Inland Navigation
Recent papers in Inland Navigation
A recent National Highway Authority report predicts over 4-fold increase in trade volume by 2025 in Pakistan. Current trajectory of transportation infrastructure development in the country points that highways and motorways would take the... more
Panoramica storico-archeologica sulle idrovie, le imbarcazioni e la navigazione lungo fiumi e canali padani in età romana, dalla costa adriatica fino alle regioni più interne della Cisalpina. An archaeological and historical view on the... more
Die Qualität der gewonnenen Rohstoffe und die Nähe zu wichtigen Wasserstraßen machten die Gegend zwischen Mayen in der Eifel und Andernach am Rhein zu einem der bedeutendsten Abbaugebiete der antiken Welt für Basaldava, Tuff und Ton.... more
The Government of India has recently launched the ambitious National Inland Waterways program that plans to convert 111 rivers or river stretches into large commercial waterways. These waterways represent possibly the largest intervention... more
European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies 7 (2017), pp. 35-60 Over the last three decades the extent of inland navigation in medieval England and Wales has been investigated and debated by scholars working largely from... more
Projet de thèse proposé pour l'obtention d'une allocation de l'école doctorale.
Thèse préparée à l'Université de Nantes depuis septembre 2017 sous la direction de M. Monteil et J. Mouchard.
Thèse préparée à l'Université de Nantes depuis septembre 2017 sous la direction de M. Monteil et J. Mouchard.
У лето 1862. године први државни пароброд Кнежевине Србије је под заповедништвом поморског капетана Божа Радоничића из Доброте, у Боки Которској, Дунавом допловио до Кусјака, у близини Прахова. Већ само име Делиград, које је пароброд... more
Watercrafts were used not only in the coastal areas, but also in the hinterland regions in south India. The inscriptions and texts of south India, datable between seventh and sixteenth centuries ce, list several types of watercrafts that... more
An obvious objective of hydraulic projects is to ensure that water retaining structures remain in service during their life cycle, i.e. that they do not fail. While this should certainly continue to be the engineers’ main concern, it... more
Abstract: The author analysis, on the basis of contemporary unpublished documents, the attitude of the representatives in the European Commission of the Danube regarding the effects of a private competitive project, aimed to bring the... more
In the mid-19th century, the Principality of Serbia invested a lot of effort to establish its own steam navigation system. The need to further develop trade, through the more efficient use of a large merchant fleet formed as the country... more
Contents : Introduction Boat models : morphological characteristics and attempt towards identification Boat models : context and function Neolithic watercraft: raw materials and technological possibilities of construction Neolithic... more
Although the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) is a macro-regional policy document of the European Union, it pays special attention to the development of the Danube, the river it is named after. In the field of transport, an EUSDR... more
In spite of a background of intense aquatic mobility in the Neolithic Aegean Sea, as well as across or along inland waters, concrete evidence from Greece about the craft itself being used only consists of some clay models and a few... more
At the International Scientific Symposium BELGRADE 1521-1867 Gordana Karović presented the paper „The establishment of steamships in the Principality of Serbia“. На међународном научном симпозијуму БЕОГРАД 1521-1867 Гордана каровић је... more
W Szczecinie od setek lat budowano łodzie, statki i okręty. Choć w ubiegłej dekadzie tutejszy przemysł stoczniowy mocno podupadł, lokalna tradycja budowy jednostek pływających jest wciąż żywa. Wpisują się w nią studenci archeologii US,... more
Introduction Initially when the Army Corps of Engineers visited the Environmental Sustainability and Sustainable Water Management course the idea of sustainable inland waterways transportation (SIWT) appeared the best choices for... more
The article regard the ancient inland navigation in upper Adriatic river-mouth and lagoon system, from pre-roman to late antiquity and eraly medieval times. Waterway routes, boats, navigation techniques and historical-archaeological... more
The river Nette connected the Roman quarry and mining district around Mayen with the important waterway of the Rhine. Starting from the Nette the arguments are presented which speak for the use also of other small water courses for heavy... more
ABSTRACT The objective of the paper is to validate a prototype of an integrated, software-linked, satellite/inertial navigation system in Polish landborne and waterborne environment. The paper is divided into two distinctive parts. In... more
The boat imprint unearthed at the site of the Benedictine abbey from Bizere (Frumuseni, Romania) is a unique discovery for two reasons: its preservation as a negative imprint, due to its reuse for preparing mortar, and its dating back to... more
On the prehistoric site of Dispilio, Lake of Kastoria, besides a feature interpreted as a dugout outline, more evidence about Neolithic craft is available : boat models and/or boat-shaped vases, as well as more features probably showing... more
What is a boat? Our notions of what constitutes a good boat are tested when it comes to logboats. They are often considered to be of low status, both technologically and functionally. However, logboats are more interesting than such... more
Konsultacja naukowa i ujęcia lotnicze do krótkometrażowego filmu dokumentalnego pt. "Flis Odrzański", scenariusz Elżbieta Marszałek i Krzysztof Żarna, Polska 2018, 8 minut. W filmie wystąpili dr Elżbieta Marszałek – wiceprezes... more
Bieżący rok jest rokiem jubileuszowym nie tylko dla Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego – swoje dwudziestolecie obchodzi również flisacki spływ Odrą, który co roku tradycyjnie kończy się w Szczecinie. Flis Odrzański zajmuje ważną pozycję w... more
Wiele osób ze zdziwieniem i niedowierzaniem przyjmuje wiadomość, że Uniwersytet Szczeciński posiada Pływającą Stację Badawczą. Czyżby nasza uczelnia została armatorem statku na miarę „Nawigatora XXI”, jakim szczyci się Akademia Morska w... more