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We examined the influence of meme consistency (vs. inconsistency) and intragroup status on the spread of memes in virtual communities. Prior research suggests that information consistent with the theme of the group is remembered better... more
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      Social PsychologySocial IdentityGroup Processes & Intergroup RelationsSocial and Groups Psychology
Fiery Cushman argues that "[r]ationalization is designed not to accurately infer unconscious mental states, but to construct new ones; it is not a discovery, but a fiction". While we agree in broad strokes with the characterization of... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologySocial PsychologyPhilosophy of Mind
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      Death StudiesCase StudiesTreatment OutcomeAdolescent
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    • Memes
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      PropagandaAdvertisingPolitical ScienceInternet memes
Today, internet memes have become a part of the political campaigning. This paper thus analyses how internet memes have been used as a medium to communicate political messages amongst millennials in Uganda. Parameters like political... more
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      SociologyPolitical communicationQualitative ResearchInternet memes
In this chapter we explore the role of humorous memes in co-constructing polarized positions in contemporary US political discourse. Such polarized positioning, we argue, is mostly based on a disregard for the other that draws heavily on... more
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      CommunicationCritical Discourse StudiesRhetoricHumor
Este trabajo se centra en el fenómeno de los i-memes (internet memes) y comprende un estudio de caso a partir de un acontecimiento local que tuvo repercusiones y trascendencia globales: la cumbre del G20 celebrada en Buenos Aires... more
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      HumorArgentinaPublic Opinion (Political Science)Internet memes
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      AlgorithmsMedia StudiesNew MediaPopular Culture
Some of the most acute moments of social unrest in urban areas in recent Colombian history took place during and around the recent nationwide strikes of November 21 (2019), September 9 (2020), and April 21 (2021). In record numbers,... more
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      Latin American StudiesSound studiesColombian HistoryMemes
Memes have become an important linguistic tool not only for communicating emotions and ideas, but also are integral to constructing the self in online space. This paper concentrates on copper miners in northern Chile and the ways they use... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologySexualityAnthropology of Gender
Originally published in: The International Journal of Arts in Society, Volume 6, No. 2, pp. 111-20, available online at: http://ija.cgpublisher.com/product/pub.85/prod.757 The phenomenon of large-scale public art projects has gone... more
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      Community-based art, performance and dialogueViral internet marketingInternet memesStreet Art
Entendendo a importância dos memes na cibercultura e considerando as potencialidades do trabalho com esse gênero textual híbrido nas aulas de língua inglesa, este artigo visa analisar atividades propostas por professores em formação... more
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      Internet memesMemesLanguage teacher education
This essay analyzes the riot kiss photograph tacken by Rich Lam after game seven of the 2011 Stanley Cup Finals in Vancouver and its subsequent life as a visual internet meme. Noting how this image and its reproductions both operated as... more
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      Visual RhetoricVisual And Material RhetoricInternet memesMemes
A draft methods practicum.
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      CyberpunkInternet memesCyberspaceCyberpunk and steampunk
Resumen​ ​ o​ ​ Abstract La sociedad contemporánea hipermediatizada plantea un nuevo escenario en el que conviven por primera vez en la historia dos sistemas de medios: los medios masivos de comunicación y las redes sociales. Estas... more
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      SemioticsCommunicationHumorInternet memes
This article maps some key patterns associated with how internet memes are conceived and how online meme practices have evolved and morphed during the period from 2000 to the present. We document the rise of internet memes during their... more
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      LiteracyMedia StudiesNew LiteraciesSocial Media
I commend Campbell for her research about social media. It is vital that the religious academy takes time and care to explore this topic. I agree that negative memes about other faiths can be harmful and should be addressed. In my... more
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      Performance StudiesProverbsDigital AnthropologyInterfaith Dialogue
If language is the highest application of the mimetic faculty, what is the shortest? With Walter Benjamin as a guide, this Flash paper corresponds with glitchy animated GIFs and kitschy net cultures. How do GIF images mean? and where can... more
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      SemioticsPhilosophy Of LanguageDigital MediaVisual Semiotics
Les mèmes vivent, neutralisent les gènes, se chassent et se reproduisent. Ce texte est une brève esquisse de l'approche permettant de jeter un éclairage de la relation entre mème et culture.
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      Internet memesMemetics (Philosophy)Memetic AlgorithmsMemes
Resumo: O presente artigo examina os tipos de violência presentes nos memes que retrataram os candidatos à Presidência do Brasil em 2014 na internet e relaciona esses conteúdos com as práticas do Astroturfing, termo norte-americano que... more
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Written mainly for students and the general public, it marshals a wide-ranging challenge against the Standard Social Science Model. Contents Acknowledgments ix Introduction 1 1 Evolution and Knowledge 15 2 Evolution and... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyMeaning of LifeGenderEvolution
Millennials today are highly engaged with social media, which offers them a platform to openly express their emotions and opinions. These social media platforms have become important parts of their daily lives. In this environment, a new... more
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      DesignGraphic DesignInternet memesVisual Arts
The implementation of social media environments has exacerbated the use and visibility of degrading language and imagery, and shaming in online spaces is often different from that in face-to-face environments. Those who shame can hide... more
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      Visual RhetoricMemesOnline MediaDigital Citizenship
In an effort to carve a distinct place for social facts without lapsing into a holistic ontology, John Greenwood has sought to define social phenomena solely in terms of the attitudes held by the actor(s) in question. I argue that his... more
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      SociologyCollective BehaviorEnvironmental SociologyEconomic Sociology
Una de las principales formas de hacer comentario social es por medio del humor. La tecnología en Internet permite transmitir de manera eficiente dichos comentarios a través de vínculos; o bien, ofrece herramientas para formular y... more
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      Internet memesMemetics (Philosophy)Social CriticismMemes
Die Bachelorarbeit "Historymemes - a citizen science of the past?" möchte das Demokratisierungspotenzial von Memes für die Geschichtswissenschaft darstellen. Memes die ein historisches Narrativ wiedergeben werden in ihrer Performativität... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySocial HistoryDidactics (History)
Using content analysis, this study examines how citizens may use memes to share grassroots political ideas in a social media group setting during elections. Specifically, it offers a glimpse at the types of meme-related Facebook pages... more
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      ElectionsMemesU.s. Presidential Campaigns and Elections
El salto de la esfera política convencional a los social media ha implicado la aparición de nuevos espacios, fórmulas y lenguajes para la comunicación política. En pleno proceso de evolución hacia una web más visual los partidos y líderes... more
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      TwitterInternet memesComunicación PolìticaMemes
Article is devoted to the mental spaces as a way of memes’ implementation in political discourse. It highlights the specificity of analyzing mental spaces as well as the contextual component they represent in the process of verbalizing... more
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      Discourse AnalysisDiscoursePoliticsInternet memes
Targeted mainly at professional translators, translation trainees and their teachers, Memes of Translation sets out ambitious metatheoretical, theoretical and practical aims, which it reaches. Its first aim is to propose a conceptual... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryMemes
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      Internet memesStructuration TheoryMemes
Publicación en CUUentame
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A través del artículo se explora la hipótesis de que los memes de internet constituyen un nuevo espacio para el pluralismo informativo en Chile, ya que tendrían la capacidad para romper el cerco informativo impuesto por los medios de... more
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      New MediaSocial NetworksDigital MediaSocial Media
A review of the documentary Beware the Slenderman
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      Documentary (Film Studies)Internet memesDocumentary FilmTrue crime and noir narratives (literary and filmic)
This paper aims to unlock the potential for the politicization of art in the age of the meme. Drawing on Walter Benjamin’s ideas, we suggest that technologies of viral reproduction create the tools and conditions for blasting the present... more
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      Cultural GeographyWalter BenjaminInternet memesCultural geography in relation to creative arts practice, literature, etc
The internet has emerged as an important space for the creation and dissemination of gothic and horror media, particularly in the form of memes. Located at the intersection of digital culture and folklore, some horror memes remain... more
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      Participatory CultureDigital CultureMoral PanicInternet memes
While the mainstream press have often used the accusation of trolling to cover almost any form of online abuse, the term itself has a long and changing history. In scholarly work, trolling has morphed from a description of newsgroup and... more
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      Internet StudiesInternet memesMemesOlympic Games
An art historian and an expert on internet culture discuss media, technology, and political collage.
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      Political TheoryPolitical ScienceDadaInternet memes
Entendendo os memes de internet como uma das formas de engajamento afetivo na relação com as disputas discursivas envolvendo questões políticas contemporâneas, buscamos analisar este fenômeno a partir do diagrama de organização do campo... more
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      Internet memesComunicaçãoPolíticaMemes
When musical parodies as ‘authentic imitations’ of existing artistic compositions or cultural memes are transmitted through social media, the general public may be provoked and confronted with mixed reactions on decency and other moral... more
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      New MediaInternet StudiesDigital MediaMusic Video
Introduction to the full-length book Communicating with Memes: Consequences in Post-truth Civilization
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      Media StudiesInternet StudiesPolitical communicationSocial Media
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      Human EvolutionBehaviour (Human Evolution)Memes
Institutional communication often needs to communicate to the general public by disseminating juridic and administrative content. The article analyses the institutional communication campaign that appeared on public administration... more
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      SociolinguisticsInternet memesMultimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodality
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsCultureEvolution
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      HacktivismAnonymousMemesOccupy Wall Street
O artigo versa de forma ensaística sobre uma tríade formulada pelos seguintes pilares teórico-metodológicos: 1) a cultura BDSM e games; 2) a personagem Lady Dimitrescu de Resident Evil: Village, de 2021; e 3) os memes e seu impacto na... more
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      BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Sadomasochism), Kink, FetishMemesGames StudiesResident Evil
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      GlobalizationInternet memesThe InternetMemes