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Cleanrooms are highly controlled environments, defined by the air quality, and where certain physical and microbiological requirements need to be met. Air quality is achieved through a combination of airborne particulate control, such as... more
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      Electronic EngineeringMicrobiologyPhysicsTechnology
Dokumen pendukung Sop Prosedur inventarisasi aset perusahaan
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      Risk ManagementISO 9001-2008STANDAR OPERASIONAL PROSEDUR (SOP)
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      ISO 9001-2008Guia - Manual de la calidadobjetivos de la calidad
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    • ISO 9001-2008
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      ISO 14001ISO 9001-2008ISO 9001, ISO 14001 Y OHSAS 18001
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    • ISO 9001-2008
O objetivo deste estudo é propor um método de gestão da satisfação dos clientes que integre as necessidades de diferentes setores industriais atendidos pela indústria siderúrgica nacional: setor aeroespacial, que inclui os fabricantes... more
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      Gestión de la calidadISO 9001-2008Ingenieria civil industrialIngeniería Industrial
This study presents an investigation of the relationship between internalization of ISO 9000 practices and the development of intellectual capital within organizations. We posit that intellectual capital, which comprises of human capital,... more
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      ISO 9001-2008Operational PerformanceKnoewledge Management
Urutan proses
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Objetivo: Esta instrução estabelece as diretrizes para Carga e Descarga de Produto Acabado na Expedição. Responsabilidades: Esta instrução é de responsabilidade da Logística.
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      ISO 9001-2008AdministraçãoGestão da qualidade
Flowchart Service Kendaraan
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      Risk ManagementISO 9001-2008STANDAR OPERASIONAL PROSEDUR (SOP)Manajemen Bengkel
Lampiran berupa form terkait service kendaraan
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      Risk ManagementISO 9001-2008STANDAR OPERASIONAL PROSEDUR (SOP)Manajemen Bengkel
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      ISO 9001-2008Kalite Yönetimi
Lampiran Sop Prosedur Penjualan Waste (Limbah) Bengkel yaitu lembar pengajuan
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      Risk ManagementISO 9001-2008STANDAR OPERASIONAL PROSEDUR (SOP)
14 ferramentas da qualidade, antigas e novas.
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      Knowledge ManagementConstruction ManagementISO 9001-2008Gerenciamento De Obras
Due to the increase in business competition, firms are now working hard to design and implement such strategies that can provide them competitive advantage over others and fulfill all international and local standards that can satisfy the... more
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      EngineeringQuality ManagementCustomer SatisfactionContinuous Improvement
PQAS is one of the best ISO certification consultants that helps organizations in achieving ISO Certification and product certification consultants in Australia since 18 years. Click here to know more : http://pqas.com.au
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    • ISO 9001-2008
In the current economy characterized by increased competition, quality represents a fundamental condition for the competitiveness of firms producing goods or providing services at global level. Obtaining competitiveness implies a... more
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      Quality ManagementCompetitiveness (Economics)Total Quality Management (TQM)Competitive advantage
ISO certification is considered an impressive technique that appropriates the Quality Management Systems (QMS). The striking broadening using these worldwide standards confirms enormous interest in the dispersion of enterprise. This... more
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      Quality ManagementComplianceBusiness StrategiesISO 9001-2008
Flowchart permintaan sparepart dan penerimaan sparepart
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      Risk ManagementISO 9001-2008STANDAR OPERASIONAL PROSEDUR (SOP)Manajemen Bengkel
It is now quite common for organizations to simultaneously implement ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 systems. During audits of such organizations, it is seen quite commonly that their 3 systems run paralleled; and do not handle the... more
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      Learning Management SystemsISO 14001Integrated Management SystemsISO 9001-2008
Flowchart atau urutan pelaksanaan dalam proses stock opname di bengkel
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      Risk ManagementISO 9001-2008Stock OpnameSTANDAR OPERASIONAL PROSEDUR (SOP)
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    • ISO 9001-2008
Conforms to requirements for production of cosmetics as per ISO 22716 and FDA Guidelines on Cosmetics
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    • ISO 9001-2008
Context: Software Process Improvement (SPI) is among the most effective ways to improve the quality of software products and services. Despite many research and industrial reports, SPI planning and implementation in Multi-Model... more
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      Software Process Improvement and AssessmentSmall and Medium-scale EnterprisesSoftware Quality AssuranceSoftware Process Models
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      Quality ManagementProject ManagementShippingISO 9001-2008
Sop yang mengatur tentang standar penampilan karyawan pada saat bekerja.
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      Risk ManagementISO 9001-2008STANDAR OPERASIONAL PROSEDUR (SOP)
Abstract Introduction to model of security systems based on ISO 27000 family of standards. The focus on the main purpose of the information security standards, including a full listing of the ISO 27000 documentation with description of... more
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      Information SecuritySupply Chain ManagementComputer SecuritySupply Chain
This article presents a case study of adopting the Scrum process for Java development using tools coming from the open source software world. The approach is focused on small to medium sized software enterprises, which can sometimes be... more
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      Java ProgrammingScrum and AgileISO 9001-2008Agile software development
Sop yang berisi tentang mekanisme perbaikan kendaraan perusahaan maupun kendaraan umum
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      TransportationRisk ManagementISO 9001-2008STANDAR OPERASIONAL PROSEDUR (SOP)
physics project
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    • ISO 9001-2008
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    • ISO 9001-2008
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      Food SafetyFood Science and TechnologyISO 9001-2008Haccp
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      Quality ManagementQualityTotal Quality Management (TQM)Norms
A more inclusive definition of quality is “fitness for purpose.” This means, regardless of whether you produce a good or a service, it must have characteristics that satisfy customer needs and must be delivered with the least amount of... more
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      Total Quality Management (TQM)ISO 9001-2008
Perjanjian ini berisi syarat dan ketentuan atau mekanisme sewa aplikasi berbasis web dan android untuk perusahaan transportasi travel
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Anatomical pathology is a key contributor in present day medicine, and it still stands as a gold standard for quality control ingeneral healthcare and in biomedical research. This essay covers a brief reflection over the quality control... more
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      Quality ManagementPatient SafetyQuality ControlBiomedical Research
Presentation on introduction to HSE management
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      ISO 9001-2008Health, Safety & Environment (HSE)Ohsas 18001ISO 14001 EMS
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    • ISO 9001-2008
Lampiran dokumen Sop Permohonan Biaya Perjalanan Dinas Luar Kota berupa surat permohonan
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      ISO 9001-2008LampiranPerjalanan DinasSTANDAR OPERASIONAL PROSEDUR (SOP)
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      Halal Food IndustryISO 9001-2008Halal Food Supply ChainQMS for Hotels
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    • ISO 9001-2008
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      Quality ManagementGestión de la calidadISO 9001-2008
Usually Management Systems ISO , BASC and Technology Infrastructure ITIL - COBIT, support its processes and requirements in the documentary foundation provided by the International Standard ISO 9001 : 2008, for various employee technology... more
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      Quality ManagementQualityProcess ControlDeming
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      Quality ManagementIndustrial EngineeringCalidadIndustrial Engineering and Management
As ferramentas da qualidade, tem o objetivo de equipar os participantes dos processos de uma organização com instrumentos simples, de fácil entendimento e aplicação, visando apoiá-los na resolução e no controle dos problemas de qualidade... more
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    • ISO 9001-2008
SNI ISO 9001-2008
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    • ISO 9001-2008
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      Food SafetyQuality ManagementFood Science and TechnologyStandardization