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In the composition of his poetry, John Donne subverted the traditional rhetorical conventions which dictated the order of presentation of textual contents in both literary and non-literary discourse. Much of Donne's poetry is based... more
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      John DonneRenaissance Lyric PoetrySuspense
Commentary of two poems-epistles where Donne is related to Thomas Nashe as the enemy of Gabriel Harvey, in confirmation of DINS theory as stated in Ver, begin (2015) and Sex & Fun in The Faerie Queene (2019).
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      ShakespeareElizabethan LiteratureJohn DonneEdmund Spenser
O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar dados relevantes acerca da vida do poeta inglês John Donne (1572-1631), bem como relacioná- los com sua obra. Apresenta-se então a obra do poeta desde as Sátiras, obra da juventude, até os... more
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      John DonneMetaphysical poetryLiteratura inglesaPoesía inglesa
Available at: https://www.mackseyjournal.org/publications/vol1/iss1/9 A corpus can mean both a human body and a body of writing, depending on how the reader encounters the word. The act of interpreting both kinds of corpora is, for many... more
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      English LiteratureTheologyLiteraturePoetry
A paper discussing the differing opinions on what denotes a piece of writing as being "literary", from a New Criticism perspective and that of reader-response theory. John Donne's 'Holy Sonnet XIV' and B. S. Johnson's 'A Few Selected... more
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      English LiteratureLiterary CriticismEnglish languageLiterary Theory
The imprint imagery is one of the most salient characters of Donne's poems; the paper explores the types and implications of the imagery not only in his poems, but also in his religious writings, to show that the imagery itself comes from... more
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      John DonnePoems AnalysisPoetic imagery
An essay on 'Song.' and 'The Undertaking', from the perspectives of quest undertaking, sexism and virtue.
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      English LiteraturePoetryRenaissance literatureJohn Donne
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      Rhetorical TheoryJohn DonneIndeterminacyEnargeia
An essay for undergraduates and nonacademics looking at the Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth through the figurative lenses of Steven Pinker's THE BETTER ANGELS OF OUR NATURE: WHY VIOLENCE HAS DECLINED (over human history) and "Kilgore... more
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      Early ChristianityPolitical Violence and TerrorismJewish HistoryTorture
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      SubjectivitiesIntersubjectivityDevotional PoetryEnglish Renaissance Literature
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      CartographyHeterotopiaUtopian StudiesEarly Modern Literature
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      Renaissance StudiesEarly Modern LiteratureJohn DonneMetaphysical poetry
Embora o poeta inglês John Donne (1572-1631) seja mais conhecido como poeta erótico do que como poeta religioso, a maior parte de sua obra é composta por escritos religiosos, tanto em prosa quanto em verso. No entanto, para compreender a... more
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      English LiteratureJohn DonneMetaphysical poetryLiteratura inglesa
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      Comparative LiteratureLiteratureJohn DonneReader-Response Theory
The full text is available here http://kata.petra.ac.id/index.php/ing/article/view/18847 Death has always permeated human’s thoughts at all levels. This preoccupation with death is manifested in the realm of literature. John Donne is... more
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      BuddhismHinduismComparative LiteratureMythology
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      John DonnePhilosophical PoetryMetaphysical poetryDavid Bowie
Книга посвящена исследованимю отношений английской живописи второй половины XVI – начала XVII в. и английской культуры как сложного целого. Восприятие культуры времен королевы Елизаветы I и короля Иакова IV требует внимания к самому духу... more
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      History of IdeasAlchemyElizabethan LiteratureJohn Donne
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      Philip K DickScience FictionJohn DonneDo Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
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      John DonneSeventeenth Century English Literature
This paper argues that the recent trend in early modern studies occasionally referred to as the “new humoralism”, which lays heavy emphasis on the physiological and humoral significance of the emotions in seventeenth-century Renaissance... more
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      EmotionEarly Modern HistoryHistory of ChristianityRenaissance Studies
Обращаясь к различным элегическим традициям, Бродский использовал их достижения в той мере, в которой они ему были необходимы, чтобы выразить глубоко личное содержание.
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      PoetryJohann Wolfgang von GoetheOvidJohn Donne
“Seeing the Invisible Under the Microscope: Natural Philosophy and John Donne’s Flea” considers the mythological, poetic, and conceptual categories that influenced what the natural philosopher ostensibly “saw” under the lens. I argue that... more
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      History of ScienceRobert HookeJohn DonneMargaret Cavendish
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    • John Donne
Traducción y edición española de THE FAERIE QUEENE de John Donne con el pseudónimo "Edmund Spenser".
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      Elizabethan LiteratureJohn DonneEdmund SpenserJohn Donne, Metaphysical Poetry
Traducción y edición españolas del poema de John Donne THE FAERIE QUEENE publicado con el pseudónimo "Edmund Spenser".
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      Elizabethan LiteratureJohn DonneEdmund SpenserLiteratura
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      John DonneStructural AnalysisAbstractCritical Appreciation of Poems
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      Translation StudiesJohn DonneAntoine Berman
Terzo Convegno Internazione di Studi Vaniniani.

Giulio Cesare Vanini: filosofia della libertà e libertà del filosofare.

Lecce-Taurisano, 7-9 febbraio 2019
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      ShakespeareJohn DonneMachiavelliChristopher Marlowe
One of the most intriguing studies of John Donne's poetry ever published was a book issued in 1967 by N. J. C. Andreasen. Titled John Donne: Conservative Revolutionary, this work argued that Donne was in his morality a conservative... more
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      John DonneSatire & IronyRenaissance Lyric PoetryIrony
With Thomas Aquinas (and even more properly, Dante) as the "writer" of this book (the tale of St. Francis and Lady Poverty), the romancier of this roman, the potential for vice in the role of go-between, "galeotto," is transformed into an... more
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      French LiteratureMedieval English LiteratureJane AustenDante
My goal when publishing Sex & Fun in The Faerie Queene was to offer the reader what the poem is all about, without all that metaphysical and allegorical makeup. The poem is about the Tudor succession, the Tudor dynasty and its... more
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      ShakespeareElizabethan LiteratureJohn DonneEdmund Spenser
Traducción y edición españolas del poema de John Donne THE FAERIE QUEENE publicado con el pseudónimo "Edmund Spenser".
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      Elizabethan LiteratureJohn DonneEdmund SpenserLiteratura
In this paper, I have compared the historical contexts, themes and content of the two said poems and later, I have briefly compared Rich's poem with Paulo Coelho's 'Adultery',
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      FeminismJohn DonnePaulo CoelhoAdrienne Rich
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      English LiteratureLiteraturePoetryJohn Donne
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      MetaphorJohn DonneSimileMetaphysical poetry
Bu araştırmada Metafizik Şairi John Donne’ye ait şiirlerdeki benzetme unsurlarının bir bölümü Klasik Türk Edebiyatı’na ait şiirlerde kullanılan benzetme ögeleriyle karşılaştırılmıştır. Karşılaştırma için John Donne’nin kullandığı... more
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      John DonneMetaphysical poetryClassical Turkish LiteratureMetafizik Şiir
The paper attempts a comparative study of John Donne " s poems " A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning " and " A Valediction: Of Weeping " through an analysis of the metaphysical conceits, images and predominant themes in the poems.
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      British LiteratureJohn DonneMetaphysical poetryJohn Donne, Metaphysical Poetry
John Donne is a glorious forerunner of metaphysical poetry. Metaphysical poetry without Donne becomes misnomer. It is a special branch of intellect and emotion in a harmonic manner. Donne pioneered the style of metaphysical poetry by his... more
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      SpiritualityJohn DonneMetaphysical poetryPhilosophy of Love and Sex
Una obra de traducción de los Sonetos Sacros de John Donne enmarcada en una narrativa ficticia sobre su traductor, su vida y su muerte en extrañas circunstancias, todo ello relatado por un académico prestigioso. La presencia de Nabokov en... more
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      John DonneSonetos
The aim of the B. A. thesis called “The poetry of John Donne: T.S.Eliot as Critic and Poet” is to analyse Eliot’s view of John Donne in relation to his own poetry and critical work. This is also reflected in the structure of the paper.... more
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      English LiteratureLiteraturePoetryLiterary Criticism
Brief Notes on T. S. Eliot’s Metaphysical Poets
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      MetaphysicsJohn DonneAndrew MarvellThomas. Stearns Eliot
Целта на овој труд е да се разработат идеите и концептите со кои Џон Дан се служел во неговата поезија. Секако дека е тешко да се посочи на една конечна целина од карактеристики присутни во неговото творештво, но сепак веруваме дека... more
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      PoetryJohn DonneMetaphysical poetryRennaisance Literature
Ver, begin by Ricardo Mena will be recognized as a milestone on the path toward understanding the Elizabethan age and the phenomenon of “Shakespeare” … Here is the most complete, most in-depth rendering to date of the biographical and... more
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      ShakespeareJohn LylyShakespearean DramaShakespeare Authorship
The Faerie Queene was written by John Donne with the pseudonym "Edmund Spenser" (as stated in Ver, begin, 2015). In this new work I offer a synthesis of DINS theory and a review of this epic poem in a burlesque style, rather Nashe-like.... more
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      ShakespeareJohn LylyElizabethan LiteratureJohn Donne
This essay covers several different forms of love presented in John Donne's poetry.
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      MetaphysicsEnglish LiteratureLiteraturePoetry