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      Participatory CultureInternet memesYoutubeMemes
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      Internet memesStructuration TheoryMemes
Visual content is a critical component of everyday social media, on platforms explicitly framed around the visual (Instagram, Vine), on those offering a mix of text and images in myriad forms (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr), and in apps and... more
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      Social MediaVisual CommunicationInternet memesMemes
In this article, we develop a new way to capture knowledge diffusion and assimilation in innovation networks by means of an agent-based simulation model. The model incorporates three essential characteristics of knowledge that have not... more
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      Diffusion of InnovationsAgent Based SimulationComplexityModeling and Simulation
This article proposes a conceptual framework to study the social bifurcation of reality in polarized science-trusting and science-distrusting lay worldviews, by analyzing and integrating five concepts: science work, number work, emotion... more
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      Emotional LabourPolarization (Ideology)Internet memesQuantification
Memes are the cultural equivalent of genes that spread across human culture by means of imitation. What makes a meme and what distinguishes it from other forms of information, however, is still poorly understood. Our analysis of memes in... more
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      PhysicsComplex Systems ScienceSocial SciencesHistory of Science
Richard Dawkins tries to establish an analogy between computer viruses and theistic belief systems, analyzing the latter in terms of his concept of the meme. The underlying thrust of Dawkins' argument is to downplay the role of truth and... more
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      IdeologyIdeology and Discourse AnalysisMemesRichard Dawkins
This paper considers the recent phenomenon of the vehicle-ramming attack (VRA): i.e. the act of purposely driving a vehicle into pedestrians and populated vehicles. It documents the recent (2015–2017) rise in the prevalence of ramming... more
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      TerrorismMimesisPolitical Violence and TerrorismGabriel Tarde
In this paper videogames and transmedia are examined from the perspectives of both creation (game design) and audience reception (gameplay experience), in light of the theories of the DPFi (Domain, Person Field interaction) systems model... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyHuman EvolutionCreativity studiesCreativity
Are there any such things as mind parasites? By analogy with biological parasites, such cultural items are supposed to subvert or harm the interests of their host. The hypothesis of cultural parasitism has appeared in different guises in... more
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      Cultural EvolutionCultural adaptationMemesSelfish Gene Theory
Internet y las redes sociales son herramientas esenciales para el ciberfeminismo contemporáneo. A través de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), los feminismos expresan y comparten ideas, propuestas y emociones... more
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      Media StudiesFeminist TheorySocial MediaInternet memes
This paper examines the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Marriage Equality logo as an example of a meme to further understandings of memetic transmission in social media technologies. The HRC meme is an important example of how even seemingly... more
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      Social NetworksSocial NetworkingSocial MediaFacebook
The idea that units of culture may act as a virus controlling some of the perceptions and actions of individual has been the subject of considerable controversy since proposed by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins. This debate has... more
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      TerrorismTheory of MindSuicideFree Will
The aim of this research paper is to investigate the ontology and history of the Internet meme (a piece of content spreading online from user to user and changing along the way) from the 1980s to the early 2010s. After looking at the... more
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      Internet memesInternet CultureMemesInternet Humor
The article discusses interactions between emotions, memory and user-generated digital content in the context of online protest campaigns. Using as a case study anti-government protest in Ukraine (2013-2014) and Venezuela (2019), it... more
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      Identity (Culture)Digital MemoryCultural MemoryVenezuela
This essay considers human and nonhuman well-being, looking through a culturally-engaged visual analysis of three different groups of photographic images depicting planet earth seemingly in quarantine that were shared widely on social... more
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      PhotographyEnvironmental SustainabilityMemes
Memetics, the emerging and contested ''science'' of the meme, has much to offer critical communication studies. The meme, a replicator that functions as the basic unit of cultural change, is a valuable practical tool for rhetorical... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeRhetorical TheoryMemetics (Philosophy)Critical Rhetoric
The region of Khevsureti in Georgia is the historic home of a group of Kartvelian highlanders known as Khevsurs. As Khevsureti's popularity as a mountain tourist destination has grown, so too has the popularity of an old story that... more
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      PseudoarchaeologyGeorgiaMemesSouth Caucasus
Just four years elapsed between the coining of the term ‘organic farming’ and the founding of an association devoted to the advocacy of organic farming. The world’s first association devoted to the promotion and proliferation of organic... more
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      Organic agricultureSustainable agricultureAustraliaGreen Marketing
Hashtag feminism has become a popular tactic of online protest against gender inequality. Using the Twitter hashtag #distractinglysexy, women scientists posted pictures of themselves in labs or during field research to contest misogynist... more
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      Social NetworksSocial MediaPublic SphereTwitter
Through a consideration of examples of the ‘AI Creation Meme’, a remix of Michaelangelo’s Creazione di Adamo featuring a human hand and a machine hand nearly touching, fingertip to fingertip, this article will tackle the religious... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceInternet memesMemesRobots
This article develops the concept of 'mimetic weaponization' for theory-building. Memes recurrently serve as identificatory markers of affiliation across social media platforms, with ensuing controversies potentially proving newsworthy.... more
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      Audience StudiesDigital JournalismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPolitical communication
Is replication in the cultural domain ubiquitous, rare, or non-existent? And how does this compare to that paradigmatic case of replication, the copying of DNA in living cells? Theorists of cultural evolution are divided on these issues.... more
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      Cultural EvolutionMemesDan SperberReplication
Memes have become an important linguistic tool not only for communicating emotions and ideas, but also are integral to constructing the self in online space. This paper concentrates on copper miners in northern Chile and the ways they use... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologySexualityAnthropology of Gender
In this article, I investigate how political dissent is linguistically constructed and mitigated in memes that are circulated nationally on WhatsApp in Oman. I do so by drawing upon insights from relational approaches to face, the... more
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      SociolinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsSocial MediaMemes
In 2015, a series of memes appeared on Twitter under the hashtag #HumanitarianStarWars. Combining still images from the original Star Wars movies with ironic references to humanitarian/development jargon and institutions, the memes... more
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      HumanitarianismRace and RacismSocial MediaNew Media Studies
El presente artículo busca describir y analizar, desde un enfoque multimodal (Kress y van Leeuwen, 2001; Kress, 2005, 2009; Jewitt, 2009), las relaciones entre los marcadores del discurso (Martín Zorraquino y Portolés, 1999) y los memes... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsArgentinaDigital LiteraciesAnálisis del Discurso
This article examines common political assumptions made in Egyptian internet comics, mainstream television discourse, and everyday conversation in Cairo. These assumptions compress local, national, and global scales of analysis into a... more
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      Middle East StudiesHumorDigital CulturePolitical communication
A critique of Dawkins' concept of "memes", drawing on anthropological theories.
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      Culture StudiesMemesTransmission of Cultural Tradition Via Memes
In this chapter, a corpus of 100 instances of a specific type of meme, image macro (the one typically made up of one top and one bottom stretch of text and a picture in-between), is analyzed in its multimodal quality, specifically in... more
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      Internet memesMultimodalityMemesCyberpragmatics
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      Death StudiesCase StudiesTreatment OutcomeAdolescent
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      New MediaDigital MediaSocial MediaOpen Source
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational ChangeMemesOrganizational Ecology
This is my most recent paper on why I find memes unsatisfactory (Daniel Dennett has been rather critical of it)
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      Theoretical ArchaeologyMemes
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      Human EvolutionBehaviour (Human Evolution)Memes
Unraveling the entanglements of fetish and secrecy bound up in the graffiti on the Palestinian face of the Israeli Separation Wall, this article analyzes the proliferation of defacements of the Australian street artist LushSux’s... more
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      IconographyPalestineInternet memesGraffiti
In the past decade, people associated with what is known as the alt-right have employed a strategy similar to that of progressive, antiracist satirists to advance a decidedly white supremacist, anti-Semitic, misogynist, and deadly serious... more
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      RacismWhite SupremacySatire & IronyMemes
This paper aims to unlock the potential for the politicization of art in the age of the meme. Drawing on Walter Benjamin’s ideas, we suggest that technologies of viral reproduction create the tools and conditions for blasting the present... more
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      Cultural GeographyWalter BenjaminInternet memesCultural geography in relation to creative arts practice, literature, etc
Recently leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS/Mormon) faith have called upon members to “sweep the earth” with positive religious messages through social media. This digital moment in Mormonism exemplifies the... more
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      ReligionCultural StudiesCommunicationLegitimacy and Authority
In March 2014, a viral campaign spread across social media using the tag #nomakeupselfie. This campaign involved women posting selfies without wearing makeup and (in later iterations of the trend) donating money to cancer charities. It... more
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      Gender StudiesNew MediaIdentity (Culture)Gender
This paper seeks to unpack the circulation that have appeared in the digital age by presenting the case study of two authors that have recently become phenomena of popularity on social media in Brazil. On the one hand, we claim that the... more
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      Digital LiteratureClarice LispectorMemesCaio Fernando Abreu
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      American PoliticsCommunicationPolitical BehaviorPolitical Participation
In this article, I argue that popular online animal videos during the coronavirus pandemic are emblematic of the political stakes of animal documentary in the era of climate change. Conceived in response to James Leo Cahill's 'A YouTube... more
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      Critical Animal StudiesYoutubeMemes
This article analyzes the creation, evolution, and monetization of the Harlem Shake meme on YouTube to explore contemporary implementation of copyright and understanding of authorship in regard to monetization of works with distributed... more
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      New MediaDigital HumanitiesDigital MediaCopyright
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      Memetics (Evolutionary Biology)Memes
Crisis memes are the ghoulish and satirical posts that spread through social media concurrently with serious journalistic reportage. They are folk productions that respond to challenging events based on thematic and structural templates... more
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      SemioticsSemioticsInternet StudiesPopular Culture
This article examines social media challenges that emerged in 2013, focusing on Ne-knomination, the Ice-Bucket Challenge and SmearForSmear. We suggest understand them as ‘viral challenge memes’ and manifest a set of consistent features... more
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      Digital MediaDigital CultureSocial MediaGabriel Tarde
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      CommunicationSocial NetworksDigital MediaSocial Media
Places new work on 'Why We Post' into context of previous research on materiality and notions of consumption. Developing concepts such as scalable sociality and understandings of “Why We Post,” anthropologists in nine locations around the... more
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      EthnographyMaterial Culture StudiesSocial MediaMigration Studies
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      ArgentinaInternet memesMemesRedes sociales