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Editado en el año 2000, por la Cruz Roja Mexicana con una segunda impresión en 2003, a la que se incorpora la presentación del doctor José Antonio Fernández Arena, Director General de la Cruz Roja Mexicana (2003-2005). El texto es del... more
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      Search and RescueRed CrossInternational movement of the Red CrossRescate
This document was researched, written and edited by Jeltje Gordon-Lennox for the International Committee of the Red Cross (1994). Publisher: ICRC Publications Department, Geneva, Switzerland.
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      Humanitarian InterventionInternational Humanitarian LawConflict ManagementChildren and War
Internal displacement is a global challenge, but it is also heavily concentrated in a few countries and triggered by few events. Since the end of the Cold War, the phenomenon of forced displacement gained more global attention. Forced... more
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      Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)International Committee of the Red Cross
The twentieth century was stigmatized by the high number of armed conflicts which took place all over the globe; from South Africa to Finland and from Colombia to China the world suffered immensely. The huge number of civilians’ and... more
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      Human Rights LawChild protectionHumanitarianismSexual Violence
Problem of this research is the role of International Committee of The Red Cross (ICRC) as an International Non Governmental Organization (INGO) engaged in humanitarian efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to the Rohingya conflict... more
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      International RelationsConflictInternational Humanitarian LawSectarianism
«A Heart of Stone Only Would Not Have Suffered with Those Who Suffered»: Emotions and Humanitarian Action in Switzerland during World War I In the last few years, the history of emotions has increasingly attracted academic interest.... more
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      HumanitarianismHistory Of EmotionsFirst World WarHistory of Humanitarianism
Even in the earliest times, when tribes began to emerge, and at the time of classification, the principle of oppression of the weak by the strong was emerging in society. This manifested itself in the relations between both people and... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsHumanitarianismInternational Human Rights Law
El 23 de marzo de 1994 Juan Pablo II fue a la capilla ardiente donde reposaban los restos de Mons. Álvaro del Portillo, obispo, prelado del Opus Dei. El hecho manifiesta que entre ellos hubo una cercana relación. El estudio se centra en... more
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      Opus DeiHumanitarian AidInternational Committee of the Red Cross
This presentation aims to analyze the difficulties connected with the spread of epidemics in times of war, which may be considered "an emergency within an emergency", involving difficult problems with no easy solutions, from both a... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsInternational Criminal LawAccountability
The ICRC often acts as a neutral intermediary between parties to armed conflict. What does it mean? When, where, and why does the ICRC play such a role? To whom is it beneficial? This article, divided into two parts, answers these... more
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      HumanitarianismWar StudiesHumanitarian InterventionInternational Humanitarian Law
The paper deals with the issue of protection of civilians during armed conflict. 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Geneva Conventions, which raises new questions about the future of civilian protection in time of war.... more
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      Armed ConflictInternational Humanitarian Law and Protection of CiviliansProtection of Civilians in Armed ConflictGeneva Conventions
This course represents a basic introduction to international humanitarian law (IHL) or law of armed conflict (LoAC). Through lectures, seminars and practical exercises, the course will acquaint students with most of the significant... more
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      International LawInternational Criminal LawInternational Human Rights LawPublic International Law
On 15 September 1916, in their struggle to take the village of Lesboeufs on the Somme, the British Guards’ Division lost no fewer than sixty officers killed or mortally wounded. The Coldstream Guards suffered particularly severely. With... more
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      War StudiesHistory and MemoryMemory StudiesCultural Memory
The debate over which actors contribute to customary international law generally centers on international organizations and other non-State actors, and easily accepts States as relevant actors. However, on rare occasions States can be... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational LawInternational Criminal Law
Durante il pontificato di Benedetto XV si istaurarono proficui rapporti tra la Santa Sede e il Comitato Internazionale della Croce Rossa, per la realizzazione di attività a scopo umanitario. Finita la Prima Guerra mondiale, la... more
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      Opus DeiHumanitarian AidInternational Committee of the Red Cross
The ACMC has posted this document here with the permission of the Australian Red Cross. The ACMC claims no authorship of this publication. Australian Red Cross is proud to produce this handbook which we hope will contribute to a greater... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights LawAustralia
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      Red CrossInternational Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent SocietiesHistory of the Red CrossInternational Committee of the Red Cross
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      LawNursingPolitical ScienceInternational Humanitarian Law
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is a private humanitarian organization(association) often mischaracterized as an international organization or an NGO. Originally established on 9 February 1863 in Geneva as the... more
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      International Humanitarian LawInternational movement of the Red CrossHumanitarian ActionGeneva Conventions
ÖZ İçinde bulunulan yüzyılda dünya mercek altına alındığı takdirde, karşı karşıya kalınılan manzara pek de iç açıcı görünmemektedir. İç savaşlar, insan hakları ihlalleri, ulusal ve uluslararası güvenlik sorunları, etnik çatışmalar, doğal... more
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      International movement of the Red Crossİnsani MüdahaleDiplomasiInternational Commitee of the Red Cross
Proceedings of a judicial, quasi-judicial, public inquiry, fact-finding or similar nature, in which confidential communications of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) risk being disclosed, raise important challenges for... more
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      ConfidentialityInternational Committee of the Red CrossDiplomatic Privileges and Immunities
History of the Polish Red Cross in West Pomeranian region between 1945 and 2019 with description and analyse of international, national and regional legal, organizational and financial conditions of the Red Cross activities. The book is... more
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      history of PolandRed CrossInternational movement of the Red CrossInternational Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has undergone a considerable transformation in the recent decades: from being driven by a predominantly Swiss body of employees, it has become an organization dominated by international... more
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      HumanitarianismOrganizational CultureValuesIntercultural Management
В статье рассматриваются гуманитарные аспекты деятельности некоторых международных правозащитных организаций в период проведения миротворческих операций - УВКПЧ, КПЧ ООН и МККК.
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      United Nations Peacekeeping OperationsInternational Committee of the Red CrossУправление Верховного комиссара ООН по правам человекаМеждународный комитет Красного Креста
Since 2011, Syria has faced protests, upheaval, and civil war. During this long crisis, both state and nonstate actors have continuously attempted to exploit the situation to further their own interests. Since then, the civil war that... more
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      International LawHuman RightsUnited NationsInternational Humanitarian Law
Autorka niniejszego artykułu postawiła sobie za cel wskazać, dlaczego to właśnie MKCK wpływa na kształt zobowiązań wynikających z MPH i jakie instrumenty w tym celu stosuje, a także z jaką reakcją spotykają się jego starania. W pierwszej... more
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      International Humanitarian LawSoft LawIus CogensInternational Committee of the Red Cross
The aim of this contribution is to highlight the action of the ARC in Switzerland during World War I. The goal is to understand what was done, but also to think on why the ARC has invested so much in a country that was not at war.... more
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      GeographyHumanitarianismFirst World WarHistory of Switzerland
Establish a diplomatic act that states that "the wounded enemy is not considered an enemy but a person in need of a little humanity", this was of course considered a proper revolution in the second half of the 19th century and became the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflictInternational Human Rights LawInternational Humanitarian Law
This is a text only file of an essay in the first edition of the new International Affairs Magazine CABLE - please download full article from: cablemagazine.scot Well worth signing up for the Cable - good to encourage new initiatives in... more
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      Food AidConflictSecurity StudiesSyrian Studies
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      International Human Rights LawInternational Humanitarian LawInternational Committee of the Red CrossUnited Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies
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      ColombiaMaliSouth SudanICRC
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      ColombiaMaliSouth SudanICRC
Last draft - published as: Christine Winter (2021): The International Committee of the Red Cross celebrates 80 years since its first delegation in Australia, Australian Journal of Human Rights, DOI: 10.1080/1323238X.2021.1946275 As... more
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      International RelationsGerman HistoryInternational LawHumanitarianism
1st ICRC Workshop on Forensic Integrated Human Identification (Beirut, Lebanon)
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      Forensic AnthropologyLebanese Civil WarMissing PersonsInternational Committee of the Red Cross
The paper discusses the role of mediator assumed by the Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Yugoslavia in the solving of controversies between Italy and Yugoslavia in relation to Italian prisoners of war and... more
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      Italy (History)Second World WarPrisoners of WarWorld War II
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      HumanitarianismFirst World WarHistory of HumanitarianismHistory of Switzerland
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) enjoys a specific legal status and specific privileges and immunities under both international and domestic law. They enable the ICRC to effectively carry out its mandate, and to do so... more
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      International organizationsInternational Humanitarian LawImmunityHumanitarian Aid
This article deals with the question whether ICRC, that is at the heart of the International Humanitarian Law, does benefit from the immunity of State jurisdiction. To this effect, one the ICRC's international legal personality... more
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      International LawInternational Committee of the Red CrossJurisdictional Immunities
A discussion of sexual violence in armed conflict and the relevant international humanitarian law issues, including criminal responsibility. Part of the Australian Red Cross QLD IHL 'Issues in IHL' course on 16 May 2015; open to the... more
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      International Criminal LawInternational Humanitarian LawInternational Criminal JusticeSexual and Gender-Based Violence
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      HumanitarianismOrganizational CultureValuesIntercultural Management
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      ColombiaMaliSouth SudanICRC
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      Laws of WarProsecution of war crimesFranco-Prussian WarInternational Committee of the Red Cross
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      International Humanitarian LawArmed ConflictIntra-State ConflictLaw of Armed Conflict
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    • International Committee of the Red Cross
The present Report on the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law in Greece constitutes the result of the efforts of a Research team of the European Centre of Research and Training on Human Rights and Humanitarian Action of... more
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      International Humanitarian LawArmed ForcesICRCICC, rome statutes, international criminal court
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      First World WarRed CrossHumanitarian Assistance and Disaster ReliefInternational Committee of the Red Cross