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What can philosophers today learn from the psychosomatic practice of Zen Buddhism? How does Zen challenge the methodology of our cerebral practice of philosophy? In order to address these questions, this essay examines one of the major... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionComparative PhilosophyJapanese PhilosophyPhenomenology
Amidst ongoing attempts to think beyond Western frameworks for education, there is a tendency to overlook Japan, perhaps because it appears highly modern. This is striking given that some prominent strands of Japanese philosophy have... more
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      EducationJapanese PhilosophyPhilosophy of EducationComparative & International Education
Résumé: Fruit du colloque "Spiritualité japonaise - Perceptions et représentations, entre tradition et occidentalisation" organisé par les Universités Libre de Bruxelles et Catholique de Louvain, cet ouvrage propose des recherches en... more
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      Japanese StudiesPhilosophy Of ReligionJapanese Language And CultureJapanese Religions
A translation of Miki's short writing entitled "Tetsugaku-no nai Nihon"「哲学のない日本」. This is a work in progress. If you have any criticisms, suggestions, questions, etc., please contact the translator. Special thanks to Cody Staton (KU... more
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      Japanese StudiesComparative LiteratureComparative PhilosophyJapanese Philosophy
This is a Chinese translation of my essay, "Nishitani Keiji: Nihilism, Buddhism, Anontology," forthcoming as a chapter in English in Gereon Kopf (ed.), 'The Dao Companion to Japanese Buddhist Philosophy,' NYC: Springer Pub. (2019)
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      Comparative PhilosophyBuddhist PhilosophyJapanese PhilosophyJapanese Buddhism
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      Japanese PhilosophyNishida KitarōKyoto SchoolKyoto School philosophy
In the second volume of Rinrigaku, Watsuji Tetsurō focuses on developing his notion of betweenness (aidagara 間柄) through the ethical organisations (jinrinteki soshiki 人倫的組織) of family, local community, economics, cultural community, and... more
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      Japanese StudiesEthicsJapanese PhilosophyAristotle
Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason demonstrates that it is impossible to have knowledge of the thing in itself by means of either concepts or intuitions. The great student of Nishida Kitarō and Martin Heidegger, Japanese philosopher, Keiji... more
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      Comparative PhilosophyJapanese Philosophy18th Century PhilosophyImmanuel Kant
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      Japanese PhilosophyZen BuddhismKyoto SchoolMeister Eckhart
Nishida’s and Merleau-Ponty’s “perceptual ontologies” lead to other notions of self, spirituality, and faith, bringing out the distinctive and comparable religious paths of Buddhism and embodied phenomenology entered by deepening the... more
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      BuddhismAestheticsJapanese PhilosophyPhenomenology
Arthouse Tacheles, Kyoto School and Chaos Theory ... Presented at the conference Indeterminate Futures / The Future of Indeterminacy, University of Dundee (UK), 13 – 15 November 2020; published 2 November 2021:... more
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      Complexity TheoryMetaphysics of TimeChaos TheoryDialectic
This was a presentation made during a panel on the Heart Sūtra at the Group Meeting for the Society of Asian and Comparative Philosophy, at The American Academy of Religion Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, November 2009.
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      BuddhismBuddhist PhilosophyJapanese PhilosophyZen Buddhism
京都学派の哲学者たちは、後の現象学的身体論を先取りするような身体観を提示した。本稿は、こうした京都学派の身体論の生成と展開を西田幾多郎や田辺元のテキストに沿って内在的に読解しながら、その本来の近代認識論批判の立場(日本的「身体論」)が文化本質主義的イデオロギー(「日本的身体」論)へと転じる機制を明らかにした。そのうえで、20世紀後半になって古典芸能の身体性や世阿弥の能楽論を安易に「日本文化」に還元して解釈する「日本的身体」論が横行する言説状況が到来したことを批判した。... more
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      Japanese PhilosophyNohPhenomenology of the bodyBody in Performance
In reply to critics who summarily dismiss Nishida's philosophy as weakened on the historical front by excessive attention to the mind and interiority, in this essay I provide textual proof of a major shift in Nishida's late work based on... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyJapanese PhilosophyPraxisThe Body
Recent Japanese Language Publications on the Philosophy of Nishida Kitarō.
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      Japanese StudiesPhilosophy Of ReligionComparative PhilosophyJapanese Buddhism
Published in video format, together with an accompanying Guidebook (217 pgs) and optional Book Transcript (534 pgs), as part of The Teaching Company's Great Courses series. Also published as an audiobook by Amazon's Audible. The... more
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      Comparative ReligionChinese PhilosophyComparative PhilosophyBuddhist Philosophy
Artık günümüzde, doğayı bilinçsizce kullanma anlayışı geçerliliğini yitirmiş, yeni ve çok boyutlu bir yaklaşım başlamıştır. İnsanı ve yaşadığı çevreyi yeni baştan gözden geçirip, yeni bir zihniyet ve hayat tarzı geliştirmek zorunlu hale... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental StudiesEnergy and EnvironmentKyoto School
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      PsychotherapyZen BuddhismHistory Of Madness And PsychiatryNishida Kitarō
In this presentation I discuss how the Greek concept of chōra inspired two major philosophers of East and West in the early twentieth century: Nishida Kitarō in his development of the concept of place (basho) and Martin Heidegger in his... more
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      Comparative PhilosophySpace and PlacePhenomenologyMartin Heidegger
This is a partial translation of Kuki Shūzō's "Gūzensei-no mondai" 偶然性の問題 (1935). This translation is a work in progress and if you have any suggestions, criticisms, questions, etc., please feel free to contact the translator. Special... more
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      Probability TheoryJapanese StudiesMetaphysicsJapanese Philosophy
Dans Amour de soi, amour de l'autre et dialectique et Je et tu, Nishida Kitarō interroge l'amour en son sens et, à cette occasion, pense à nouveaux frais la nature et l'identité du soi ainsi que la relation d'altérité. Le soi, en tant... more
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      Comparative PhilosophyAugustine of HippoNishida KitarōKyoto School
An English translation of Miki Kiyoshi's "Katarare-zaru Tetsugaku" 語られざる哲学 (1919). A page break is indicated with two vertical lines (||) and a paragraph change, inserted by the translator, is indicated with a single vertical line (|).... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese PhilosophyPhilosophy in JapanKyoto School
Nishitani is a 20 th century Japanese philosopher of religion associated with the Kyoto School. He is best known for his articulation of a philosophy of Zen Buddhism that aims to "overcome nihilism by way of passing through nihilism." He... more
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      Japanese PhilosophyZen BuddhismKyoto School
This book, made in Kyoto, includes 21 papers relating architecture to phenomenology, and vice-versa. The philosophies of Husserl, Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty are revisited and experienced through a large array of architectural... more
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      Japanese StudiesPhilosophyDesignJapanese Philosophy
Two major philosophers from the first half of twentieth century for whom the nothing is a significant ontological issue are Nishida Kitarō and Martin Heidegger. Nishida's basic concept is the absolute nothing (zettai mu) upon which the... more
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      Comparative PhilosophyJapanese PhilosophyPhenomenologyContinental Philosophy
Nisokuhokō no tetsugakusha-tachi [Bipedal Philosophers]. Tokyo: University of Tokyo, 2020. 65 pages. This small book is based on an interview and dialogue with Nakajima Takahiro which was conducted in Japanese on December 19, 2019 at... more
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      Comparative PhilosophyJapanese PhilosophyMartin HeideggerKyoto School
The essay develops the notion of a critical philosophy that is aware and critical of its own standpoint.
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      Japanese StudiesPhilosophyComparative PhilosophyDeconstruction
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      Chinese PhilosophyComparative PhilosophySoutheast Asian StudiesIndian Philosophy
The Philosophy of the Kyoto School (2018) is translated into English by Robert Chapeskie and revised by John W. M. Krummel. It introduces the reader to the works of (some of) the members of the Kyoto School. The general structure of the... more
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      MetaphysicsJapanese PhilosophyMarxismZen Buddhism
Note: this is an accepted journal paper expected to be published in Dec 2020. For the quotation please follow the format of Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies: Tam, Andrew Ka Pok, 'On the Relation between Watsuji’s Ningen Rinrigaku and... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyJapanese PhilosophyKyoto SchoolWatsuji Tetsurō
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    • Kyoto School
This paper explores how the concept of Absolute Nothingness as developed in the thought of three key Kyoto School thinkers Nishida Kitarō, Tanabe Hajime and Nishitani Keiji has influenced the practice of sound art. The paper examines the... more
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      ZenZen BuddhismFluxusNishida Kitarō
"George Derfer, Zhihe Wang and Michel Weber (eds.), The Roar of Awakening. A Whiteheadian Dialogue Between Western Psychotherapies and Eastern Worldviews, Frankfurt / Paris / Lancaster, ontos verlag, 2009. (251 p. ; ISBN:... more
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      BuddhismJainismPsychologyHuman Evolution
نیشیتانی کیجی، شاگرد نیشیدا و تانابه، یکی از مهم‌ترین فیلسوفان مکتب کیوتو ژاپن است. تفکرات نیشیتانی در تشکیل هویت ملی ژاپنی پس از جنگ جهانی دوم تأثیر بسیار زیادی بر ژاپنیان نهاد. مسأله‌ی نیهیلیسم، دین، فرهنگ و سیاست از مهم‌ترین موضوعات... more
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      Japanese StudiesPhilosophyJapanese PhilosophyKyoto School
In the late Middle Ages the philosopher and mystic Meister Eckhart preached that to know the truth you must be the truth. But how to be the truth? Eckhart’s answer comes in the form of an imperative: release yourself, let be. Only then... more
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      OntologyMedieval PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionPhenomenology
This essay examines the relationship between Nishida's foundational notion of absolute nothingness and the classical Buddhist idea of emptiness. I reflect on the possibilities and risks of using Buddhism as hermeneutic paradigm in... more
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      BuddhismBuddhist PhilosophyJapanese PhilosophyJapanese Religions
In this paper, I wish to consider Watsuji Tetsuro’s (1889–1960) concept of climate (fudo), and consider whether it contributes anything to the relationship between climate change and ethics. I will argue that superficially it seems that... more
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      EthicsClimate ChangeSpace and PlaceKyoto School
Kire – vale a dire l’azione del «tagliare via» e del «recidere» – costituisce per Ryōsuke Ōhashi una categoria estetica e insieme una pratica che permea trasversalmente l’arte giapponese, dall’architettura alla scultura, dalla poesia alla... more
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      Japanese StudiesAestheticsJapanese ReligionsJapanese Art
This book is meant to serve as an entry point for the English reader into the vast and profound ocean of East Asian philosophy. Focusing on China, it outlines the basic contours of the three major philosophical streams found in East Asia:... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyDaoismZen BuddhismKyoto School
In Nishitani's The Self-Overcoming of Nihilism, Nishitani explores, among other related topics, the history of the problem of Nihilism in the West. Conspicuously absent from Nishitani's historical analysis is the thought of Friedrich... more
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      Comparative PhilosophyJapanese PhilosophyGerman IdealismHegel
Japanese philosophy is now a flourishing field with thriving societies, journals, and conferences dedicated to it around the world, made possible by an ever-increasing library of translations, books, and articles. The Oxford Handbook of... more
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      BuddhismChinese PhilosophyComparative PhilosophyJapanese Philosophy
Tanabe Hajime’s 1946 _Philosophy as Metanoetics_ (Zangedō to shite no tetsugaku, 1946) is a bold and complicated text in which Tanabe reflects on his experiences during the last years of the Pacific War in order to rethink the project of... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyJapanese Philosophy
Nishida's philosophy of religion. This manuscript is the last-before-final draft (galleys).
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      ReligionBuddhismComparative ReligionJapanese Studies
The Kyoto School (Kyōto-gakuha) is a group of 20th century Japanese thinkers who developed original philosophies by creatively drawing on the intellectual and spiritual traditions of East Asia, those of Mahāyāna Buddhism in particular, as... more
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      Japanese PhilosophyNishida KitarōKyoto SchoolTanabe Hajime
In his seminal essay The Structure of Iki (「いき」の構造 ), Kuki Shūzō attempted a rigorous description of what he regarded as a highly specific phenomenon pertaining solely to Japanese culture. To consider the phenomenon called “iki” in all... more
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      PhenomenologyPhilosophy of ArtJapanese ArtMartin Heidegger
To what extent can pure experience be considered to be “devoid of meaning” (An Inquiry into the Good, trans. M. Abe, p. 8)? It is well known that Nishida elaborated his own concept of “pure experience” in reference to the way it appears... more
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlNishida KitarōKyoto School
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      Intercultural CommunicationComparative PhilosophyJapanese PhilosophyMartin Heidegger
This volume develops a response to the problem of personal identity based on Dōgen's and Nishida's conception of no-self/selflessness.
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      BuddhismComparative PhilosophyJapanese BuddhismZen Buddhism
This paper introduces a non-essentialist vision of multiculturalism. It recognizes that the presence of the third and the demand of the fourth are as important to understanding the no/self as the encounter with the other.
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      BuddhismPsychologyPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
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      PerceptionBuddhist PhilosophyJapanese PhilosophyPhenomenology