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El propósito de este artículo es comprobar el uso político del sentido del humor en las movilizaciones llevadas a cabo por la sociedad civil de Guatemala en defensa de los resultados obtenidos en las elecciones presidenciales de segunda... more
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    • Movimientos sociales
This article examines some methodological and epistemological challenges facing meme studies and meme research. It delves into the shifts in Anglophone meme culture post-Trump and challenges the assumption that memes are generally... more
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      Critical TheoryOnline CommunitiesInternet research methodsDigital Culture
Social media influencers-individuals who utilize various forms of network power on social networks occupy a unique identity space. On the one hand, their network power is often tied to their social identity as creators of engaging... more
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      Social MediaIdentityInstagramInfluencers
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      LetrasEscuela secundariaGramática
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      Italian StudiesInternet memesInternet LinguisticsMemes
Wie werden Memes für die Abwertung sozialer Gruppen genutzt? Die Text-Bild-Kombinationen sind immerhin aus der digitalen Kommunikation nicht mehr wegzudenken. Auch diskriminierende Botschaften finden darin eine spielerische Form, die... more
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      Data AnalysisDiscriminationHate SpeechSocial Media
El objetivo de este estudio consiste en determinar en qué medida, durante las campañas de las recientes elecciones generales en España, la cober-tura periodística de los discursos de odio (DO) ha mostrado rasgos polarizado-res, incluyendo... more
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      Political PartiesHate SpeechMediaElection Campaigning
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      Byzantine StudiesHistory of Crusades
The global far right recruits new members by declaring that whiteness, and white masculinity in particular, is under attack, and arguing that white men must regain their rightful social status by reasserting their dominance. These claims... more
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      Conspiracy TheoriesAffect (Cultural Theory)Satire & IronyMemes
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      PsychologyMental IllnessMemes
El meme se ha transformado en un método de comunicación para dejar ver situaciones, emociones, pensamientos surgidos en un individuo con sus grupos sociales de referencia, partiendo de la apropiación simbólica del... more
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      Social PsychologyCommunicationIdentity (Culture)Ideology
Textual analysis is a crucial part of discourse analysis which is not purely the linguistic analysis of texts; it also includes interdiscursive analysis, i.e. seeing text in terms of the different discourses, genres, and styles they draw... more
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Memes spread a particular idea as presented in images, animated GIFs, videos, written text, or some other units of cultural practices. They give rise to the materialization of the expression of a given social reality within which... more
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      EducationSocial RepresentationsInternet memes
Internet memes are a new genre of digital communication. Previously, they used to reflect the floating ideas between minds. With the advent of the internet, they extended to reflect the replication of ideas from minds to social network... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial MediaInternet memesMultimodal Discourse Analysis
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      Social NetworksMEMSMultimodalityGamification
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      HumanitiesSocial NetworksMEMSMultimodality
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      ReligionHeresy and OrthodoxyPetitions
Mary Hesse (1966) illustrated how metaphors can help to propel the direction and conduct of scientific research. Here we flip the script and make the case that the enterprise of science is often the driving engine, and the metaphors are... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceMetaphorMemesMetaphor in Science
O Círculo Fluminense de Estudos Filológicos e Linguísticos tem o prazer de apresentar-lhe este Número Especial, com os 42 artigos, referentes aos trabalhos recebidos até o dia 30 de abril de 2024, que foram apresentados no XVI Simpósio... more
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      PhilologyLanguages and Linguistics
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      SociologySentiment AnalysisCritical Discourse AnalysisMusic and identity
Today there is nothing in the giant cauldron of the internet that doesn't create an avalanche of memes in response. Considering memes as the result of the use of creativity to express ourselves, our humor, values and generally our... more
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      Internet StudiesAesthetics and EthicsMemetics (Philosophy)
No presente ensaio, analisa-se de que forma a linguagem oculta em algoritmos opacos é capaz de perpetuar situações de discrimiminação em razão de gênero e da população LGBTQIA+ nos ambientes digitais, bem como tais distorções se... more
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      Internet memesGender DiscriminationMemesPrivacy and data protection
This research paper studies the peculiarity of misinformation spread through memes in the digital age. Memes, as a prevailing online correspondence type, can quickly shape public discernment and scatter data. In any case, this power... more
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      Case Study ResearchInternet memesMemetics (Philosophy)Memes
Comentario personal sobre la obra de Francisco de Quevedo "Política de Dios, gobierno de Cristo y tiranía de Satanás".
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      Political SociologyHistoriaMasterLiteratura y cultura española de los siglos XVI- XVII (Francisco de Quevedo, Diego Saavedra Fajardo, Baltasar Gracián)
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      Game studiesHumanitiesMemesGames Studies
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      HistoryComputer ScienceFolkloreLibrary Science
O que se pode dizer sobre as representações discursivas acerca dos temas trabalho e sujeito do trabalho na contemporaneidade digital? E mais: o que dizer quando essas representações são atravessadas pelo humor? Partindo dessa... more
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      HumorDiscursoO sujeito e o poder
I have come to a serious realization that objectivity is a myth, at best a rarity. I think it was a romantic idea from the very beginning, that we can look at a fact and see it for what it is. Facts are facts. They can be numbers, they... more
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      Social PsychologyUFOlogyUFO
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It is widely accepted that the way information transfers across networks depends importantly on the structure of the network. Here, we show that the mechanism of information transfer is crucial: in many respects the effect of the specific... more
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    • Philosophy
Understanding the dynamics of information is crucial to many areas of research, both inside and outside of philosophy. Using computer simulations of three kinds of information, germs, genes, and memes, we show that the mechanism of... more
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      PhilosophySocial NetworksBiologyGenetic Networks
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      Information SystemsComputer SciencePhilosophyInfectious disease epidemiology
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      Computer ScienceInfectious disease epidemiologySocial NetworksMemes
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The article proposes the model of the conceptual dictionary of the Old English poetic vocabulary on the dictionary entries devoted to the simple names for the sea. The given model deals with the various types of contexts (short and long... more
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      SemanticsOld English Language
INC Reader #17 CRITICAL MEME READER III: BREAKING THE MEME Edited by Chloë Arkenbout and İdil Galip Published by the Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam 2024 ISBN: 9789083412566 Full book available on... more
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    • Meme studies
Basic medical sciences are of a solid abstract nature. Pharmacology is a challenging discipline delivered in all healthcarerelated curricula with different aims and goals. Memes are one of aiding instructional designs proved to surge... more
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      Medical EducationMemesInteractive LearningStudents Engagement in Higher Education
Resumo En el contexto del politainment online , el recurso de los memes políticos como fórmula humorística y creativa para configurar la imagen política se ha convertido en una práctica cada vez más habitual en las campañas electorales.... more
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      HumanitiesSocial NetworksPolitical SciencePolitical communication
Este artículo examina las narrativas e intertextualidades predominantes en las imágenes meméticas sobre cambio climático. Se ha realizado un análisis exploratorio de 145 memes específicos a través de www.9gag.com, sitio web de referencia... more
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      HumanitiesInternet memes
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      Computer ScienceSocial InteractionPublic RelationsPolitics
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      Evolutionary BiologyNeurosciencePsychologyCognitive Psychology
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      Popular CultureSocial MediaContemporary DanceMemes
Abstract: A review of nearly 20 years of sociocultural research and trends on “ghostly episodes” (ghosts, haunted houses, and poltergeists) suggests that personal accounts, group investigations, and popular depictions of anomalous... more
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      SociologySocial PsychologyNarrativePopular Culture
In the paper "Seven Memes on Religion and Spirituality in the Digital Age," delivered in May 2024, at the EuARe24 conference, Gregory Price Grieve explores the profound implications of memes on identity, agency, and humanity’s future in... more
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      CreativityIdeologyDigital CultureCultural Evolution
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      HumanitiesInvestigación socialCambio socialDrogodependencias
Given the current rush toward the development of artificial agents, multimodal models and general-purpose algorithms, the vernaculars of automation will become more and more relevant to understand how these technologies are encountered... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceFolkloreMachine Learning
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    • Humanities
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      Internet memesMemesSémiologieSemiología
(Borrador, por favor no citar sin consultar previamente) En este trabajo (tercero y último de la serie que comenzó con Siri, 2024, y otro en prensa) se argumentará que lo que actualmente se entiende como “memes de internet” no tiene... more
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      SemioticsMemetics (Evolutionary Biology)Internet memesMemetics (Philosophy)
Ob aus Sympathie, zur Unterhaltung, vor Empörung oder mit dem Ziel der Monetarisierung: Rechtsextreme Botschaften haben einen ambivalenten Charakter angenommen. Nicht nur lassen die digitalen Kommunikate (von Memes bis TikToks) viel mehr... more
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      MemesFar-Right Politics