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dopo aver sintetizzato, tramite il ricorso a dati aggregati, l’evoluzione dell’ammontare delle coppie miste in Italia a partire dagli anni Novanta (vedi paragrafo 2) - si evidenziano le differenze comportamentali tra le coppie eterogame... more
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      Transnational migrationItalyIntermarriagesMixed Couples
Paperback edition January 2009; German edition Wie Juden Deutsch Wurden: Die Welt jüdischer Konvertiten vom 17. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert, translated by Thomas Bertrand. Frankfurt am Main and New York: Campus Verlag, August 2010. When... more
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      European HistoryModern HistoryGerman StudiesJewish Studies
This article analyses the debates about mixed marriages held within the Roman Curia (and especially the Roman Inquisition) between the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries, integrating these debates with the normative and prescriptive... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCanon Law
China’s household registration system (hukou) that assigns citizens into “rural” or “urban” status is a stratifying tool that shapes people’s social rights based on parents’ place of origin. This ethnographic research on inter-hukou... more
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      China studiesIntersectionality and Social InequalityMarriageIntermarriages
An interview on intermarriage in Israel: basic data and its implications
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesEzra-NehemiahIntermarriages
For some Chinese women dating foreign men, narratives of international love and sexual adventure break with conventional marital sexual scripts and serve to portray them as cosmopolitan Chinese women living eventful lives in multicultural... more
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      Gender StudiesIntercultural CommunicationGlobalizationNarrative
The paper deals with ethnically mixed marriages in the postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina primarily focusing on their representation in the current political system and the media, as well as their social status and discriminatory treatment... more
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      SociologyIntermarriagesBosnia and HerzegovinaMedia analysis
As transnational social networks expand, people increasingly form intimate relationships with partners from a different sociocultural background. While intercultural intimate relationships are not a new phenomenon, they have attracted... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationInterracial FamiliesIntermarriagesCultural Differences
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesIntermarriagesBook of Jubilees
This article analyzes and discusses the first responsum (Salonica c. 1922) of rabbi Uzziel on giyyur ('conversion to Judaism'). The analysis is in historical and halakhic context, and the discussion compares and relates R. Uzziel's... more
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      Religious ConversionSephardic StudiesModern Jewish HistoryHistorical Development of Halakhah
Mixed marriages are marriages between two people from different classes, ethnic and cultural groups. The concept of interfaith marriage includes marriage between different belief groups. Although it still creates discontent within groups,... more
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      SociologyChildren and FamiliesReligious StudiesIntermarriages
נישואי תערובת, כלומר, נישואים בין יהודים למי שאינם יהודים, נחשבים עדיין, בקרב יהודים רבים, לטאבו. מאמר זה יוצא נגד היחס השלילי לזוגות מעורבים. חמישה טיעונים פופולריים נגד נישואים כאלו נבחנים בקפידה ונדחים. המסקנה היא שכשם שעל יהודים... more
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      Jewish PhilosophyIntermarriagesModern Jewish Thought
Marriage between Adventists and non-Adventists is a current and serious issue affecting Adventism in Ghana and indeed the world over. Debates on the topic are numerous and frequent, and there is little consensus among the laity on the... more
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      Biblical ExegesisMarriageIntermarriagesSytematic Theology
Gandhi’s views in regard to basic aspects of the caste system changed in the last years of his life. In the 1920s he had held that every Hindu “must follow the hereditary profession” and that “prohibition of intermarriage” between people... more
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      Caste and UntouchabilityIntermarriagesMahatma GandhiGandhian Studies, Caste and Society
The region of Moquegua has been of interest to Andean scholars for nearly three decades because it is the only known area where both Wari and Tiwanaku established colonies within close proximity. Since Robert Feldman’s early excavations... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyTiwanakuColonizationIntermarriages
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      EthnicityKinship and Relatedness (Anthropology)Intermarriages
Ezra 9–10, commonly known as “intermarriage crisis” or “forced divorce of foreign wives,” has attracted a wide variety of interpretations of the dismissal of foreign wives. Some of the proposed rationales include political, social,... more
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      Biblical InterpretationMinoritiesEzra-NehemiahIntermarriages
While armed conflict has occurred since around 1970 in the Southern Philippines, ordinary people of different faiths have cohabited as neighbors, lovers, and families. Why are ordinary Muslims and Christians able to create and maintain... more
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      ReligionMulticulturalismThe Moros Of Mindanao In Southern PhilippinesInterfaith Dialogue
This study employs 1990 U.S. Census data to examine possible sources of a high rate of endogamy among Louisiana Cajuns. It suggests that a continuing high level of in-group marriage in this ethnicity is surprising, given the group's long... more
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      Race and EthnicityEthnic IdentityEthnic IdentitiesFrancophone Louisiana
Double Research Panel organized for the 11th Annual IMISCOE Conference Immigration, Social Cohesion and Social Innovation. Madrid, August 29, 2014.
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      TransnationalismMixed MethodsHybridityCritical Race Theory
Economic migrants from wealthy industrial countries are arriving in increasingly large numbers in the rising “global cities” of the developing world, including Shanghai. A portion of these are settling long-term, setting up households and... more
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      SociologyChinese StudiesGender and SexualityInterracial Families
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      Ethnic StudiesDemographyEthnicityIntermarriages
Cuba was the second site of arrival of Italian explorer Christopher Columbus who was searching for a new route to India in 1492. This island located in the Caribbean Sea, became a colony of the Spanish Empire and as a consequence of this... more
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      Cuban StudiesIntermarriages
Mixed Marriages and Mixed-race Children in Catalonia: From “charnegos” to “café con leche”? Abstract: As noted by historian Jaume Vicens Vives, Catalonia is “a product of many yeasts, and, therefore, a good slice of the country... more
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      Social IdentityRace and RacismChildren and FamiliesImmigration
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesEzra-NehemiahIntermarriages
Social network of Ahmose-men-(m-)ineb-hedj, High Priest of Ptah under Amasis, Cambyses II and Darius I Ongoing broader investigation of the social structure once existed at the Saite-Persian Memphis has already identified several most... more
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      ProsopographySocial Network Analysis (SNA)Courts and Elites (History)Saite Period
marriage, ethnically mixed marriages among Russians in interwar Bulgaria
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      Russian StudiesGender StudiesSocial AnthropologyWomen's Studies
Israel defines itself as a Jewish state by way of ideology, policy, and constitutionality. Jewish immigration is encouraged, and rewarded with direct access to Israeli citizenship for olim (Jewish immigrants) and their immediate family.... more
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      LawJewish StudiesMigrationIsrael/Palestine
This article examines liberal American Jewish support for the State of Israel within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It argues that because of the nature of liberal American Jewry, its total support of the State of Israel... more
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      Jewish American LiteraturePolitical SociologySociology of ReligionAmerican Politics
In 1776, Moses Isaacs died in Berlin. Along with Isaac Daniel Itzig and Veitel Heine Ephraim, Isaacs had made a fortune during the Seven Years' War minting coins and supplying the army. Isaacs left behind an estate of three-quarters of a... more
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      Civil LawJewish StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's History
Most studies on intermarriages between groups rely on the prevalence of intermarriage to assess social boundaries. Yet the characteristics underlying the intermarriage pairings are seldom examined. In this study, I analyze intermarriages... more
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      ChinaIntermarriagesHukouStatus Exchange
The article examines how American Jews viewed and represented Israel and Israelis to argue that cultural differences and outright rivalry have played an important role in their attitudes toward the Jewish state. While often masquerading... more
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      Jewish American LiteratureMass cultureStudies On Men And MasculinityTransgender
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      Military HistoryRoman HistoryBalkan StudiesRoman Law
Simultaneously with a large proportion of Russian men being conscripted to fight in the First World War, over two million prisoners of the Central Powers arrived in Russia. Despite official rhetoric warning the Russian public against any... more
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      Russian StudiesWomen's StudiesTransnational HistoryPrisoners of War
Immigration studies still investigate immigrants' offspring and later generations' socioeconomic upward and downward mobility. When it comes to early Turkish immigrants, there is an unfilled "missing link" from a sociological point of... more
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      IntermarriagesTriangulation in Qualitative ResearchTurkish-Muslim women immigrantsTurkish Immigration
The main sources for my article are the files concerning dispensations for mixed marriages held in the Archive of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (the Holy Office). My article analyses the tension between two Roman Catholic... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionHistory
My research tries to re-examine the issue of mixed marriage from the point of view of the Orthodox Canonical Tradition in the broader context of marital and baptismal theology, through an extensive interpretation of the canons of the... more
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      Canon LawOrthodox TheologyIntermarriagesByzantine Canon Law
A research chapter in "Taking Stock: Cultures of Enumeration in Contemporary Jewish Life"
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      QuantificationIntermarriagesSurveysAmerican Jewry
Ujmowanie małżeństw jako wskaźnika ilustrującego procesy przenikania się i łączenia różnych kultur i społeczności jest głęboko zakorzenione w myśli społecznej (por. Kalmijn 1998; Domański, Przybysz 2007; Szlendak 2010). Liczba związków... more
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      Migration StudiesIntermarriagesIntegrationMixed Marriages
El propósito de este simposio fué reunir comunicaciones de diferentes disciplinas y enfoques metodológicos en torno a las parejas/familias mixtas o bi-nacionales en España, un laboratorio privilegiado para analizar procesos de... more
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      Migration StudiesIntermarriagesInterethnic RelationsInmigración
אימוץ השיח הליברלי כשפה להבנת עצמנו מונע את הִתכנוּת וטעם המשך קיומו של העם היהודי כקבוצה מובחנת שיש לשמור על עמיותה. סוגיית 'נישואי תערובת' והשיח סביבה אינה אפוא רק איום 'דמוגרפי' אלא התקפה פילוסופית על עצם הצדקת המשך קיומה של יהדות שיש... more
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      Jewish PhilosophyModern Jewish PhilosophyJewish EducationJewish Cultural Studies
Ce numéro de Rives Méditerranéenne interroge la construction d’une culture de l’intimité familiale qui a accompagné les changements du « faire famille » dans l’Italie contemporaine. Par des analyses interdisciplinaires d’un matériau... more
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      Gender StudiesFamily studiesItalian StudiesAdoption
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      IntermarriagesImmigrant integration
In this article we examine how partner choice and strategies of social reproduction among the Wampar of northeastern Papua New Guinea are implicated in currently pressing questions about the future of Wampar as a socio-cultural unit. We... more
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      Papua New GuineaPartner ChoiceIntermarriages
Una de las consecuencias de le inmigración y del asentamiento permanente de los inmigrantes en los países del sur de Europa, es el aumento del número de matrimonios mixtos o bí-nacionales y la formación de familias transnacionales.... more
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An account of Mahatma Gandhi’s views in regard to caste (a religious issue in India), theism vs atheism, euthanasia, etc.
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      Secular HumanismEuthanasiaCaste and UntouchabilityIntermarriages
CITATION: Rodríguez-García, D. (2021) “Forbidden Love: Controlling Partnerships Across Ethnoracial Boundaries.” In International Handbook of Love: Transcultural and Transdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Claude-Hélène Mayer and... more
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      HybridityStereotypes and PrejudiceDiscriminationEthnic and Racial Studies
This study examines the marriage market in urban China through the lens of intersectionality, investigating how structural inequalities shape rural-urban intermarriage preferences and opportunities. Using 134 semi-structured interviews... more
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      GenderChinaMate selectionSocial Inequalities
In contemporary Xinjiang, community enforcement of the taboo on Uyghur-Han intermarriage has become one of the sole remaining means of symbolic resistance against the Chinese state. As such, the TV soap opera Xinjiang guniang [Xinjiang... more
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