Internet Culture
Recent papers in Internet Culture
meticulously details the complicated global ecology of Internet-distributed television. In this book, Netflix serves as a case study to explore not only tectonic shifts in the content, political-economy and underlying infrastructure of... more
În articolul de fata se porneste de la ideea ca utilizabilitatea produselor informatice trebuie evaluata în contextul utilizarii. Din acest motiv este necesara o noua perspectiva conceptuala pentru situarea într-un context social dat a... more
As memes circulate and spread throughout different Web communities, their meanings are continually changing. In the last decade, the website Know Your Meme (KYM) has become popular among researchers, educators, and day-to-day Web users to... more
The Internet may be free, but service provider’s indispensable to access services are not, to the extent that while the complexity and burden of the sites increases, it is becoming more and more expensive to surf the net. Blocking access... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
The Guy Fawkes mask has become a symbol of the internet group Anonymous. This paper seeks to understand why this happened. The Guy Fawkes Mask takes us back to a 17th Century Catholic renegade, a 1980s graphic novel, a millennial movie... more
Com isto pretendo documentar (quase) todo o vocabulário utilizado e/ou relacionado com a Internet e redes globais. Como é normal, ainda pode ser muito melhorado pela adição de novos termos ou correção de eventuais erros existentes.... more
This article examines the ways in which Gnostic ideas of spiritual growth, enlightenment, and transcendence resonate with the “cyber-gnostic” ideology presented through the Cicada 3301 internet phenomenon. Specifically, Cicada 3301... more
When musical parodies as ‘authentic imitations’ of existing artistic compositions or cultural memes are transmitted through social media, the general public may be provoked and confronted with mixed reactions on decency and other moral... more
In his most explicitly philosophical book Pascalian Meditations, Pierre Bourdieu (2000) clarified what he meant by the notion of symbolic violence. Symbolic violence signifies more than simply forms of discursive power that mediate social... more
Thinspiration images, meant to inspire weight-loss, proliferate online through platforms that encourage the circulation of user-generated content. Despite numerous alarmist critiques in mass media about thinspiration and various academic... more
Research concerning computer hackers generally focuses on how to stop them; far less attention is given to the texts they create. Phrack, an online hacker journal that has run almost continuously since 1985, is an important touchstone in... more
Il seguente lavoro pone come obiettivo di ricerca e studio la corrente artistica contemporanea denominata Vaporwave. Nel primo capitolo è esposta la genesi dell’espressione musicale, le prime testimonianze e sperimentazioni, la... more
Book Review of Ramon Lobato's book "Netflix Nations: The Geography of Digital Distribution"
The social manifestation of convergence theory is commonly experienced through -though not restricted to -the online sphere. Changes in the way we consume and receive media, experience time, space, and place, form relationships, seek... more
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition
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Set in a context of ubiquitous digitality, this thesis proposes to examine and conceptualise what is put forward as ‘street smart technology’, a novel assemblage of smartphone based technologies and the street economy in Southeast Asia.... more
The #TransCrowdFund hashtag emerged as form of resistance, particularly as transgender individuals face increased risks of housing discrimination, healthcare discrimination, and employment discrimination. This study explores the practices... more
This thesis examines Internet memes, a unique medium that has the capability to easily and seamlessly transfer ideologies between groups. It argues that these media can potentially enable subcultures to challenge, and possibly overthrow,... more
Considerable scholarly discussion has been given to the idea that we are moving toward a state of “posthumanism.” This essay examines some possible implications of a posthuman existence, specifically as it relates to that most basic of... more
This collection draws together contemporary research into queer theory and practices, as they intersect with new media and communication technologies. It provides a synthesis of critical debates in these fields followed by empirical... more
The aim of this research paper is to investigate the ontology and history of the Internet meme (a piece of content spreading online from user to user and changing along the way) from the 1980s to the early 2010s. After looking at the... more
The Internet leads us from bulky novels to tiny tales, from long descriptive literature to micro literature. And Meme is part of the wonders of the internet. The word "meme" is derived from biologist Richard Dawkins' book The Selfish Gene... more
Termin mem (ang. meme) w jego pierwotnym znaczeniu wprowadził Richard Dawkins w wydanej po raz pierwszy w 1976 roku książce "The Selfish Gene"oznacza on analogiczny do genu "nowy typ replikatora": jednostkę transmisji kulturowej lub... more
Using Terry Smith’s ‘Contemporary Art & Contemporaneity’ as a basis to investigate the claim the Postmodern condition is ‘dead’, this paper will factor social media into the societal turn from cynical indifference to sincerity and... more
This paper attempts to broadly explain the incel phenomenon and the trend of incel-related violence through the lens of group dynamics.
W książce „Niecne memy. Dwanaście wykładów o kulturze internetu” Magdalena Kamińska analizuje zróżnicowane praktyki kulturowe i społeczne, które współtworzą otaczający nas pejzaż cyberkulturowy. Cyberplotka, portale aukcyjne, slangi... more
This article investigates the use of Internet memes in Italy, to establish in what measure and how the Anglo-American model influences their creation and fruition. Using a qualitative approach, the article examines the cultural references... more
The paper reviews Borderlands: Between Theory and Practice by Gloria Anzaldúa and her other similar writings. More particularly the paper evaluates her theory of " mestiza consciousness " and examines her discursive use of symbols and... more
Introducción En la primer parte de este texto describimos qué es el World Internet Project (WIP) –en castellano, Proyecto Internet Mundial- y explicamos porque es relevante la iniciativa del doctor Jeffrey Cole, director del Center for... more
The social, political, philosophical, literary and artistic imaginaries of Western culture have long had, as a recurrent preoccupation, a concern with the utopian. At different times, in different discursive modes, culture has by turns... more
Society today is undergoing a series of processes and changes that can be only be described as weird. From the apocalyptic resonance of climate change and the drive to implement increasing powerful technologies into everyday life, to the... more
Online social networks are ever-present due to the global use of social network sites in todays connected world. The variety of online social network sites makes it difficult to determine the impact of an actor in a general way. A generic... more
This paper explores three transgressive models of subjectivity. The first emerges out of a psychoanalytic examination of the matrix, a regressive technology of wish-fulfilling omnipotence which is central to the world of William Gibson’s... more
This dissertation presents the account of a qualitative research project about the media practices of vernacular creativity of digital media users in contemporary Mainland China. The research project is based on a review of two decades of... more
Vastly growing online free-hospitality networks are a phenomenon of modern times. They have been already subject of social and peace studies, here explored from the perspective of information science. The main focus in this research,... more
This thesis would not have been possible without the exceptional insight and encouragement given to me by my advisor, Professor Mark Reinhardt. Appropriately a scholar of the visual, he has seen potential in my writing and ideas that I... more
Yaoi/BL Fandom Survey (only takes 10 mins to complete): This article addresses the research question: How do Chinese Yaoi fans read Yaoi stories? Yaoi is a female-oriented genre of... more
Fanfics are derivate works based on already existent ones created by fans seeking the entertainment of other fans. There is at the present time a massive niche culture based on this practice, and on the internet there is a whole community... more
When people use the Internet, they are engaging in animist practice. Animism, broadly defined, is an ascription of spiritual essence to non-human entities. Separated by physical space and often by time, Internet users become embodied... more
W artykule tym staram się zrekonstruować, jak ujmowano dotąd cancel culture, a także zaproponować własną ramę rozumienia tego fenomenu. Dlatego też dokonuję przeglądu jego definicji oraz wskazuję na związki kultury unieważniania z... more