Recent papers in Hypnotism
The proof cover of my most recent monograph.
Chpt in R. Kunzendorf (Ed.) Imagery: Recent Developments, NY: Plenum Press, 1991, p. 101-112.
Special issue of "Culture Unbound". Through an introduction and six original articles, the issue investigates a variety of cultural and scientific discourses and practices that in different ways are related to neuroscience and the... more
Hypnose moderne, Jean Filiatre.
"Le live que Messmer a lu"
"Le live que Messmer a lu"
This is the first of a series of articles that aims to study the history and psychological significance of the “myth of the zombie” through the analysis of its allegorical and symbolic elements, based on a myth’s conceptualization... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] Once thought pure entertainment akin to magic acts, hypnosis is now a growing field being practiced by psychologists, psychiatrists, and medical doctors.... more
Controlling the human is becoming a common convenient means of not only doing business over the Internet but also getting more economical ability and powered to control different societies. To hypnotize people to buy or do something is... more
Controlling the human is becoming a common convenient means of not only doing business over the Internet but also getting more economical ability and powered to control different societies. To hypnotize people to buy or do something is... more
This article takes its inspiration from Wickramasekera II’s empathic involvement theory of hypnosis. That model illuminates the mutual territory of hypnosis and empathy—common to much interaction between hypnotist and subject, and to the... more
Academics tend to look on 'esoteric', 'occult' or 'magical' beliefs with contempt, but are usually ignorant about the religious and philosophical traditions to which these terms refer, or their relevance to intellectual history. Wouter... more
*** [ITALIANO] L’opera è stata pubblicata per la prima volta, in lingua francese, a Parigi nel novembre del 1819 (Chez Mme Horiac). A tutt’oggi non esiste una versione italiana di questo trattato e la ristampa della prima edizione... more
Dr John Cussans (21st June, 2011) - Telemaque in marmelade: How mesmerism met Vodou in pre-revolutionary Haiti. The Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness Salon, The Institute of Ecotechnics, October Gallery, Bloomsbury, London. (Host and... more
In this chapter, I argue that film profited from an insistent reference to hypnosis. If in early depictions, hypnotists were pointing their fingers at the subject in order to hit him or her with a shot of magnetic fluid, by the early... more
Une panoramique générale del la matière, à paraitre en version réduite dans le « Vocabulaire de l'identification dans les arts du spectacle » du Projet Idem (Identification, empathie, projection dans les arts du spectacle)... more
After a couple of centuries being mocked and condemned as a charlatan, Dr. Mesmer is increasingly being recognized as a pioneer in the exploration of the healing properties of the mind. His experimental approach, and that of his students... more
A critique of the 2014 APA Division 30 Definition of Hypnosis
Stage hypnosis in the Third Reich: The case of Baden The article examines the way in which state authorities in Baden confronted stage hypnosis during the Third Reich. It can be shown that officials appropriated the language of earlier... more
This is the second of a series of articles that aims to study the history and psychological significance of the “myth of the zombie” based on a myth’s conceptualization extracted from the notions of Jung’s analytical psychology and... more
Sometimes termed “PSYCHIC ATTACK” - a survey of the underlying motivation, symptomatology, investigative approaches, remediation via practical metaphysical and hypnotherapeutic treatments. A nine part package of 15,000 words to assist the... more
downloadable.pdf contains Introduction, Chapter 1, and the Table of Contents. [full book available at Amazon link]
a practical common sense approach
No abstract is available.
মনোবিজ্ঞানের আলোকে সম্মোহন : রাজেশ দত্ত। লেখকের ‘অলৌকিক চিকিৎসায় কি রোগ সারে?’ বইটির ‘সম্মোহন’ বিষয়ক অধ্যায়। বইটির প্রকাশকাল: জানুয়ারি, ২০০১। প্রকাশক: র্যা ডিক্যাল ইম্প্রেশন, ৪৩, বেনিয়াটোলা লেন, কলকাতা-৯। Hypnotism in the light of... more
Co-edited by Alicia Cerezo Paredes (U of Wisconsin-Madison)
Feminism and the shadowy world of the occult join together in matrimony to guide the Eastern Medical practitioner via an unlikely conspirator; simple honeybees!
If you are similar to me, then your age cohorts or "peers" populate less verbal and more emoji driven websites, if online at all. From remembering a tweet about hypnosis along with the question of the many or the few, I came to these... more