Recent papers in Huaves
The article proposes a reflection on a mythological theme found by the early evangelizers of the American people in the pre-Hispanic Nahua tradition, in which the first survivors of a flood in some respects similar to that of the Bible,... more
ABSTRACT: In the Huave village of S.D. (Oaxaca state, Mexico), alcoholism is perceived as a main source of social concerns, and is at the central stage of a number of daily discourses and practices. The complexity of this phenomenon,... more
En el presente trabajo analizo la relación que, como estudioso de las prácticas musicales, entablé con mi objeto de estudio y la forma en que tal relación –construida mediante la escucha de grabaciones etnomusicológicas de campo y... more
Resumen: El rico repertorio narrativo de los huaves de Oaxaca comprende varias narraciones en las que los animales tienen relaciones sexuales con hombres o mujeres. En este artículo presento la transcripción, traducción e interpretación... more
Through the careful examination of ethnographic material collected in recent decades in some native Mexican communities, the volume examines the processes of transformation, synthesis, adaptation and invention that have occourred among... more
En la ponencia se presentan en lineas generales algunos resultados del proyecto "Atlas Ikoots" que se está llevando a cabo en la Comunidad Huave/Ikoots de San mateo del Mar (Oaxaca, México). El proyecto se pone como objectivo la... more
The category of “indio”, recently supplanted by that of “indígena”, was coined in the sixteenth century by European colonizers to define the aboriginal inhabitants of the Americas and imposed on a multitude of peoples, which were... more
In this article I analyze some versions of a mythical Huave narrative, telling the tragic fate of a boy with extraordinary powers which, due to his indiscrete father, is forced by the municipal authorities to repeatedly face a giant snake... more
The Huave of San Mateo del Mar (Oaxaca, Mexico) have a rich repertoire of tales narrating the disputes in which small and weak individuals unexpectedly defeat antagonists with a powerful appearance. Usually these struggles attain to the... more
Si la antropología puede brindar una valiosa contribución al estudio del alcohol, enriqueciendo la perspectiva médica y psicológica con el análisis etnográfico de las diferentes modalidades de consumo y de los valores sociales y... more
Resumen: Este artículo expone las principales técnicas de pesca utilizadas por los mero ikoots de San Mateo del Mar (Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, México), tratando de mostrar cómo su gran variedad obedece a una excelente adaptación al entorno... more
The subject of this article is the difficult relationship between biomedicine – with its therapeutic practices oriented toward the resolution of organic troubles of individual patients – and the profoundly semantic and social nature of... more
En este texto expongo de manera narrativa algunas de las vivencias y reflexiones suscitadas por mis primeras visitas a San Mateo del Mar, una comunidad huave del Istmo de Tehuantepec.
Broken men, severed relations and a polarised society: the repercussions of alcohol addiction require forms of care capable of reassembling the scattered pieces of broken subjectivities by reintegrating them into the social body. This... more
*** Ponencia presentada en la segunda Jornada de Estudios Huaves, organizada por el Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas de Universidad Autónoma de México en 2014 *** Presentación de la investigación sobre el alcoholismo en San... more
In its planetary diffusion, the episode of Odysseus meeting Polyphemus has also arrived among the Huave, a group of native of fishermen in southern Mexico, who have welcomed it in their rich oral tradition, adapting it to their... more
After some brief considerations about the use of the category of shamanism in the Mesoamerican context, the article deals with the conceptions and practices related to the evils that the Huave of San Mateo del Mar – a Native people of... more
This is an introduction to the proceedings of the conference organized in Mexico City in August 2015 to commemorate Italo Signorini, ethnologist, founder and first director of the Italian Ethnological Mission in Mexico. It contains a... more
Obituary of Italo Signorini, ethnologist, founder and director of the Italian Ethnological Mission in Mexico