de informação para desenvolvimento... more
We speak of cutting-edge biotechnologies in the same terms we speak of word processing. For example, CRISPR, a genomic 'editing' tool, 'cuts' and 'pastes' bits of errant DNA. 1 Heredity, according to this way of talking, is a mutable... more
The prehistory of the people of Uruguay is greatly complicated by the dramatic and severe effects of European contact, as with most of the Americas. After the series of military campaigns that exterminated the last remnants of nomadic... more
The fifth article in a series dedicated to the restoration and museification of the Darovoe-Monogarovo-Cheremoshnya memorial space. The renewed F.M. Dostoevsky’s Estate Museum “Darovoe” opened in November 2021. The results of the... more
The deep population history of East Asia remains poorly understood due to a lack of ancient DNA data and sparse sampling of present-day people. We report genome-wide data from 191 individuals from Mongolia, northern China, Taiwan, the... more
Gregor Mendel, padre de la genética, fracasó en su intento por obtener la licenciatura que lo acreditara como profesor, pero su fracaso fue el origen de su posterior triunfo histórico. La fidelidad de Mendel hacia la defensa del... more
Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar a persistência da eugenia após o final da Segunda Guerra. Tendo como objeto o periódico Mankind Quarterly, fundado em 1960 nos Estados Unidos, buscaremos demonstrar como um tipo específico de projeto... more
Este texto e parte da pesquisa concluida que explora alguns dos pressupostos da puericultura como prescricao curricular para a Escola Maternal da Sociedade de Socorro aos Necessitados (SSN), criada em Curitiba em 1928. Entre tantas... more
RESUMO Este artigo analisa a trajetória do intelectual educador e jornalista Raul Rodrigues Gomes (Piraquara, 1889 – Curitiba, 1975), relacionando-a ao movimento que culminou, em 1932, com o Manifesto pela Educação Nova, do qual foi... more
The rapid reception of Gregor Mendel's paper ‘Experiments on plant hybrids’ (1866) in the early decades of the twentieth century remains poorly understood. We will suggest that this reception should not exclusively be investigated as... more