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      Integral TheoryEngineering MathematicsIntegralIntegration
We give a closed-form evaluation of a number of Erdà elyi-Kober fractional integrals involving elliptic integrals of the ÿrst and second kind, in terms of the 3F2 generalized hypergeometric function. Reduction formulae for 3F2 enable us... more
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      Applied MathematicsIntegralApplied Mathematics and Computational ScienceDefinite Integral
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      SpiritualityEnlightenmentNew Age spiritualityIntegral
In this article, the authors will draw from their work in the Integral Teaching Fellowship Program at CIIS, and from their interactive session in the 2014 CIIS Founders Symposium on Integral Consciousness to better understand the... more
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      IntegralPositionalityCritical Pegagogy
Sri Aurobindo’s teachings on Integral Yoga are couched in a universal and impersonal language, and could be considered an early input to contemporary transpersonal psychology. Yet, while he was writing his principal works in English, he... more
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      HinduismPsychologyIndian studiesNationalism
A tanulmány az 1979-ben alapított Artpool Művészetkutató Központ 1995-ben létrejövő honlapjának információközvetítéshez, internetes kultúrához és képzőművészethez való viszonyát tárgyalja. Az Artpool weblapját-Magyarország első művészeti... more
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      Information ScienceArchivesInternet CultureIntegral
For finite nilpotent groups G and G , and a G-adapted ring S (the rational integers, for example), it is shown that any isomorphism between the centers of the group rings SG and SG is monomial, i.e., maps class sums in SG to class sums in... more
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      MathematicsGroup Ring TheoryFinite Group TheoryPure Mathematics
Abstract:- In this study, it is observed how a CAS programme can help student to increase their mathematical understanding. CAS have a lot of great properties that can be used for educational purposes. For example, you can produce 2D, 3D... more
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      CalculusMathematics EducationComputer Algebra SystemsIntegral
In this paper, we present q-Young integral inequality, q-Hölder integral inequality, q-Minkowski integral inequality and q-Ostrowski type integral inequalities for new definition of q-integral which is showed q-integral.
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      IntegralDiscrete MathematicsQuantum CalculusInequality
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsMathematics EducationDifferential Equations
Growth in the field of automation and artificial intelligence has led to several innovations in the present-day world. By embracing responsibility for all the changes innovation can bring, the technical industry can be an important aspect... more
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      Automated reasoningIntegralBusiness Intelligence (BI)Big Data / Analytics / Data Mining
En numerosos problemas de la mecánica estadística aplicada, como es el caso de los fenómenos de transporte, las denominadas derivadas bajo la integral han sido una herramienta importante e interesante de explotar, ya que en el estudio de... more
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      Statistical MechanicsTransport phenomenaIntegralLeibniz
Uncertainty in knowing and communicating affect all aspects of modern life. Ubiquitous and inevitable uncertainty, including ambiguity and paradox, is particularly salient and important in knowledge building communities. Because knowledge... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyIntegral
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      Evolutionary BiologySocial ChangePsychologyPersonality Psychology
The complexity of life in 21st century society requires new models for leading and managing change. With that in mind, this paper revisits the model for Advanced Change Theory (ACT) as presented by Quinn, Spreitzer, and Brown in their... more
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    • Integral
Generalizing the Cramér-von Mises and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, different integral statistics based on L p -norms are compared with respect to local approximate Bahadur efficiency. Simulation results corroborate the theoretical... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsData AnalysisIntegral
In this introduction to Integral Review's inaugural issue, we explain the meaning we give to the title of this electronic journal which is open-access, both refereed and peer-reviewed, and why that meaning is important for us in today's... more
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      Social ChangeOpen AccessElectronic JournalLeadership Development
As a powerful way to help understand the behaviors of people and socialgroupings of all kinds, developmental stage theory attracts attention and use outside ofpurely academic environments. These uses take the form of written materials and... more
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      CommonsCognitive developmentComplexity TheoryKnowledge sharing
You've reached this page because the file you're looking for cannot be found. We've recently reorganized how we store articles. Please take a moment to find the page using the links above and update your bookmarks... more
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    • Integral
In reviewing a book like this, I realize there are many challenges. It is a business book, yet there is extensive theory incorporated into it. Written for a mainstream business audience, it also brings anticipation to those looking for... more
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Abstract: this paper reviews the general philosophy underlying the transdisciplinary research in the Evolution, Complexity and Cognition (ECCO) group. The ECCO conceptual framework is based on an ontology of action: the fundamental... more
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    • Integral
Calculus, originally called infinitesimal calculus or "the calculus of infinitesimals", is the mathematical study of continuous change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of generalizations of... more
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The following paper chronicles the evolution of the author's thinking on leadership through the course of his work experience. Leadership is viewed as a dynamical process involving both formal and informal roles. The process is initiated... more
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    • Integral
Russia is enigmatic mystery. It is full of paradoxes, contrasts, and opposites, a kind of simultaneous divergence of the opposites and coincidentia oppositorum, the country of both dissociation-fragmentation and the thirst for wholeness,... more
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      Russian StudiesIntegral TheorySpiritualityRussian Religious Philosophy
Thus, if both reductionism and integralism are related meaning-making approaches, each one not better than the other, that seek to capture the big data of human life in a schematic manner then the lesson of this exercise is not in the... more
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      ReligionHumanitiesSelf and IdentitySocial Sciences
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      MathematicsIntegralTrigonometryIntegrales Trigonometricas
The aim of this work is to find approaches for the Arrhenius integral by using the n-th convergent of the Jacobi fractions. The n-th convergent is a rational function whose numerator and denominator are polynomials which can be easily... more
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      KineticsIntegralMathematical SciencesError Analysis
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      MathematicsPure MathematicsIntegralFiber
This article tells the story of the Swiss NGO "Integrale Politik (ip)" founded by about 20 people in November 2007 with the aim of becoming a regular political party at a later stage (www.integrale-politik.ch). We wish to make... more
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    • Integral
I propose a reading of social, political and discursive change in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia which is inspired by an integral, above all developmental perspective. In view of explaining Russia's current political trajectory, I make... more
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      Political ScienceIntegral
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      IntegralModularInformes de la Construcción
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      IntegralMatematikaPendidikan MatematikaKalkulus
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    • Integral
Integral imaging is a technique capable of displaying images with continuous parallax in full natural colour. This paper presents a modified multi-baseline method for extracting depth information from unidirectional integral images. The... more
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      Computer GraphicsImagingImage AnalysisInformation Extraction
For certain cyclic cubic fields k, we verified that Iwasawa invariants λ 3 (k) vanished by calculating units of abelian number field of degree 27. Our method is based on the explicit representation of a system of cyclotomic units of those... more
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      Number TheoryApplied MathematicsInformation TheoryCommunication Theory
We revisit the Cauchy problem for the time-fractional diffusion equation, which is obtained from the standard diffusion equation by replacing the first-order time derivative with a fractional derivative of order b 2 ð0; 2. By using the... more
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      Applied MathematicsIntegralFourier AnalysisProbability Distribution & Applications
We present a new joint longitudinal and survival model aimed at estimating the association between the risk of an event and the change in and history of a biomarker that is repeatedly measured over time. We use cubic B-splines models for... more
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      StatisticsIntegralMultivariate AnalysisModel Selection
For many people the meaning of their lives is derived through consumerism. Hence, any shift from a consumer to a conserver society is often met with both resistance as well as denial. However, as subsystems of the larger social and... more
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      IntegralIntegrationSubstitutionBANACH SPACES
El artículo presenta la experiencia de 11 personas coordinadoras de las escuelas normales superiores de Colombia (ENS) que participaron en el Diplomado en Innovación Social Educativa. El objetivo que se persigue es indagar sobre la... more
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      Hardware Description LanguagesField-Programmable Gate ArraysIntegralFixed Point Theory
A new multivariate Archimedean copula estimation method is proposed in a non-parametric setting. The method uses the so-called Geometrically Designed splines (GeD splines) to represent the cdf of a random variable W θ , obtained through... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsData AnalysisNumerical Analysis
In the present study it is discussed how the moment problem naturally arose within Stieltjes' creation of the analytical theory of continued fractions. Further it is shown how the moment problem in the work of Hamburger came to be... more
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      HistoryFunctional AnalysisTheoryIntegral
RESUMO: O presente trabalho tem por objetivo realizar uma análise teórica do tema da liderança integral, com o intuito de refletir sobre suas possíveis aplicações práticas, na elaboração de uma metodologia voltada ao desenvolvimento de... more
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In this article, the authors will draw from their work in the Integral Teaching Fellowship Program at CIIS, and from their interactive session in the 2014 CIIS Founders Symposium on Integral Consciousness to better understand the... more
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      IntegralPositionalityCritical Pegagogy
A new method for the numerical evaluation of f(l-x)"xsf(x)J,,(ax) d x is proposed, where LX, /I, v, a are given constants, and J, is the Bessel function of the first kind and of order v. It is assumed that f is a smooth function. The... more
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      Applied MathematicsIntegralApplied Mathematics and Computational ScienceNumerical Integration
Let f : M → R m+1 be an isometrically immersed hypersurface. In this paper, we exploit recent results due to the authors in [4] to analyze the stability of the differential operator L r associated with the r-th Newton tensor of f. This... more
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      Differential GeometryPure MathematicsIntegralGrowth
QUIZ 1_ Penyelesaian Integral Tentu dan Tak Tentu
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Este trabalho é uma interlocução entre ensino fundamental e ensino médio integrado. Foi desenvolvido a partir da percepção da necessidade de construir uma perspectiva territorial em que cada segmento assuma a responsabilidade de preparar... more
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