Home rule
Recent papers in Home rule
Although a small cohort, often deemed insignificant, the Irish in South Australia developed an extensive network of social, business and political connections with the wider colonial society which aided them in their support of the long... more
By the period of the Irish Home Rule crisis − in which Catholics and liberal Anglicans lobbied for limited self-government while northern Presbyterians campaigned to keep Ulster wholly within the Union between Ireland and Great Britain of... more
In the midst of the often heated controversy swirling around the issue of hydraulic fracturing (commonly referred to as “hydrofracking” and “fracking”), New York’s Court of Appeals recently issued a straightforward ruling, which focused... more
Oliver Nugent was an efficient divisional commander but his political views led to an almost total collapse in his relationship with James Craig, the Ulster Unionist leader, while his relationship with Haig was strained at the very least.... more
In: Studia Iuris, Historiae et Theologiae: A KRE I. Multidiszciplináris Doktori Konferenciájának Tanulmánykötete. Budapest: Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, 2021, pp. 19-42.
Ohio is among the twenty-two states that have no enabling legislation for development impact fees. But in a 2000 ruling, Homebuilders Association of Dayton and the Miami Valley, et. al. v. City of Beavercreek, a divided Ohio Supreme Court... more
The passage of Proposition 13 in 1978 was a watershed event that ushered in both a new era and a new fiscal regime for California’s local governments. The authors argue that in the wake of follow-on initiatives, a protracted recessionary... more