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      Islamic Terrorism and the MediaIslamic Terrorism
Abstract: A feature of neo-conservative critiques during the course of this century, concerning public issues such as immigration and multicultural policy and Islamic terrorism, has been the use of a rhetoric based on historical imagery... more
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      Late AntiquityEdward GibbonFall of RomeIslamic Terrorism and the Media
This paper is a compilation of the outstanding projects, policies and achievements of the Goodluck Jonathan’s Administration. The paper highlights those critical areas that the Jonathan’s Administration identified as priority in its... more
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    • Islamic Terrorism and the Media
Since 9/11, the mass media space in Western countries, including Australia, is heavily populated with news on terrorism that is linked to the Middle East, Islam, and Muslims. While research on Western media reporting on Islam and... more
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Tesi di Laurea Magistrale sulla produzione letteraria esistente all'interno dell'organizzazione terroristica dello Stato Islamico. La ricerca, nel suo tentativo di analisi, prova a descrivere una delle numerose forme d'arte presenti... more
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      Arabic PoetryMiddle East StudiesPolitical Violence and TerrorismMiddle Eastern Studies
Ein Artikel über welche Koransuren, durch Terroristen und Islamgegner missbraucht werden
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      Islamic StudiesIslamConflict Resolution, Islam, Violence, Terrorism, Peaceantisemitism and Islamophobia
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic Terrorism and the Media
Tulisan ini mencoba melihat seperti apa hubungan media dan terorisme di era kontemporer saat ini yang sama-sama saling mempengaruhi dan saling menguatkan. Serangan teror 13/11 yang terjadi di Paris menjadi pilihan yang tepat lantaran... more
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      War on TerrorTerrorism and mediaGlobal War on TerrorIslamic Terrorism and the Media
Dābiq is an electronic magazine (e-zine) utilising strategic utopianism and savagery messages supported by exemplary leadership, eschatology, and current events reports. This project analyses narrative themes present within Dābiq and... more
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      Critical TheoryInformation SystemsReligionHistory
Through a theoretical framework based on the literature review and findings from academic literature, the overall objective of this paper is to answer the question: How does the Islamic State (ISIS) recruit using Social Media? According... more
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      Media StudiesTerrorismInternational TerrorismPolitical Violence and Terrorism
ISIS propaganda differs from that of other (Islamic or non-Islamic) religions or cults as it is not so much concerned with imagination and exotic fantasies but accentuates the maximal exploitation and demonstration of available... more
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      AestheticsTerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismEveryday Aesthetics
Since its formation in 2013, ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham, formerly known as ISIL) has shocked the world not only with its lightning conquest of territories in Iraq and Syria, but also its gruesome executions of kidnapped... more
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      TerrorismHostage NegotiationsTerrorism and counterinsurgency, Middle Eastern studies, Islamic movementsIslamic State
For as long as there has been film, there have been Muslim bad guys. Whether they are Rudolph Valentino’s swarthy sheikh or the countless Arabs scattered throughout the Indiana Jones movies, Muslims have been treated as boogeymen, and... more
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      Film StudiesPolitics and FilmFilm and HistoryStudies On Men And Masculinity
Text of the article and discussion with readers
24 October 2005
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      ReligionSociologyPolitical SociologySociology of Religion
This paper is trying to see what kind of media relations and terrorism in the contemporary era which today both influence each other and strengthen each other. 13/11 terror attacks that occurred in Paris be the right choice because this... more
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      Media and terrorismIslamic Terrorism and the Media
Islam, a religion known for its peace and unity, in recent decades has come to be known through the media as a religion of violence and aggression, which frightens individuals throughout the world. Such fear has imputed negative... more
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      Political SociologyTerrorismRadicalizationMedia
(English translation below) In dit artikel behandel ik de vraag of en zo ja, hoe de film 'Fitna' van Geert Wilders behandeld kan worden in de lessen godsdienst/levensbeschouwing in het voortgezet onderwijs. Ik beschrijf de aanleiding en... more
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      Religious EducationQuranic ExegesisIslamic Terrorism and the MediaMulticultural Religious Education
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      Islamic Terrorism and the MediaIslamic Terrorism
The world today is not safe for all and sundry due to the villainous activities of terrorists' groups like Islāmic State of Iraq (ISIS), Al-Qaida in the Maghreb (AQIM) and Jama'atu Ahl-Sunnati Lid-Da c awati Wal Jihad otherwise known as... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslam and terrorismIslamic Terrorism and the Media
Egypt faces a well planned project of decomposition and partly annexation. In 2014, in two articles, I explained what Egypt needed to do to avert Sinai's secession. The Egyptian government failed to implement any serious measure and the... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesEgyptologyInternational Relations
Chi sono e cosa motiva i giovani che partono per la Siria e l'Iraq? E qual'è la situazione italiana? Un'analisi in tre punti
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      Cyber TerrorismItalyForeign FightersIslamic Terrorism and the Media
As Turkey represents the main problem, circles related to an apostate Freemasonic lodge joined forces in an unprecedented support to Islamist extremist premier Erdogan, as they attempt to instrumentalize him against the military,... more
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      HistorySociologySecular HumanismSocial Sciences
Modern Arabic: French fabrication of a fake language to de-personify, de-valorize, radicalize and barbarize Through the creation of a fake modern Arabic language , the French prevented a genuine Nation building in the area, ensured that... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesInternational Relations
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      Media StudiesTerrorismInternational TerrorismInternational Security
As computer-assisted research of voluminous datasets becomes more pervasive, so does the criticism of its epistemological, methodological and ethical/normative inadequacies. This paper proposes a hybrid approach that combines the scale of... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesMedia Sociology
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      Islamic Terrorism and the MediaIslamic Terrorism
The US failed to grasp that a main pillar of the colonial plan carried out by France and England in the Middle East is the extermination of the Oriental Christians. Only an Aramaean state built upon the ashes of Iraq and Syria can allow... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesInternational Relations
The reason for the Western biases against the modern, western, and democratic part of the Turkish establishment is to be found in the strengths of Turkey, a vast country with great periphery (from the Balkans to Central Asia and from the... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryEuropean StudiesInternational Relations
In an earlier article, we analyzed that the so-called 'Islamic' headscarf is not 'Islamic' but Islamist; we criticized the deliberate Western misinformation on which the disastrous misconception is based that there can eventually be a... more
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      HistoryEconomicsInternational RelationsDrugs And Addiction
Meanwhile, one must manage to avoid traps that only help the terrorists continue their evildoing, because precisely these traps mislead the Western statesmen, military headquarters, academia, mass media, and public opinion in their... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesTerrorismIslamic Philosophy
This paper - written for my students on the current discussions about the relationship between Islam and terrorism - argues that Islam must be seen as a religion of peace and nonviolence.
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    • Islamic Terrorism and the Media
Jama c tu Ahl-is-Sunnah lid-Da c wati wal Jihad popularly known as Boko-Haram and its splinter's faction The Islamic State of West African Province (ISWAP) were once famous around the world as the most famous deadliest terrorist group in... more
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      TerrorismContemporary Movements and Trends in IslamPolitical IslamIslam and terrorism
In this essay I argue that Muslims across the board have internalized the Western discourse of the need to reform as a type of self-surveillance and as a means of living and being in the world. I examine the transnational Islamic... more
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      Media StudiesDigital MediaIslamic StudiesIslamophobia
Drawing on Deleuzian models of film thinking, this paper turns its attention to chilling post-9/11 televisual news reports and journalistic documentaries covering terrorist events, to explore the extent to which the depiction of terrorism... more
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      Political Violence and TerrorismFilm and PhilosophyDocumentary FilmDeleuze & Cinema
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      International TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismWar on TerrorJournalism Studies
पुलवामा में शहीद पुलिस बल के जवानों का लहू, राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ/भाजपा शासकों से मांग रहा जवाब! अर्द्घसैन्य बलों के 40 जवानों का जनसंहार और अनेकों जवानों के घायल और अपंग होने के इस वीभत्स कांड से सभी भारतीय स्तब्ध हैं। इस जघन्य... more
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      TerrorismViolenceHuman RightsPolitical Violence and Terrorism
Tulisan ini hendak menunjukkan bukti-bukti kredibel mengenai rekayasa proyek sekuritisasi Islam (War on Terrorism) yang dikerjakan oleh pelbagai negara adikuasa, terutama Amerika Serikat, untuk kepentingan politik kekuasaan global dan... more
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      War on TerrorIslam and terrorismJihadism and Radical IslamismIslamic Terrorism and the Media
The attacks of international terror on Istanbul, Madrid, London, and Sharm al-Sheikh, among others, targeted synagogues, consulates, and financial institutions as well as international travellers and innocent people in metro stations. As... more
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      GlobalizationTerrorismViolenceInternational Terrorism