Jafar Panahi
Recent papers in Jafar Panahi
This introduction to my book, Jafar Panahi: Interviews (ed. Todd, Uni Press of Mississippi, 2019), provides a critical overview of second-wave Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi's life and filmmaking career. In it I address certain tendencies... more
Iranian filmmakers have long been recognised for creating a vibrant, aesthetically rich cinema whilst working under strict state censorship regulations. As Michelle Langford reveals, many have found indirect, allegorical ways of... more
Under repressive regimes, wherein overt social, political and/or religious criticism is censored, filmmakers rely on symbolism to express resistance. This essay analyses and compares two Middle Eastern films which both use vehicles and... more
This paper attempts to understand the role of children in Iranian cinema in two films; The Runner by Amir Naderi and The white Balloon by Jafar Panahi.
In post-revolutionary Iran, cinema has long been a site of contestation between the Islamic government and filmmakers attempting to resist socio-political and religious censorship of film form and content. In the wake of the Iranian... more
This article, originally published in Screen in 2003, argues that the appeal of recent Iranian films to international audiences is due at least in part to their use of 'open', ambiguous, epiphanic images. In answer to concerns about the... more
This paper aims to investigate the role(s) of the draconian censorship laws imposed on post-revolutionary Iranian Cinema, which caused significant alterations in the aesthetic of Iranian Cinema since the 1980s onwards. These laws were... more
Quando si parla di sport e della risonanza che esso raggiunge a livello mediatico, non bisogna mai dimenticare che quest'ultima è un fattore dato dalla quantità di persone che si riuniscono dietro ad uno schermo per seguire un match... more
Doses de originalidade dão o tom nesta estreia em longa-metragem de Panah Panahi. Nem tanto como o filme se apresenta, mas a família na qual ele é centrado, cultiva um humor particular. O humor de Pegando a estrada (Jaddeh Khaki,... more
Politique du cinéma iranien De l’âyatollâh Khomeyni au président Khâtami , Éditions du CNRS, 2004 par Agnés Devictor L’auteur de ce livre examine tout d’abord le cinéma iranien parce qu’il n’y a pas assez travail à propos de ce cinéma... more
Esta pesquisa analisa os processos de realização do cineasta iraniano Jafar Panahi após a sentença judicial que, em 2010, o vetou, por um período de vinte anos, de realizar filmes, escrever roteiros, conceder entrevistas e sair do Irã.... more
Both Hana Makhmalbaf (in 'The Joy of Madness') and Jafar Panahi (in 'This is not a film') are implicitly gesturing to the idea of filmmaking as a politically reconfigurative activity. Yet, at the same time, both films seem explicitly to... more
İran Sineması örneklerinin festivaller aracılığıyla küresel kültürel iklimde ön plana çıkmasının tartışıldığı bu çalışmada anlatı ve ulusal sinemaların iki binli yıllardaki olası değişimi de merkezdedir.
Jafar Panahi’s Taxi takes a long route in Iran: from pre-modern to the post-modern era. But how does this route go?
A book on Iranian Cinema in Bengali
Des États-Unis à l'Argentine, de la Colombie à l'Iran, il n'est de cinématographie au monde qui ne fasse la part belle au voyage, que celui-ci représente un élément scénaristique ou la notion de franchissement des frontières... more
Iranian national cinema is showing the scars of artistic persecution. The aesthetic landscape of this national cinema has become one of stark confines – both in its thematic allowances and its aesthetic possibilities. However, these... more
Yasaklı yönetmen Panahi, hırsızlık, politik baskı ve taksi sürücüsü kılığındaki kendisine dair bir film yapar. Meydana çıkan Taksi, modern özneyi evvelce uğurlamış, cüzi iradesiyle meydan/ı okuyan yönetmenin ellerinde yol alır.
Panahi’s This is Not a Film (2010) is an urgent appeal for sight upon a helpless situation, an effort to confront and disrupt the Iranian state’s decree upon his movement and vocation. However, confined to the absurd situation of... more