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Dalam ilmu komunikasi, penelitian terhadap fenomena-fenomena atau realitas komunikasi terus mengalami perkembangan dari masa ke masa sehingga melahirkan tradisi-tradisi komunikasi yang unik. Menurut Craig—seorang profesor komunikasi... more
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      FenomenologiRetorikaSemiotikaIlmu Komunikasi
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      Zakat ProduktifHidup SehatBerpikir PositifKritis
Sebagai layaknya buku ber-genre ilmiah, buku ini terbahas dengan sistematika yang apik dan basis teori yang kokoh.  Diawali dari bagian Pengantar yang membahas situsi krisis kehidupan (lingkungan) yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan... more
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    • Kritis
The aim of this research is to describe the role of Perum Perhutani in tenurial conflict resolution in the forest area of Perum Perhutani Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan (KPH) Semarang, especially in Resort Pemangkuan Hutan Ringinpitu Bagian... more
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    • Kritis
This article traces what is known as adatrechtpolitiek within the contexts of social unrest among the natives inspired by Islam. Adat is a form of identity politics from above and cannot be isolated from the colonial policy to contain the... more
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      Political ScienceInsurgencyKritis
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Indonesian Otonomi Daerah or Desentralization policy had been dilemmatic and problematic when social control of society and supra-structure of the local government (supra-district) are weak and not effective. Beside exploitative and... more
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    • Kritis
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    • Kritis
Communication is a process of transmitting messages from sources to recipients through various channels. While the purpose of human communication is to share experience and knowledge, delivered in the language of signals, words, writing,... more
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    • Kritis
Indonesia has been establishing tourism as the leading industry sector because it's 22,4% growth in 2019. The establishment of the tourism sector as the leading industry sector must be supported by good development and management. To... more
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      Universitas Kristen Satya WacanaKritis
The research objective that is, identifying character patterns, understanding behavior, and examines the relationship between the characteristics and behavior of institutions that support youth organization enhancement of Agricultural... more
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The objective of the research is to compare the local financial performance before and after the implementation of regional autonomy. To measure the regional economic growth, three variables – growth of own revenue (PAD), share of PAD and... more
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Indonesian Otonomi Daerah or Desentralization policy had been dilemmatic and problematic when social control of society and supra-structure of the local government (supra-district) are weak and not effective. Beside exploitative and... more
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    • Kritis
Abstrak perawat berperan penting dalam merawat pasien kritis atau yang berada di lingkungan keperawatan kritis dengan penyakit tertentu atau tindakan yang menimbulkan gagal fungsi. asuhan keperawatan kritis dilakukan dengan metode ilmiah... more
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<jats:p>This paper aims at tracing the negotiation process between self-identity and institutional image of the church among Javanese Christian women, and makes use of a short biography as a narrative. It based on such a biography... more
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      Universitas Kristen Satya WacanaKritis
Selama ini belum adanya survei (BPS) Badan Pusat Statistik di Kabupaten Sumba Barat terkait data kekuatan otot tangan petani. Tujuan penelitian ini berupa masukan kepada BPS terkait informasi data klinis kekuatan otot petani di Kabupaten... more
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    • Kritis
This study aims to describe and analyze the charcteristics of poverty that are faced by Sasur’s people in Sahu district, West Halmahera. The method used is qualitative descriptive with sample data from 188 families. The results showed... more
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    • Kritis
Flourishing is a subjective experience when positive emotion, engagement, positive relationships, meaning and accomplishment combine effectively (Seligman, 2011). Previous research found that engagement is not related to artistic activity... more
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    • Kritis
Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow (2016) merupakan satu dari trilogi Sapiens karya sejarawan berkebangsaan Israel, Yuval Noah Harari, professor Sejarah di the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Karena ketiga karya tersebut saling... more
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    • Kritis
The aim of this research is to describe the role of Perum Perhutani in tenurial conflict resolution in the forest area of Perum Perhutani Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan (KPH) Semarang, especially in Resort Pemangkuan Hutan Ringinpitu Bagian... more
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    • Kritis
in: Medizin 4.0 – Zur Zukunft der Medizin in der digitalisierten Welt, Veröffentlichungen der Hanns Martin Schleyer-Stiftung, Band 88, 2017, S. 191 ff.
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Eine Zusammenfassung der nationalen und europäischen Rahmenbedingungen zur IT-Sicherheit insbesondere von Kritischen Infrastrukturen, wie sie sich nach dem IT-SiG sowie gem. der noch im Gesetzgebungsverfahren befindlichen NIS-RL der EU... more
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      KritisKritische InfrastrukturIT-SicherheitsgesetzKatalog der Bundesnetzagentur